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Reuters - 21/07/2010 12:34:45
LISBONA, 21 luglio (Reuters) - Il ricorso delle banche commerciali portoghesi ai finanziamenti concessi dall'istituto centrale di Francoforte ha raggiunto il mese scorso il livello record di 40,2 miliardi dopo i 35,8 miliardi di maggio.

Lo dicono i dati a cura della banca centrale.

L'aumento riflette il crescente utilizzo di fondi Bce, fenomeno molto simile a quanto sta avvenendo in altri paesi 'periferici' come la Spagna, di cui i mercati finanziari sono arrivati a temere un'esplosione di deficit e debito.

Non scherza mica il Portogallo, considerato che la Grecia è a 93, mld di prestiti con la BCE.

FT Alphaville It’s all Greek (banks) to the ECB


Utente Senior
da fol:
La National Bank of Greece passerà gli stress test a livello europeo che verranno svelati venerdì dopo la chiusura dei mercati. Lo ha dichiarato, come riportato da numerose agenzie di stampa internazionali, il presidente della prima banca ellenica, Vassilios Rapanos.


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da fol:
La National Bank of Greece passerà gli stress test a livello europeo che verranno svelati venerdì dopo la chiusura dei mercati. Lo ha dichiarato, come riportato da numerose agenzie di stampa internazionali, il presidente della prima banca ellenica, Vassilios Rapanos.

Le banche greche passeranno gli stress test nella quasi totalità.
E' forse per questo che più parti si mette in dubbio la validità dello strumento ...


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -0,5%, in seduta da scarsi volumi

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice ase della Borsa di Atene termina le contrattazioni in ribasso dello 0,5% a quota 1570,59 punti, in una seduta dai bassi volumi di scambio 75,1 mln euro.
"In assenza di notizie l'indice consolida i recenti guadagni", commenta un analista locale.
In rosso anche Coca Cola Hellenic a -1,6%, Alpha a -1,6%, Hellenic Telecoms a -1,6%, Titan a -1,4%, Opap a -0,6%, National a -0,4% e Eurobank a -0,3%.


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NBG Chief Confident The Bank Will Pass Stress Tests

The National Bank of Greece head said he confident the bank will pass the European Union stress tests, CNBC reported Wednesday.

"I don΄t know about other banks, however (with) our bank I think there is absolutely no problem," Vasileios Rapanos, chairman of the National Bank of Greece and Hellenic Banking Association, said in a phone interview. "My feeling is that other major banks of Greece will not have serious problems.

The "economic crisis in Greece does not come from banking sector," Rapanos noted, adding that the balance sheets of Greek banks is very sound.

He also noted that the bank is not mulling share capital increase or mergers.



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French banks cut Greece exposure: BIS

French banks have cut their exposure to debt-stricken Greece but remain the biggest lenders to a country saved from bankruptcy only two months ago, official data showed on Wednesday.
French banks reduced their exposure to Greece by 10 percent between end-2009 and March 2010 -- from 75.1 billion dollars to 67.3 billion dollars (52 billion euros), according to figures from the Bank of International Settlements, known as the 'central bankers' bank.'
The March level was the lowest since the end of 2007, when the global financial crisis began to bite, sparking a credit crunch which brought most of the developed countries to their knees.
The outstanding French bank loans were mostly made to the private sector and so do not include purchases of Greek government bonds.
According to the BIS figures, German banks were the next largest investors in Greece at 44.2 billion dollars.
In May, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund put together a 110-billion-euro bailout package for Greece whose out of control finances meant it could no longer raise funds on the money markets to pay back debt.
Under the terms of the accord, which saved Athens from default, the major French banks agreed to stand by their lending commitments through the three-year life of the rescue programme.
The BIS figures meanwhile showed that French banks also cut their exposure to other weaker eurozone countries, where public deficit and debt problems similar to Greece's had put the public finances under huge strain.
First quarter French bank exposure to Portugal fell from 44.7 billion dollars to 42 billion dollars; Spain from 219.6 billion dollars to 201.9 billion dollars, with Italy falling from 511.4 billion dollars to 476.3 billion dollars.

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