Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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se va a 70 (francamente spero di no, per gli amici) prendo un cippino piccolo piccolo sulla 2012

se non fossi gia'dentro sulla agosto 2012 prenderei la 4%2013 in otc , si paga 57 circa, poco rateo e prezzo di carico ragionevole anche in caso di worst scenario , grande upside se le cose vanno come programma

prezzo operativo 56,75
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La Finlandia intralcia il salvataggio di Atene

(Teleborsa) - Roma, 24 ago - Le cose si complicano per la Grecia, con il varo del secondo piano di aiuti in forse per colpa della Finlandia.
Il primo ministro finlandese, Jyrki Katainen, ha annunciato che Helsinki parteciperà al salvataggio del paese ellenico solo se verranno concesse da Atene garanzie aggiuntive ai prestiti finlandesi, in modo che se la Grecia non dovesse rispettare il programma di risanamento dei conti pubblici la Finlandia potrà riavere indietro il denaro prestatole.
Tale mossa sembra piacere anche a Olanda, Slovenia, Slovacchia, Estonia e Austria mentre la Germania si dichiara contraria, esortando a tirar fuori un forte spirito di solidarietà tra i paesi membri dell'area euro.

La notizia sta facendo tremare la Grecia e così il ministro delle Finanze greco Evangelos Venizelos ha invocato l'aiuto del presidente dell'Eurogruppo Jean-Claude Juncker, del commissario Ue Olli Rehn e del presidente della Bce Jean-Claude Trichet.


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EURO GOVT-Greek 2-year bond yields hit euro-era highs

LONDON | Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:35am EDT

LONDON Aug 24 (Reuters) - Greek two-year government bond yields rose to their highest levels since the launch of the euro in 1999 as an escalating row over demands by Finland for collateral on Greek loans was seen complicating implementation of its rescue package.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel waded into the row late on Tuesday, rejecting any special treatment for Finland in euro zone guarantees, sources in her CDU parliamentary group told Reuters. Finland has threatened to drop out of a bailout for Greece agreed in July unless its demands were met.
Greek two-year yields rose around two full points on the day to 42 percent while five-year Greek credit default swaps jumped 106 bps to 2,200 bps.
Greece's share benchmark fell 2.7, hitting its lowest level in nearly 15 years.


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Greece Deepens Israeli Ties for Economic Gain

By Maria Petrakis - Aug 23, 2011 11:01 PM GMT+0200

Tue Aug 23 21:01:00 GMT 2011

In June, Greek Socialist Prime Minister George Papandreou undid his father’s legacy of welfare policies to avoid default.
The day after the final vote on June 30, the son moved to unravel the father’s signature regional strategy of supporting the Palestinians in their struggle against Israel. Papandreou prevented activists on 10 boats at Greek ports from setting off to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.
The current Greek premier, whose father held the post for 11 years between 1981 and 1996, is remaking Greek diplomacy as Israel’s relationship deteriorates with Turkey, a NATO member and once Israel’s key ally in the area. Battling an economic crisis, Greece wants the new ties to boost tourism and investment, particularly in the gas industry, while deepening its military partnership with another country in the region.
“Both Greece and Israel stand to gain immensely,” said John Sitilides, who manages the State Department’s professional development program for U.S. diplomats in Greece and Cyprus. “Israel has sought in Greece not a replacement for Turkey, but a strategic hedge in a period of great regional uncertainty across northern Africa and the Levant.”
Papandreou’s move to ban the flotilla of boats cemented the budding friendship. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the nation’s first prime minister to visit Greece, singled out “my friend” Papandreou in a July 1 speech praising U.S. and European leaders for opposing the flotilla.

Ban on Boats

From July 1, Greek officials banned boats trying to sail from its ports, citing concerns about the seaworthiness of the vessels, aiming to avert a repeat of last year’s confrontation at sea when Israeli commandos boarded one ship in a six-vessel convoy, leading to the death of nine Turks aboard.
The ban drew praise from the U.S. Twenty-eight members of Congress signed a letter to the Greek ambassador expressing their gratitude for the government’s “great wisdom in the face of extraordinary pressure” to stop the flotilla.
Not everyone is so bullish on the dynamic. “Everyone is retreating back to the old perception of maximal national interest, which means less progress for the region,” Hugh Pope, a project director based in Ankara for the International Crisis Group, said in a telephone interview. “It’s unfortunate, I don’t think it will serve any of the parties’ best interest.”
The Greek rapprochement with Israel picked up after the unprecedented 110 billion-euro ($159 billion) international bailout in May 2010. Papandreou bid for Israeli cooperation in renewable energy, tourism and the technology industries.

Netanyahu Visit

In August 2010, Netanyahu made his visit to Athens, reciprocating Papandreou’s July trip to Israel, the first Greek premier since 1992 to visit Jerusalem.
The links have continued: Greece was the first country to send Israel help to fight a fire that swept through the north of the country, killing 42 and forcing 17,000 to flee their homes. Papandreou said on Dec. 8 his country would join Netanyahu’s initiative for a joint regional emergency fire brigade.
Israeli tourists to Greece, which is banking on foreign visitors to soften the impact of austerity measures, increased 139 percent in 2010 to 197,159, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority, and 11 percent in the first quarter of the year. In contrast, Israeli visits to Turkey fell 64 percent in the same period, according to the Turkish Tourism Ministry.
Multiple entry visas issued to Russians rose to 31,000 in the first half of this year from 4,000 in the same period in 2010, the newspaper Kathimerini reported, citing Culture and Tourism Minister Pavlos Yeroulanos.
Israeli Natural Gas
The biggest potential for economic cooperation lies with Israel’s natural gas discoveries, especially the Leviathan field with an estimated 16 trillion cubic feet. Israel and Greece have discussed exporting the gas either through an undersea pipeline to the Greek mainland or via a liquefied natural gas conversion plant to be built in Cyprus.
Greece only established full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1990, one of the last European states to do so. That came after a decade of rule in the 1980s by the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, or Pasok, led by then-Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, George’s father, who defined Greece’s foreign policy by his strong support of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and vocal criticism of Israeli and U.S. policies.
The elder Papandreou granted the PLO diplomatic status in 1981, the year he came to power. In 1983, he sent a fleet of Greek boats to evacuate 4,000 trapped Palestinian fighters from Lebanon, including Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Debt Crisis

With unrest roiling Libya and Syria and the debt crisis hammering Portugal, Spain and Italy, Papandreou says stability on the financial and political front is imperative for the region.
“You see some of the peripheral countries having problems, they are now basically southern,” the U.S.-educated leader said in an interview in Athens on July 19. “A stable southern Europe is I think essential for the Arab spring, what is going to happen, the integration. I think this is a strategic issue for Europe, for the Arab world and the United States.”
Both countries are also counting on military benefits. Greece will provide Israel with the airspace, land and sea area to conduct large-scale military exercises, replacing what had formerly been Turkey’s role, while Greeks will benefit from training and Israeli know-how, Thanos Dokos, the director general of the Athens-based Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, says.
Greece and Israel have conducted at least two joint military exercises in the past year.

Big Military Spenders

Both are among the biggest military spenders in the world as a share of their economy. Greece spent 3.2 percent of gross domestic product and Israel 6.3 percent in 2009, according to figures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Turkey spends 2.7 percent.
Israel’s new ties to Greece can’t replace the clout the Mediterranean country of 7 million had while it was Turkey’s closest ally, analysts including Yossi Mekelberg say.
“Israel isn’t being clever if it thinks it is playing the Greek card to upset Turkey,” said Mekelberg, a lecturer at London-based Regent’s College and associate fellow of Chatham House. “The Turkish-Israel axis -- it’s bordering Iran, Syria, there’s Turkey’s different version of Islam -- all this makes that alliance, or axis, very, very significant. Patching up the relations with Turkey is immensely important.”

Not Against Turkey

Greek officials have been at pains to point out the growing rapprochement with Israel isn’t directed against Turkey or Palestinians. Government spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said Greece believed Israel needed to lift its embargo on Gaza and relations with Palestinians remained “warm, friendly, close and productive.”
The financial benefits of the closer ties may take a while to bear fruit. Greek austerity measures, required to qualify for the rescue, means the country will have little in the way to spend on military hardware that Israel and other countries could sell.
“Israel has general expectations to sell Greece various types of military equipment,” said Dokos. “But I think they are about five years late or five years early. I can’t imagine that for the next three to five years Greece will buy anything but the absolutely necessary.”


Si consolidano le relazioni Grecia/Israele.
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