Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (30 lettori)

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Utente Senior
Con tutto quello che sta accadendo, a livello mondiale, la nostra Grecia sta uscendo dall'occhio del ciclone.
Ormai nessuno ne parla più e i prezzi dei GGB tengono (sia pure su livelli infimi).
Gli aiuti (i secondi) oramai sono sul tavolo.
Spero solo che i politici greci, non più nel mirino, non mollino la presa o non ricomincino col loro lassismo ....

invece da un altro punto di vista è peggio:
la scialuppa di quelli da salvare inizia ad essere troppo piena
se poi affonda tutta la nave, addio scialuppe

piuttosto se scendono ancora altri asset a me viene la tentazione di vendere un po' di grecia che non si è mossa per prendere altro, ma prima forse è meglio vedere l'adesione dei pvt di settembre
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Forumer storico
Tommy la borsa di Atene è la peggiore d'Europa. Ha perso la soglia dei 1.000 punti e segna un -6%. Di sicuro le altre borse non stanno brillando ma Atene ha bruciato tantissimo negli ultimi sei mesi. Che ne pensi?
Sto monitoranto l'etf grecia (ed i bancari italiani) che quota 2.35 in questo momento, ma attendo qualche evento importante prima di valutare un ingresso.

Oggi ho visto che la Borsa di Atene è affondata, nonostante la tenuta dei nostri GGB.
Dato il peso preponderante dei "finanziari" credo che oltre al peso della crisi globale, ad Atene pesa molto lo swap con perdite da iscrivere a bilancio dagli istituzionali detentori di GGB.


Forumer storico
Grecia: Borsa, bando su vendite allo scoperto per 2 mesi

Milano, 08 ago - La Grecia ha messo al bando per due mesi le vendite allo scoperto sui propri titoli azionari dopo che il mercato ha accusato una flessione del 6% scendendo per la prima volta in 14 anni sotto quota 1000 punti, esattamente a 998,24 punti. Per trovare un livello analogo bisogna risalire al gennaio del 1997. Circa mezz'ora dopo la chiusura del mercato, la Capital Market Commission ha annunciato di aver disposto il bando che e' effettivo da domani


Forumer storico
PM speaks to EU leaders about Greek loans and measures, including Eurobonds, to strengthen eurozone

As stock market in Europe and elsewhere continued to tumble Monday, Prime Minister George Papandreou spoke with top European officials, urging them to speed up the process to secure Greek funding for next month and beyond.

Papandreou, who had a telephone conversation with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy on Sunday, also spoke to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker Monday.

According to sources, the discussions focused on three key areas: the reforms being carried out by the government, further measures that the eurozone can take to bolster the single currency, and the current market volatility threatening the euro (which prompted the European Central Bank to declare it would buy Italian bonds).

Papandreou proposed that the eurozone adopt more convincing measures to calm markets. He suggested that the region should move more quickly to issue Eurobonds, to impose a financial transaction tax and to strengthen the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

Papandreou also urged the European leaders to ensure that there would be no complications in Greece receiving its next loan installment, which will amount to 8 billion euros and is due in September. It is likely that Athens will not receive this loan with the improved terms agreed in Brussels on July 21.

Government spokesman Ilias Mossialos stressed in a statement that the wider turbulence did not mean Greece could let up in its efforts to regain fiscal balance.

“The Greek problem will be solved when we collect more than we spend and create a primary budget surplus,” he said. “We need a productive and competitive public sector and an outward-looking economy that will help turn around the current model, where there are three times as many imports as exports.”

Papandreou met with Health Minister Andreas Loverdos on Monday to check on the progress of reforms in public healthcare, which are expected to deliver 1 billion euros in savings by the end of the year.

New Democracy’s economic affairs spokesman Notis Mitarakis said the latest developments were a vindication of the conservative party’s positions.

“Today, in Greece and abroad, they are slowly coming around to the positions of [party leader] Antonis Samaras,” he said, while also calling for Eurobonds to be issued.

ekathimerini.com , Monday August 8, 2011 (22:25)


Forumer storico
ATHEX index drops below 1,000 points

Panic on global markets following the emergence of the debt crisis in Italy -- along with the rest of the eurozone -- as well as the downgrading of the US economy by Standard & Poor's last Friday, sent Greek stocks spiraling lower on Monday, with the main index dropping below the 1,000-point milestone.

The Athens Exchange (ATHEX) general index ended at 998.24 points, declining by 6 percent from Friday’s closing figure of 1,062 points. The blue chip FTSE/ATHEX 20 index dropped 5.84 percent to end at 432.26 points.

After the end of the session yesterday, the Capital Market Commission was forced to resort to a ban on short selling until October 7.

"The governing board of the Commission, taking note of the extraordinary conditions in the Greek capital market, has decided to ban the short selling of stocks listed on the Athens Stock Exchange,» its statement read.

The markets were clearly not impressed by the pledges of the European Central Bank late on Sunday for a bond buyback program for Italy and Spain, with bourses across the continent registering losses in the wake of sliding Asian markets and preceding a steep decline at the opening of the New York Stock Exchange.

The decline on the Frankfurt bourse at around noon, owing to worries that the German economy may be stretched to its limits due to all the loans it has been funding, and rumors about a reduced contribution by the International Monetary Fund to the second Greek bailout package, sent stocks in Athens into free fall.

As a result, the 11th consecutive session of losses for Greece’s benchmark stock index saw it slip below the key level of 1,000 points for the first time in the last 15 years, with several prominent blue chips posting historic lows.

OTE led the drop with losses of 10.85 percent, followed by OPAP (down 8.89 percent) and Hellenic Postbank (8.70 percent). The only blue chip to post gains was Duty Free Shops (up 2.17 percent).

In total, 24 stocks moved up, 137 went down and 27 remained unchanged.

Turnover came to 84.2 million euros, down from 87.8 million on Friday.

ekathimerini.com , Monday August 8, 2011 (18:48)


Ieri ci sono stati acquisti sulla maggio 2012.
Rimbalzi mattutini del MIB che si impenna quando la BCE compra le nostre banche e TdS.
Appena smette si riscende, la strada è comunque in discesa: sia a livello UE che dei singoli c'è un sacco di strada da fare.
Nikkei perde, gli USA hanno chiuso a cazz0.

-Soluzione USA
-UE più forte politico/economicamente
-Crescita del PIIGS (no più tasse, più tasse e più crescita, la seconda + importante della prima)

E ci vogliono anni, mica giorni.

Buoni bagni a tutti.
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Valar dohaeris
Tuttavia, scusate, con le buone notizie di paracadute BCE sui debiti sovrani... possibile che i book di titoli come il GRECIA 4,3% 09-12 siano così miseramente miseri?? Contratti ZERO

1 1.000 82,74 82,74 101.000 1
1 1.000 79,25 82,75 10.000 1
1 7.000 79,24 - - -
1 5.000 79,1 - -

Fra l'altro, la prima posizione con denaro = lettera che vuol dire???

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