Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (13 lettori)

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Forumer attivo
La truffa del secolo..oggi chi veramente governa il mondo,ha fatto si che i piccoli risparmiatori perdessero tutto,mentre le grandi banche tedesche ,francesi e quelle d'oltre oceano,si sono avvantaggiate di questo fallimento selettivo alla faccia di chi non sa cose' una bancarotta privilegiata.i toni trionfalistici delle ultime ore, altro non sono che le campane a morto entro i prossimi mesi di una grecia gia'fallita ,morta e sepolta da tempo, grazie ad una propria classe politica che oserei definire ladri di galline.loro ed il loro popolo hanno vissuto al di sopra delle loro possibilita',con stipendi che entro pochi anni erano quasi i piu' alti in europa,con gente che andava in pensione a 50 anni, senza produrre niente tranne turismo d'estate,spendendo soldi veri per tecnologia superata in materia di difesa comprata da francia e germania,questo non lo dico io ma sono i dati reali .morta la grecia,lunga vita alla nuova grecia ,i funerali della vecchia prego pagarli in dracme.


Forumer attivo
concordo con molti lettori. Anche a casa mia i debiti si pagano. Stranamente siamo entrati in una epoca folle, dove se sono le banche a essere i creditori, allora vengono studiate mille forme di intervento, a favore delle banche ovvio, altrimenti si ... tratta .... al ribasso. Anzi, lo si impone. La Grecia dovrebbe vergognarsi, assieme al carrozzone della unione europea e ai vari top manager delle banche, che piangono sempre miseria, dopo che la miseria LORO la hanno provocata a mezzo pianeta. Ma l' avidità porta a nefaste conseguenze. Ricordo con piacere quel che fecero i Parti quando catturarono Crasso, l' uomo più ricco del' antica Roma, speculatore immobiliare e strozzino. Gli versarono oro fuso in bocca. Lo stesso dovrebbe essere fatto a molti finanzieri e banchieri dei nostri tempi.


collegio dei patafisici
  • isda emea determinations committee: Restructuring credit event
  • isda says credit event has occurred with respect to greece
  • committee determines auction to be held on march 19
  • isda emea: Auction to be held on outstanding cds transactions


collegio dei patafisici
Austria is facing a capital injection of as much as 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) into KA Finanz AG two weeks after bailing out Oesterreichische Volksbanken AG. (VBPS)
The International Swaps & Derivatives Association today ruled that Greece’s use of collective action clauses forcing investors to take losses under the nation’s debt restructuring will trigger default insurance payouts.

March 9 (Bloomberg) -- Greece’s use of collective action clauses forcing investors to take losses under the nation’s debt restructuring will trigger payouts on $3 billion of default insurance, the International Swaps & Derivatives Association said. A total 4,323 credit-default swap contracts can now be settled after ISDA’s determinations committee ruled the use of CACs is a restructuring credit event. Michael McKee and Sara Eisen report on Bloomberg Television's "Bottom Line." (Source: Bloomberg)

In a statement today before ISDA’s decision, KA Finanz said it may have risk provisions of about 1 billion euros if credit- default swaps on Greece it has written are activated. That includes charges of 423.6 million euros on an assumed loss quota of 80 percent, it said.
KA Finanz is the so-called bad bank of Kommunalkredit Austria AG, which was nationalized in 2008 when it was owned by Volksbanken and Dexia SA. While Kommunalkredit continues as a municipal lender and has to be sold again by Austria by mid-2013, KA Finanz took on securities, loans and CDS that are not part of that main business and is winding down those assets.
Austria has promised to keep KA Finanz’s capital ratio at 7 percent and Finance Ministry Maria Fekter said on March 3 that the country may have to inject as much as 1 billion euros into KA Finanz to keep that pledge.
The Alpine republic also has nationalized Hypo Alpe-Adria- Bank International AG and on Feb. 27 announced that it would take a stake of as much as 49 percent in Volksbanken after injecting 250 million euros into the lender and writing off 700 million euros of previous sate aid. Austria is boosting its banking tax to finance the Volksbanken bailout. It has yet to say how it may finance KA Finanz.
To contact the reporters on this story: Zoe Schneeweiss in Vienna at [email protected]; Boris Groendahl in Vienna at [email protected]
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Stephen Foxwell at [email protected]; Frank Connelly at [email protected]


Utente Senior
Christine Lagarde oggi ha dichiarato che non consiglia di scommettere contro l'Italia. Pensare che due anni fa dicevano la stessa cosa per la Grecia. E sappiamo la fine che ha fatto. Sarebbe bene che stessero zitti.

luglio 2011 (solo 8 mesi fa): Trichet in un'intervista aveva dichiarato che la Grecia non era insolvente ma solo in crisi di liquidità ... mortacci sua


collegio dei patafisici
Austria is facing a capital injection of as much as 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) into KA Finanz AG two weeks after bailing out Oesterreichische Volksbanken AG. (VBPS)
The International Swaps & Derivatives Association today ruled that Greece’s use of collective action clauses forcing investors to take losses under the nation’s debt restructuring will trigger default insurance payouts.

March 9 (Bloomberg) -- Greece’s use of collective action clauses forcing investors to take losses under the nation’s debt restructuring will trigger payouts on $3 billion of default insurance, the International Swaps & Derivatives Association said. A total 4,323 credit-default swap contracts can now be settled after ISDA’s determinations committee ruled the use of CACs is a restructuring credit event. Michael McKee and Sara Eisen report on Bloomberg Television's "Bottom Line." (Source: Bloomberg)

In a statement today before ISDA’s decision, KA Finanz said it may have risk provisions of about 1 billion euros if credit- default swaps on Greece it has written are activated. That includes charges of 423.6 million euros on an assumed loss quota of 80 percent, it said.
KA Finanz is the so-called bad bank of Kommunalkredit Austria AG, which was nationalized in 2008 when it was owned by Volksbanken and Dexia SA. While Kommunalkredit continues as a municipal lender and has to be sold again by Austria by mid-2013, KA Finanz took on securities, loans and CDS that are not part of that main business and is winding down those assets.
Austria has promised to keep KA Finanz’s capital ratio at 7 percent and Finance Ministry Maria Fekter said on March 3 that the country may have to inject as much as 1 billion euros into KA Finanz to keep that pledge.
The Alpine republic also has nationalized Hypo Alpe-Adria- Bank International AG and on Feb. 27 announced that it would take a stake of as much as 49 percent in Volksbanken after injecting 250 million euros into the lender and writing off 700 million euros of previous sate aid. Austria is boosting its banking tax to finance the Volksbanken bailout. It has yet to say how it may finance KA Finanz.
To contact the reporters on this story: Zoe Schneeweiss in Vienna at [email protected]; Boris Groendahl in Vienna at [email protected]
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Stephen Foxwell at [email protected]; Frank Connelly at [email protected]

E dopo la news ISDA:

From KA financials: "the measures described above will not trigger a credit event of credit default swap (CDS) portfolios."


Forumer storico
Giusto. Comunque.. ora negoziano "ex coupon"..

(se ne trovate da comprare)

boh forse otc o magari qualche mercato interno delle banche ..

carib te come la vedi?

davvero la grecia vorrà passare da selective default a default?

se non pagano it ch jap ecc ecc è default punto e basta ed i politicanti perdono anche l'ultimo barlume di credibilità delle loro menzogne
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