Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (14 lettori)

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Umile contadino
Intanto oggi il nostro Thread ha raggiunto il milione di visite.
Lasciatemi dire che è un traguardo di tutto rispetto, specie se su titoli abbastanza "marginali" del mercato.
Un ringraziamento va a tutti i contributori ed anche a quelli che ci leggono in forma anonima ... e sono la stragrande maggioranza.
La buona qualità della discussione e degli interventi ne ha fatto una tribuna di riferimento per tutti gli investitori ellenici: un punto importante di incontro e di informazione che cerca di fotografare al meglio la situazione.
Il prossimo traguardo è per i 2 milioni...
Grazie a tutti.
Sei tu Tommy che dai costantemente una panoramica completa , aggiornatissima e di assoluta qualità sui nostri titoli e che sei l'anima del thd. Quindi i ringraziamenti vanno a te e a tutti gli altri amici molto preparati che rendono il forum assolutamente unico ... Credo di interpretare il pensiero di tutti i poco esperti come me che, seguendo le discussioni, traggono molte notizie preziose sui nostri ggb per gestire al meglio il proprio ptf.


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Samaras says government is heading for collpase

ND leaders says PASOK is in 'semi-paralysis' after series of blunders


New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras has accused the government of being “close to collapse” and of “handing the keys to Greece” over to its creditors.

Speaking to the opposition party’s political committee at ND’s new headquarters on Sygrou Avenue on Saturday, accused the government of being in a state of semi-paralysis after a week during which PASOK was heavily criticized for its clumsy handling of a number of issues, including privatization, municipal taxes for homeowners and liberalization of closed professions.

“We are not talking about the government taking a few wrong steps, this is a case of lots of repeated signs of confusion and weakness,” he said.

Samaras focused on the government’s disagreement with the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank over plans to raise 50 billion euros by privatizing state assets.

“We said last year that Greece has to make use of the state assets that are idle,” he said, adding that the conservatives had suggested that 50 billion euros could be raised from this process.

He suggested that Greece does not have to sell off its assets but could enter into lease agreements or Public Private Partnerships to raise money. The ND leader insisted that this is what the government should have done from the start rather than borrow 110 billion euros.

“They ask us why we don’t agree [with Greece’s emergency loan agreement],” said Samaras. “What should we agree to: the government’s proposals or those of the troika, which is asking for a sell-off?

“Everyone can see that the memorandum leads to a dead-end and the troika realized that without making use of state assets, we cannot tackle our debt problem.”

Government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis accused former Culture Minister Samaras of “self-adulation” and failing to tell the truth.

“New Democracy claims that it has said everything and has warned about everything but that the government was not listening,” he said.

“What Mr Samaras has not managed to explain is why he did not advise the previous [New Democracy] government of Costas Karamanlis about all this since they destroyed the country and led it to require emergency loans.”

ekathimerini.com , Saturday February 19, 2011 (17:43)


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National Bank of Greece Caps Alpha Bank Bid


ATHENS—National Bank of Greece SA, the country's largest bank by assets, may be ready to slightly sweeten the bid in its friendly takeover of Alpha Bank, but isn't prepared to double the premium that Alpha is demanding, a senior person familiar with the matter said Saturday.

On Friday, NBG announced it was making an offer to acquire Greece's third-largest lender at close to a 20% to 25% premium. It is offering eight shares of the new entity for every 11 shares in Alpha Bank.

Hours later, Alpha's board unanimously rejected the offer. In a bourse filing the target bank argued that it couldn't accept the offer because of the "uncertainties of the current environment," and also because it deemed the terms as less than "beneficial" for shareholders. But the rejection is widely seen as a ploy by Alpha's board to hold out for a better deal.

"Alpha is asking for more than a 40% premium, and almost 50%, and there is no deal in Europe done on that kind of a premium, let alone given them governance [a management stake] as well," the person familiar with the matter said. An Alpha Bank representative declined to comment.

This is the first shot fired in the long-awaited consolidation of the fragmented Greek banking system. The government and central bank have been touting tie-ups as a way of curing liquidity and capital adequacy issues faced by the banks.

The person familiar with the matter said that "the trigger for the deal" was a growing expectation Alpha would soon need to raise over a billion euros in fresh capital from the markets after similar moves by other Greek banks. A takeover by NBG, with its high liquidity and capital adequacy, would avert the need for Alpha to raise that capital. The synergies are also very high compared to current valuations, he argued, and it would create a "fortress balance sheet."

"This same deal has been looked at about four times over more than 10 years because both banks have a culture of conservatism, and industrially it makes sense given they have complementary networks," the person said.

Local analysts said Alpha Bank may be justified in expecting a sweetened deal because they hold only about €5 billion ($6.84 billion) in Greek sovereign debt while NBG has over €20 billion.

That means the bidder's balance sheet would be hit more in the event of a Greek government debt restructuring or default, a fear that has weighed on Greece's banking sector over the past few months.

On the other hand, Alpha, whose loan portfolio is more exposed to Greek corporates, SMEs and real estate, is also feeling the effects of Greece's ongoing recession more than the better-diversified NBG.

"NBG may be ready to squeeze slightly more into the offer, like an additional few percentage points more in premium to seal the deal, even if it always wanted to avoid nasty negotiations," the person said. "But not much more than that, or too close to a 30% premium."

The person argued Alpha shareholders get a 25% pickup on day one of the deal, and if half of the planned synergies arise then its shareholders will make about a 50% premium.

"Although Alpha is being given a healthy premium, the offer still only values the bank at just below 0.8 times its book value and they are likely to be seeking full book value to sell out," said a senior international banking analyst on condition of anonymity.

But the person familiar with the matter said Alpha is trading below book value, unlike NBG, which trades at par, because the market is convinced it may need about €1.5 billion in fresh capital from its shareholder within months.

"NBG is 2.5 times Alpha's size and yet is offering governance in addition to the significant premium," he underlined. If Alpha agrees to the current terms it would get to appoint the chairman, the deputy chairman and an equal number of executive directors. However, it would appoint fewer than half of board members and wouldn't control the chief executive position.

About a decade ago, when a similar deal between the same two banks was being implemented, issues over management appointments and, to a lesser extent, corporate culture led to the deal's demise.

"NBG has not appreciated the behavior of Alpha in holding an emergency board meeting on Friday and refusing the deal. They believe the other side want to sink it for personal reasons," the person familiar with the matter added.

NBG "is prepared to wait on the sidelines. If Alpha's share price takes a hit, shareholders may force its reticent board to put the deal to vote in an extraordinary meeting," the person added.


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Greek Socialists Hold Narrow Lead In Public Opinion Polls

ATHENS - Greece's ruling Socialists continue to hold a narrow lead over the center-right opposition, a poll showed Sunday, even as their popularity continues to slide amid discontent over ongoing austerity measures.

According to the Sunday edition of the Eleftheros Typos newspaper, the Socialist, or Pasok party, holds a narrow 3.5 percentage-point lead over the opposition New Democracy party, down from a 12 percentage-point lead in March last year.

Since early last year, the Greek has been implementing a tough multi-year austerity program to fix its public finances in exchange for a EUR110 billion bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

The terms of that agreement, known locally as the memorandum, are theoretically due to expire at the end of the second quarter of 2013.

But the poll also shows that 72% of Greeks do not believe that Greece will be able to exit from the terms of that memorandum by then. At the same time, 66% of Greeks oppose selling off public assets, an issue that has been at the forefront of public debate in the past two weeks when the government revealed it is aiming for EUR50 billion in privatizations over the next few years.

Despite that, the poll also shows that six out of 10 Greeks do not favor early elections.

The Socialist government, was elected to office in October 2009 for a four- year term. However, there is speculation that the government may seek a fresh mandate from voters as early as April this year.

(Dow Jones)

Il PASOK rimane ancora in testa nei sondaggi.
Quello che mi ha sempre favorevolmente impressionato è la stabilità del quadro politico, che permette il proseguio del processo di riforma dell'apparato burocratico dello stato.


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Strauss-Kahn Says EU Must Convince Investors on Debt Crisis Before Summits

By Helene Fouquet, Mark Deen and David Tweed - Feb 20, 2011 1:00 AM GMT+0100 Sun Feb 20 00:00:01 GMT 2011

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said European Union leaders must convince investors that they can fix the region’s debt crisis and he’s “confident” they will do so by the end of next month.

Markets aren’t everything, but markets are important,” Strauss-Kahn said in a Bloomberg Television interview with David Tweed in Paris. “You have to do something that will be seen, not only by markets, to work.”

After rescuing Greece and Ireland, EU leaders are now seeking to overhaul the governance of the 17-nation euro area and create a permanent system to offer members financial support. While talks continue as governments prepare for two summits in Brussels next month, the EU’s decision-making process has sometimes slowed a resolution to the crisis that began more than a year ago.

If a solution “comes too late, you’re always behind the curve,” Strauss-Kahn said in an interview after meeting with Group of 20 officials in Paris. “Talking with the most important leaders in Europe, I think they understand well the need to have a comprehensive approach” and “I’m rather confident they’ll come up with something rather comprehensive by the end of March.”

Political resistance to transferring funds between different countries could yet derail the plan. Government bonds in Greece and Portugal dropped this week as Germany sought to tie EU efforts to overhaul the 440 billion-euro ($597 billion) European rescue fund for indebted states to measures aimed at increasing competitiveness.

German Elections

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government may bear the greatest burden in a bailout mechanism. She is negotiating a comprehensive EU plan to stem the debt contagion that has driven bond yields for some nations to euro-era highs as her party fights elections in seven of Germany’s 16 states. The ballots begin Feb. 20 in Hamburg, the richest state of all.

“Don’t expect me to say elections are a bad thing,” Strauss-Kahn said, when asked whether he was concerned that politics could prevent an agreement. “The more you have domestic political concern, the less you’re able to have a statesmen’s view.”

Euro-region finance ministers shifted the focus away from the near-term crisis management with a decision last week that the permanent said mechanism to be set up in 2013 will be able to lend 500 billion euros ($675 billion), twice the amount of the fund set up in the wake of Greece’s near-default last year. As with the current mechanism, the IMF will contribute 50 cents for every euro from European governments.

Message for Portugal

Strauss-Kahn wasn’t alone today in stepping up pressure on EU governments. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet told the region’s leaders that it’s up to them to retain the confidence of bond investors.

We call all governments in Europe without any exception” to “apply the plan they have as rigorously and as convincingly” as possible, Trichet said at a press conference in Paris after the G-20 meeting. “We have a very strong message for Portugal as well as for others. It’s up to countries to be convincing” and make their case to the markets.

Strauss-Kahn, who repeatedly shows up in polls as the most popular potential candidate for France’s 2012 presidential election, also emphasized the need for euro-area governments to reduce their indebtedness in the years ahead. In his view, the easiest way to do that would be to increase the growth rates of their economies.

Need for Growth

“We just can’t continue to function with debt” equivalent to 100 percent of gross domestic product, Strauss-Kahn said at a press conference. “But the most important thing” isn’t budget cuts, “it’s growth. It’s finding the keys to growth again. Because without growth, you can do what you like on deficits and debt, but the European economy won’t recover.”

At his press conference, the 61 year-old also discussed the need to boost employment and reduce inequality in remarks which could be aimed at the French electorate. The former Socialist finance minister, who was nominated for the IMF post by Sarkozy in 2007, featured on the cover of two of the three national news magazines last week. His wife, Anne Sinclair, was quoted in Le Point weekly magazine saying she does not want him to stay in Washington at the IMF.

Strauss-Kahn’s approval-rating lead over President Nicolas Sarkozy is widening among French voters, according to an Ifop poll for Paris Match magazine published Feb. 16. Asked whether they “prefer” Strauss-Kahn or Sarkozy, 64 percent of those surveyed said they favored Strauss-Kahn while 33 percent opted for Sarkozy, Ifop said today. The 31-point gap compares with a lead of 29 points in July and 21 points last March, Ifop said.

In the Bloomberg Television interview, Strauss-Kahn brushed off questions about whether he intends to run.
“I have my kids here, the more I’m in France, the better it is,” he said. “I like restaurants here and I like to walk in the streets,” though “frankly, I have a job. I have no time to think of something else.”



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Grecia, ritrovato Altare dei 12 Dei di Pisistrato

Vi si celebravano i principali Dei del Pantheon ellenico, venne costruito nel 522 aC

19 febbraio, 16:12

ATENE - Gli archeologi greci ritengono di avere riportato alla luce nell'area dell'Agorà, sulle pendici nord occidentali dell'Acropoli, i resti dello scomparso Altare dei Dodici Dei, già considerato il vero centro dell'antica Atene e uno dei monumenti più importanti dell'antichità.
Il ritrovamento, durante i lavori per rinnovare la linea ferroviaria elettrica Pireo-Kifissias, di cui scrive il quotidiano Kathimerini, ha provocato grande eccitazione fra gli studiosi i quali ritengono che potrebbe "cambiare la mappa dell'Atene che conosciamo".
L'Altare, dove si celebravano i principali Dei del Pantheon ellenico, venne costruito nel 522 aC da Pisistrato e ricostruito nel 425 aC dopo l'invasione persiana del 480 a.C. Esso veniva usato anche come punto centrale per misurare le distanze. I resti del monumento subirono danni durante la costruzione della ferrovia e solo un angolo della struttura originale è oggi visibile.

Un pò di cultura ...


dove c'è default c'è casa
Intanto oggi il nostro Thread ha raggiunto il milione di visite.
Lasciatemi dire che è un traguardo di tutto rispetto, specie se su titoli abbastanza "marginali" del mercato.
Un ringraziamento va a tutti i contributori ed anche a quelli che ci leggono in forma anonima ... e sono la stragrande maggioranza.
La buona qualità della discussione e degli interventi ne ha fatto una tribuna di riferimento per tutti gli investitori ellenici: un punto importante di incontro e di informazione che cerca di fotografare al meglio la situazione.
Il prossimo traguardo è per i 2 milioni...
Grazie a tutti.

Io invece spero di trovare un giorno questo thread in sesta pagina con le ragnatele :D


Utente Senior
Buongiorno a tutto il forum

dal 7 febbraio ho perso, abbiamo perso il contatto con tutto quanto è successo nel mondo...

solo oggi sto cercando di vedere una certa normalità che dobbiamo avere nella vita di tutti i giorni e uno dei problemi (inutili e assurdi) era quella sui TdS della Grecia, 2019 al 6,5%

ho visto che vale 69 e me la ricordavo a 71 circa

vorrei solo sapere questo, per favore (non ho concentrazione mentale e energie fisiche anche solo per stare al pc), come è la situazione, molto in breve. Se sarebbe meglio vendere oppure mediare con qualcosina (io le ho alla pari... non correvo al guadagno facile, vi ricordate?) Scusatemi se purtroppo non posso aiutarvi e per altro tempo non sarò in grado. Grazie e scusate questa mia scena patetica!

si sono allargati gli spread un po', da sotto gli 800 a 850, e quindi le quotazioni si sono abbassate del paio di punti che hai notato tu; su altre scadenze un po' di più (le corte) su altre meno (le lunghe).
Altro non è successo, solo che le elezioni della Finlandia potrebbero ritardare gli accordi definitivi per per risoluzione problema debito, inizialmente previsti per fine marzo.
Di più non so.


meglio di niente
Intanto oggi il nostro Thread ha raggiunto il milione di visite.
Lasciatemi dire che è un traguardo di tutto rispetto, specie se su titoli abbastanza "marginali" del mercato.
Un ringraziamento va a tutti i contributori ed anche a quelli che ci leggono in forma anonima ... e sono la stragrande maggioranza.
La buona qualità della discussione e degli interventi ne ha fatto una tribuna di riferimento per tutti gli investitori ellenici: un punto importante di incontro e di informazione che cerca di fotografare al meglio la situazione.
Il prossimo traguardo è per i 2 milioni...
Grazie a tutti.
Io sono uno di quelli che vi leggono spesso in forma anonima perchè non sono in grado di dare un contributo a questo Thread, però questa volta una cosa la posso fare, contribuire al prossimo traguardo cominciando da questa visita :).
Un saluto a tutti e in particolare a Tommy.
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