Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (5 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Ciao a tutti....Generali e colonnelli.......

Io rientro nei militi ignoti :D

Noto che butta piuttosto male

Non mi pare ci siano novità rilevanti, oltre a quelle già previste.
Oggi eurogruppo e domani ecofin preparatorio a quello decisivo (almeno si spera) di metà ottobre.
La partita (per noi del retail) è ancora da giocare.


Forumer storico
Greece Presented €7.11 Additional Austerity Measures

Greek government presented a draft budget, which expects shrinking of tax revenue by 2.8% despite additional measures of €7.11 billion.

The draft explicitly mentions the risk of further divergence of €1.1 billion (0.5% of GDP) this year if Greek people do not respond to the measures.

Greek Finance Ministry said it expects the economy to contract 2.5% next year, after shrinking 5.5% in 2011, as a weakening economic outlook abroad adds to its domestic fiscal woes, according to an announcement.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Evangelos Venizelos, made the following statement:

I submitted to the Parliament today the draft of the 2012 State Budget. The draft Budget moves along the lines of our agreement with the troika. It is supported by measures that have already been decided and announced and are expected to be approved by the Greek Parliament by the end of October.

These measures correct for any slippages so that the fiscal targets for 2012 are met (fiscal deficit of 14.65 billion euro), and produce, after many years, a primary surplus of 1.5% of GDP.

The 2012 State Budget reinforces a difficult effort of fiscal adjustment that reduces a primary DEFICIT of 24 billion euro in 2009 to a primary SURPLUS of 3.2 billion euro in 2012.

The 2012 State Budget also fully compensates for the 0.7% of GDP deviation that is being projected in the execution of the 2011 Budget. The deviation is attributed, to a large extent, to the much deeper than anticipated recession in 2011 that reaches -5.5% rather than -3.8% of GDP, as forecasted in June 2011.

The new macroeconomic developments did not allow us bridging this 0.7% of GDP gap by the end of 2011. For that reason, in agreement with the troika, the fiscal targets of 2011 were merged with those of 2012 as they have been agreed in absolute figures in the Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy.

Therefore, the creation of any different impressions that does not take into consideration the unfavorable macroeconomic conditions, the fiscal accomplishments of the past 2 years and all that we have agreed to with the troika, does not do justice to the huge effort of the Greek people.

The fiscal adjustment, as well as meeting the rest of our obligations towards our institutional partners, formulates the requirements for the full implementation of the July 21 decisions by the Euro Summit.

In close cooperation with the troika and our institutional partners we try to alter the fiscal environment, to protect the country fiscally and financially, to shape up the requirements for a new growth model.

The most critical and important task we have to do in order to get back to positive growth rates, with all that this means for the prospects of the country and its citizens, especially the younger ones, is to meet our fiscal and structural goals and to prove that we are determined, united and consistent.



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Rehn: Will Discuss EFSF Leveraging Options Monday

LUXEMBOURG (Dow Jones)--Euro-zone finance ministers Monday will discuss leveraging the region΄s bailout fund, possibly with the help of the European Central Bank, Economics Commissioner Olli Rehn said Monday.

The currency bloc is under international pressure to boost the firepower of the EUR440 European Financial Stability Facility. Officials are said to be considering several options, including using the fund to guarantee against losses on European Central Bank purchases of sovereign debt.

"We are reviewing options of optmimizing the use of the EFSF in order to have more out of it and make it more effective as a financial firewall to contain contagion," Rehn said.

"In this regard, leveraging is one of the options," he said, adding that he expects ministers to discuss the issue at their meeting in Luxembourg today.

Rehn, the EU΄s top official for economic and monetary affairs, said "there are options including the ECB" for leveraging the EFSF, which will be part of that discussion.

Rehn painted a gloomy picture of the outlook, saying Europe is facing "stalling growth" and "still vulnerable banks."

"It΄s essential that today at the meeting ministers will discuss and prepare decisions on our comprehensive strategy to overcome the crisis," he said.

Rehn also said the European Commission, together with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, was looking closely at Greece΄s fiscal numbers.

"It seems that Greece is likely to miss the (fiscal) target this year," he said. "Next year, concrete measures agreed so far are going a long way to meet the...fiscal targets. As I said it΄s essential now that we will assess the measures and review the figures."


New Membro
... Noto che butta piuttosto male
si, solo perchè mi stanno riempiendo di parziali da 1k :sad::sad:

ciao carissimo :up:

perchè cosa è accaduto di diverso?

stamattina l'equity scendeva sui timori greci e lo spread era immutato

salve raga'...
vedo che ormai siamo temprati a tutto :D

In effetti...quante ne abbiamo viste in questa vicenda greca...abbiamo imparato a vivere sulla lama del rasoio :D
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