Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3 (6 lettori)


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Reuters: assegnati 1.138 milioni di euro di tesoreria 26 settimane, al 2,97% di rendimento.

Per oggi niente default ... :-o.


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Greece successfully rolls over six-month T-bills at auction

ATHENS, April 8

(Reuters) - Cash-strapped Greece sold 1.138 billion euros ($1.24 brillion) of six-month Treasury bills on Wednesday, successfully covering the entire amount it sought to raise in the first of two auctions this month testing its ability to find funds.

With Greece weeks away from running out of cash, there had been doubts about whether it would find funds to cover any gap from foreign investors choosing not to participate in refinancing the maturing issue.

The paper was sold at a yield of 2.97 percent, unchanged from a previous sale in March, the country's debt agency PDMA said.

The sale's bid-cover ratio was 1.30, unchanged from March, showing no deterioration in demand despite tight liquidity conditions.

The amount raised included 263 million euros in non-competitive bids. The settlement date for Wednesday's auction will be April 14.

(1 US dollar = 0.9209 euro) (Reporting by George Georgiopoulos, editing by Deepa Babington)


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Austrian Chancellor Faymann: Discussion Over Greece Staying In Euro Must Be Brought To Positive Conclusion Soon

Impressive debt auction leaves Greek 6-month yield at 2.97%. Unclear who's taken up debt but so far crisis not escalated.

Curiosita'...Switzerland becomes First Country to Sell 10-Year Bond at Negative Yield
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Faymann: Dobbiamo presto risolvere il problema greco

Il dibattito sul futuro della Grecia nella zona euro avrà presto un esito positivo, ha detto il cancelliere austriaco, Werner Faymann.

"La cosa importante è che l'Unione europea considera la Grecia più affidabile per il futuro. Non possiamo parlare sempre se la Grecia rimarrà nella zona euro o no", ha detto Faymann.


però quello al limone, con i pezzettini di buccia :V

Il cucchiaino deve rimanere dritto in piedi per essere Yogurt.
Lo Yogurt si può mangiare con noci e miele o alternativamente con miele e noci.
Oltre a queste due alternative non ve ne sono altre.

Chiuso OT.
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