Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Ma Perchè la finlandia non si è tirata fuori il 21 luglio se non voleva prestare alla grecia?Io trovo ridicolo che un paese che conta l'1% possa causare questi casini.

In realtà gli accordi del 21 luglio prevedevano richieste "atipiche" sui prestiti bilaterali proprio per far digerire ai finlandesi il pacchetto sulla Grecia.
Tutto questo clamore sembra quasi creato ad arte.
Non se ne farà nulla o troveranno qualche escamotage tecnico.


In realtà gli accordi del 21 luglio prevedevano richieste "atipiche" sui prestiti bilaterali proprio per far digerire ai finlandesi il pacchetto sulla Grecia.
Tutto questo clamore sembra quasi creato ad arte.
Non se ne farà nulla o troveranno qualche escamotage tecnico.

Anche a me sembra una cosa esagerata,ma sti di fatto che i titoli crollano:rolleyes:


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Non aspettano altro .
Finora il governo greco era stato (quasi) perfetto nella conduzione "politica" della crisi.

A me il ciccione (Venizelos) non è mai piaciuto (troppo sicuro di sè). Ma questa scivolata non è colpa sua.

Non sarà colpa sua, ma la responsabilità gli cade addosso.
I veri imputati sono i finlandesi che insistono oltre ogni ragionevolezza.


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Anche a me sembra una cosa esagerata,ma sti di fatto che i titoli crollano:rolleyes:

Le previsioni sul PIL non sono buone, aggiungi il livello di disoccupazione che insiste nell'avvitamento recessivo e la Finlandia non resta altro che la classica ciliegina sulla torta.
Ad ogni modo i dati dell'export rimangono positivi, sulla tranche di settembre non ci dovrebbero essere problemi e lo swap è alle porte insieme al varo del "secondo pacchetto Grecia".


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FinMin Venizelos Met Greek Entrepreneurs

The criticism by Greek entrepreneurs towards the government is indulgent, as it could be stricter said FinMin Evangelos Venizelos at a meeting with representatives of financial, banking and business industry on Tuesday, adding that the government is handling a state of emergency.

“We put in order many issues simultaneously. It is a very critical quarter, therefore there is need for patience and sense of collegiality”, concluded the minister.

He appeared confident that –with the help of the country’s productive actors-, Greece would emerge from the outbreak of the crisis within the next three years.

The event, organized by EFG Eurobank and the Athens Exchange ahead of the next road show in early September in London, was an initiative of businessman Evangelos Mytilineos and Eurobank’s deputy chief executive Nikos Karamouzis.

Among others, the event was attended by E. Mytilineos (mytilineos Group), G.Peristeris (GEKTERNA), A. Kallitsantsis (Ellaktor) D. Daskalopoulos (Greek Federation of Enterprises), K. Antonopoulos (Intralot), A. Petalas (Fourlis), K. Rozakis (Sarantis), B . Rogakos and N. Polymenakos (OPAP).

M.Masourakis, senior director at Alpha Bank, asked the minister whether the objective of deficit decreasing at 7.5% is achievable. E.Venizelos replied that the target still stands, adding that a common framework would be prepared at the meetings with the troika.

Regarding the important issue of “frozen” large construction projects, Venizelos revealed that it is matter of time before an amending agreement is tabled in the parliament to unblock the projects. As for the state debts to companies, raised by G.Peristeris (GEKTERNA), the minister stressed that the activation of EFSF and the participation of private investors will have a positive impact on the settlement of outstanding debt.

Ellaktor’s Kallitsantsis raised the issue of an excise duty on natural gas, with Venizelos promising to review the measure.



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Blackrock’s Confidential Memos To Greek Banks

Blackrock will not audit the loans of the subsidiaries of Greek banks abroad, according to confidential memos the firm sent to the banks.

Banking sources told Capital.gr that Blackrock assures Greek bankers that the audit of portfolios would be conducted solely for loans domestically under the understanding that the Greek case differs from the Irish one. Moreover, it notices that the audit on loan portfolios of large banks will be held until September 15, while the audit of small banks will complete during the two last weeks of September.

The fact that Blackrock takes control and recognizes the diversity of Greek and Irish case has been partly reassuring for Greek banks. However, they are still concerned about how would the firm deal with the large amount of refinancing loans, which are largely uncovered by corresponding provisions.

Moreover, bankers estimate that the risk does not lie on standard loans (mortgages, consumer loans), where the audit would be based on sampling, but mainly on corporate loans, which Blackrock is expected to scan thoroughly. Questions also rise about how the firm will address the collaterals for banks’ loans.

Despite common assumption that Blackrock would be strict towards Greek portfolios, bankers believe that the firm may apply milder criteria than those applied on Irish banks.

This probability is based on the fact that due to lower degree of leverage, Greek banks’ lending was much more balanced compared to Irish banks

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