Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (10 lettori)

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Banche, Weber favorevole a fallimento controllato, "coco" bond
Reuters - 15/11/2010 11:36:39
FRANCOFORTE, 15 novembre (Reuters) - Axel Weber, membro del consiglio direttivo della Banca centrale europea, ha detto oggi che si deve consentire alle banche di fallire e ha appoggiato l'idea di emettere obbligazioni speciali convertibili automaticamente in azioni in caso di crisi.

Parlando in apertura dell'Euro Finance Week, Weber si è detto favorevole a regole più severe per le banche, affermando che un sistema creditizio stabile è vitale per la crescita nel lungo periodo. Il banchiere ha inoltre sottolineato che, strumenti di salvataggio come i "contingent convertible bonds" (Coco bonds) sono un'opzione per le grandi banche che giocano un ruolo chiave nella finanza globale.

"Anche se restano aperte un certo numero di questioni, sembra che valga la pena valutare queste alternative", ha detto.

Weber ha tuttavia sottolineato che le banche devono poter fallire per evitare che fra i banchieri si sviluppi compiacenza, creando potenzialmente questioni di "moral hazard".

"Lo strumento rilevante in questo contesto è un meccanismo di ristrutturazione che consenta il fallimento di banche rilevanti da un punto di vista sistemico senza sovraccaricare i mercati".

Weber ha anche ridimensionato l'idea secondo la quale le banche saranno costrette a ridurre il credito alle imprese per soddisfare i nuovi requisiti patrimoniali. "Ci si dimentica che le banche hanno altri mezzi per soddisfare i requisiti patrimoniali aggiuntivi oltre alla riduzione dei prestiti", ha detto

Forse qui, però, lo sguardo è più diretto all'Irlanda che non alla Grecia.

Comunque queste vicende intorno a banche (che dicevamo prima) e avanzo primario mi insospettiscono molto più che non rispetto alla questione del Fondo Europeo di Emergenza.


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Greece’s 2009 Budget Gap Hits 15.4% Of GDP, Eurostat Says

Greece’s 2009 budget deficit hit 15.4 of GDP, revised data provided Monday by Eurostat showed.

The previous notification was at 13.6% of GDP

The country’s government debt for the same year reached 126.8% of GDP, versus a previous estimate of 115,1%.

Eurostat said it is lifting the reservation on Greek data it previously expressed as all of the issues identified in the last reservation have been addressed during a series of methodological visits.

The country’s budget deficit for 2006, 2007 and 2008 is also revised at 5.7%, 6.4% and 9.4%. It was previously set at 3.6%, 5.1% and 7.7% respectively.

"The revision and validation of the fiscal data up to 2009 is a major step to restore transparency in fiscal management and to eliminate controversies over the quality and the accuracy of Greek fiscal statistics," the Finance Ministry said in an announcement.

"Despite the data revision, the deficit reduction in 2010 is larger than initially targeted; 6 percentage points of GDP against a targeted reduction of 5,5 percentage points. The 2010 deficit resulting from the new revised figures and general government accounts after the reclassification is estimated to be 9,4% of GDP, a reduction in excess of 14 billion Euro compared to 2009," it added.



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ATHEX A Tad Higher Following Revised Deficit Figures

Athens stocks are firmer on Monday, following the announcement by Eurostat of the 2009 revised deficit and debt figures.

“The conclusion of the regional elections second round and the upcoming announcement of country’s FY09 deficit by Eurostat could somehow limit investors’ concerns, as some issues that were considered to be pending are now close to their end. Should foreign markets be supportive some reaction should not be ruled out,” Marfin Analysis says.

Yesterday΄s conclusion of the regional elections may provide investors with a breathe of fresh air, as it seems that it has pulled back the scenario of moving towards early general elections, thus lowering political uncertainty, Pegasus notes in its morning report.

Across the board, the general Index gains 0.47% at 1,504.25.

Total turnover shapes a 24.79 mil. euro.



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JP Morgan: “Open Question” Whether Greece Will Re-establish Creditworthiness

Lending official money to a borrower with too much debt is obviously not a final solution as it merely buys time for the debtor to put their house in order and creates no guarantee that it will succeed, JP Morgan says in a report dated November 12th.

It is an open question whether Greece and Ireland will re-establish creditworthiness, especially as it is not clear for how long EFSF loans would be extended if the need arises in a few years, it says.

“EMU sovereign stress will thus not go away. New EFSF funding will thus merely postpone pressure until the next fiscal or political headline. What does this mean for risk managers today? It implies a higher burden on anybody considering buying or overweighting euro denominated assets. In this week’s Hedging Euro Area Peripherals, Mac Gorain and Panigirtzoglou analysed what would be the best hedges against EMU sovereign stress given correlations and entry points. They find the best hedges today are underweight EMU banks against the US, underweight EMU equities against the US, FRA-OIS wideners in euros, and going long German vs French bonds. Shorting EUR vs USD is not a clear hedge as it is polluted by QE2,” it says,

The firm also notes that spreads widened again, despite a recovery today on rumours –– swiftly denied –– that Ireland was about to avail of EU funding, and stresses that it remains bearish on the periphery.



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Constancio Says Greece May Need to Take More Measures to Meet 2011 Budget

By Boris Groendahl - Nov 15, 2010 12:14 PM GMT+0100

Mon Nov 15 11:14:22 GMT 2010

European Central Bank Vice President Vitor Constancio said Greece may have to introduce additional measures to meet its budget targets for next year.
Meeting the target for 2011 “may involve certainly new policies which were not asked for or contemplated before,” Constancio told reporters in Vienna today.
Greece’s 2009 budget shortfall was revised to 15.4 percent of gross domestic product from 13.6 percent, surpassing Ireland’s 14.4 percent shortfall, Eurostat, the EU’s Luxembourg- based statistics office, said in a report today.
“The target for next year should be kept,” Constancio said. “The necessary policies should be adjusted to maintain that target.”



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Borsa Atene: Ase +0,5% guidato da Coca Cola Hellenic

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene sale dello 0,5% a quota 1.504,42 punti con un volume di scambi pari a 25,6 mln euro grazie alle ridotte incertezze politiche e macroeconomiche.
Coca Cola Hellenic guadagna il 3,5%, Opap il 2,7% e Atebank l'1,3%, mentre Piraeus cede l'1,5%, Ppc lo 0,9% e National lo 0,5%


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Intransigenza tedesca rischia spingere paesi in default-PM greco
Reuters - 15/11/2010 13:19:53
PARIGI, 15 novembre (Reuters) - Il primo ministro greco George Papandreou ha accusato oggi la Germania di far correre ad alcuni paesi dell'area euro il rischio di fallimento a causa della sua posizione intransigente sul debito.

"Questo ha creato una spirale di tassi di interesse più alti per paesi che sembravano essere in una posizione difficile come Irlanda e Portogallo", ha detto Papandreou durante una visita a Parigi. "Questo potrebbe dare luogo ad una profezia che si autoavvera... Potrebbe spezzare schiene. Potrebbe costringere economie al fallimento".
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