Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Tutto coincide ... comunicazione dello swap ...Papa parla a reti unificate ...per dire che non è colpa sua ma deve tagliare tagliare e tagliare ...altrimenti fuori ...perfetto copione del film ...non manca nulla ...anche le quotazioni delle brevissime sotto l'anno fanno la loro parte ...con prezzi in caduta libera ...

eccellenti attori ...in Grecia ...non credevo arrivassero a tanto ...fino all'ultimo secondo ...

si giocano tutto in poche ore ...dei veri professionisti ;)
speriamo che tutto vada da copione :)
RBS predicts 'violent' Greek default by December

06 Sep 2011 | 13:26
Dan Jones

RBS expects Greece will experience a hard default this December in a move it says will cause "violent contagion" in global markets.

In a note to clients, RBS European rates strategist Harvinder Sian said Greece will default on or around the IMF's 11 December review of its fiscal reforms.
The note pointed to the inability to implement reform, over-aggressive austerity targets, an absence of further compromise from the IMF and EU and the increasing difficulty of passing laws through the Greek parliament as factors influencing its forecast.
"The only reason for suspecting the 11 December review is still the more pivotal date [than the 11 September review] is the idea Greece has at one more iteration of promises to make and policymakers have every reason to close their eyes and hope, and give the benefit of doubt until the situation is so clearly negative that nothing can be done", Sian said.
If and when Greece defaults, a violent contagion will require ECB interventions and possibly a global reaction, he added.
"Private capital simply will not come back to these sovereign and related capital markets as the risks of a dissolution to the euro rises," the note said.
It added the ultimate solution is "huge ECB intervention in European government bonds and perhaps private bond markets".
Sian, who also raised the possibility of global assistance via the easing and lending or buying of sovereign and private debt, said markets are only now beginning to price in a "dark scenario".
"Bunds (and treasuries) can trade to a much lower yield level if the crisis unfolds on a Greek default and we will only change our bullish call when the facts change towards a EMU healing process, even if this means sub-1% yields", he said.
"In any case, a Greek default is coming and is a pivotal factor is our assessment that all European government bonds ex-Germany at this stage are still speculative investments."

Read more: RBS predicts 'violent' Greek default by December

Abbiamo anche la data del default: 11 dicembre ...
Tutto coincide ... comunicazione dello swap ...Papa parla a reti unificate ...per dire che non è colpa sua ma deve tagliare tagliare e tagliare ...altrimenti fuori ...perfetto copione del film ...non manca nulla ...anche le quotazioni delle brevissime sotto l'anno fanno la loro parte ...con prezzi in caduta libera ...

eccellenti attori ...in Grecia ...non credevo arrivassero a tanto ...fino all'ultimo secondo ...

si giocano tutto in poche ore ...dei veri professionisti ;)

speriamo che non sia una recita a soggetto
RBS predicts 'violent' Greek default by December

06 Sep 2011 | 13:26
Dan Jones

RBS expects Greece will experience a hard default this December in a move it says will cause "violent contagion" in global markets.

In a note to clients, RBS European rates strategist Harvinder Sian said Greece will default on or around the IMF's 11 December review of its fiscal reforms.
The note pointed to the inability to implement reform, over-aggressive austerity targets, an absence of further compromise from the IMF and EU and the increasing difficulty of passing laws through the Greek parliament as factors influencing its forecast.
"The only reason for suspecting the 11 December review is still the more pivotal date [than the 11 September review] is the idea Greece has at one more iteration of promises to make and policymakers have every reason to close their eyes and hope, and give the benefit of doubt until the situation is so clearly negative that nothing can be done", Sian said.
If and when Greece defaults, a violent contagion will require ECB interventions and possibly a global reaction, he added.
"Private capital simply will not come back to these sovereign and related capital markets as the risks of a dissolution to the euro rises," the note said.
It added the ultimate solution is "huge ECB intervention in European government bonds and perhaps private bond markets".
Sian, who also raised the possibility of global assistance via the easing and lending or buying of sovereign and private debt, said markets are only now beginning to price in a "dark scenario".
"Bunds (and treasuries) can trade to a much lower yield level if the crisis unfolds on a Greek default and we will only change our bullish call when the facts change towards a EMU healing process, even if this means sub-1% yields", he said.
"In any case, a Greek default is coming and is a pivotal factor is our assessment that all European government bonds ex-Germany at this stage are still speculative investments."

Read more: RBS predicts 'violent' Greek default by December

Abbiamo anche la data del default: 11 dicembre ...

La RBS sta con le pezze al cul0, forse è il suo di default, se so sbajati.
Grecia ha sottoposto idea di accelerare secondo bailout - fonte

martedì 6 settembre 2011 14:32

ATENE, 6 settembre (Reuters) - La Grecia ha lanciato l'idea di accelerare il versamento degli aiuti internazionali previsti dal secondo piano di salvataggio per coprire un deficit superiore alle previsioni, ma non ha presentato una richiesta formale; tale scenario, secondo una fonte vicina ai creditori internazionali, sembra poco probabile.
Il quotidiano Kathimerini scrive oggi, senza citare fonti, che la Grecia potrebbe chiedere ai partner della zona euro di versare tutti i fondi promessi per il secondo salvataggio entro la fine del 2013 piuttosto che fino al 2014.
"Hanno sottoposto questa idea senza presentare una proposta formale. Non penso che avrà seguito", ha detto un funzionario vicino agli ispettori UE/FMI che non ha voluto essere identificato.

In italiano.
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