Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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Altra giornata interlocutoria per i nostri ellenici.
Oggi la commissione incaricata dalla Troika inizierà la sua periodica verifica sui conti di Atene mentre giovedì inizieranno i contatti dell'IIF con le banche in vista dello swap che, nelle intenzioni, verrà fatto in agosto.
Per il resto nulla da segnalare se non pressioni sull'Italia in vista delle aste di oggi e domani sui BTP.

Grecia 1203 pb. (1202)
Irlanda 905 pb. (931)
Portogallo 881 pb. (877)
Spagna 324 pb. (328)
Italia 291 pb. (289)
Belgio 158 pb. (155)


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Bond swap set to start in August

Creditors will have a choice of paper: Some will have lower coupon while others will entail a loss of principal
Procedures for a voluntary swap of privately held Greek government bonds for longer maturity paper will start in August, Alternate Finance Minister Filippos Sachinidis said on Tuesday.
Greece’s private sector creditors will take a 21 percent loss on their bond holdings as part of a 37-billion-euro contribution to a rescue plan for the debt-stricken country, agreed at a euro zone summit last week.
In the coming days, in collaboration with the [International Institute of Finance, or IIF], talks outlining the exact procedure that will be followed so that holders of Greek government bonds choose one of four options and proceed to a debt swap,” Sachinidis told Mega TV. “This procedure will start in August,” he said.
The IIF has estimated a take-up rate of about 90 percent for the voluntary program, which gives banks the option of swapping Greek debt for new bonds with maturities of up to 30 years.
Officials want to conduct the voluntary bond swap quickly to minimize the period during which Greece is expected to be in partial default. “The goal is for this [bond swap] to last as short a time as possible,” Sachinidis said. “It appears that we will manage to secure a satisfactory participation to proceed with the exchange.”
The creditors will have a choice of bonds: Some will come with a lower coupon but will preserve investors’ principal; others entail a loss of principal but will earn more interest.
However, the new bonds will also come with a guarantee on the principal, though not on the interest, according to Sachinidis. Of the 109-billion-euro package, 35 billion will be used to buy collateral that serves as insurance on the bonds newly issued in the exchange.
The IIF, an industry trade group that lobbies for banks and financial institutions, estimates that half of the 135-billion-euro exchanged will be for new bonds with a 20 percent discount; in other words, 13.5 billion euros will be sliced off Greece’s debt load. That debt reduction, combined with the extension in Greece’s debt maturity as a result of the swap, will greatly reduce the country’s immediate financing needs for the next 10 years.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 (20:16)


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Crisi:Moody's taglia rating Cipro a Baa1

Da A2, outlook ora e' negativo

27 luglio, 08:26

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Moody's ha tagliato il rating di Cipro di due livelli da A2 a Baa1. L'outlook ora e' negativo.

L'agenzia ha giustificato la propria decisione citando la debole posizione dei conti pubblici, il clima politico frazionato e l'esposizione del Paese nei confronti della Grecia.

Sull'economia locale pesa la distruzione accidentale dell'impianto elettrico di Vasilikos, ''che ha portato un sensibile peggioramento della posizione economica di Cipro nel medio termine'', si legge in una nota.


Crisi:Moody's taglia rating Cipro a Baa1

Da A2, outlook ora e' negativo

27 luglio, 08:26

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Moody's ha tagliato il rating di Cipro di due livelli da A2 a Baa1. L'outlook ora e' negativo.

L'agenzia ha giustificato la propria decisione citando la debole posizione dei conti pubblici, il clima politico frazionato e l'esposizione del Paese nei confronti della Grecia.

Sull'economia locale pesa la distruzione accidentale dell'impianto elettrico di Vasilikos, ''che ha portato un sensibile peggioramento della posizione economica di Cipro nel medio termine'', si legge in una nota.

L'Agenzia è particolarmente attiva in Europa, ma ci sono scarse possibilità che venga candidata ad agenzia di rating Europea.


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S&P sees 2nd Greek debt haircut, new downgrade: report

NEW YORK | Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:00am EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A new and bigger restructuring of Greek debt is likely within the next two years, an official from credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's said on Tuesday, adding a further downgrade of Greece's sovereign debt rating was "pretty certain."
"The rating has a negative outlook, so we're pretty certain it's going to go lower because, of course, an actual debt restructuring is now on the table," David Beers, S&P's global head of sovereign ratings, told CNBC television.
Greece became the lowest-rated country in the world by Standard & Poor's, which downgraded it 8 notches June 13.
"We've also expressed the opinion before that we think that any near-term restructuring is probably not the end of the story. There may be another bigger restructuring down the road," Beers said in an interview.
Asked when the new restructuring might occur, Beers said: "That's partly in the hands of Greek politics. But it wouldn't surprise us if a second restructuring had to be looked at over the next couple of years."
Euro zone leaders last week agreed on a wide-ranging new rescue package for Greece that included a private sector bond swap by banks, insurers and other holders of Greek debt.
Creditors will take a 21 percent loss on their Greek bond holdings as part of a 37 billion-euro contribution over the next three years to aid the country.
Moody's cut Greece's credit rating on Monday by three notches to Ca, just one notch above default, to reflect the expected loss implied by the proposed debt exchanges.
Standard & Poor's and Fitch currently rate Greece CCC, broadly in line with Moody's rating.


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L'Agenzia è particolarmente attiva in Europa, ma ci sono scarse possibilità che venga candidata ad agenzia di rating Europea.

Farebbero meglio a guardarsi in caso loro ... UK crescita quasi a zero con deficit/PIL a livello della Grecia e USA con tutti i problemi che conosciamo.
Solo warning.
Mentre sull'eurozona si fa il processo alle intenzioni.
Adesso S&P non esclude che tra DUE ANNI la Grecia avrà bisogno di un'altra ristrutturazione... e neppure sanno come andrà questa ...
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