Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (12 lettori)

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Forumer storico
norske...ci pensavo...ma vedendo debiti/mol >5 ho lasciato perdere
in compenso ho preso w3 pow
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Forumer storico
Marfrig overseas

per chi aveva parlato della call, nel prospetto gentilmente messo on line, ho trovato che possono farla quando a loro più conviene e restituiscono il maggior importo tra il 100% del valore e quello che si ottiene attualizzando le cedole future. Ma tengono conto dei tassi del t-bond usa ?

questo il passaggio originale da pag 84 in poi del prospetto

Optional Redemption
Marfrig Overseas may redeem the Notes in whole, but not in part, in U.S. dollars, at any time before their Maturity Date, at its option, at a redemption price equal to the greater of (1) 100% of the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed, and (2) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest and Additional Amounts (if any) on the Notes to be redeemed discounted to the date of redemption on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) at the applicable Treasury Rate plus 50 basis points plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest on the principal amount being redeemed to the redemption date. Notice of such redemption to each holder of Notes must be mailed and published in accordance with the provisions set out under the Indenture not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the redemption date.

Joe Silver

Forumer storico
per chi aveva parlato della call, nel prospetto gentilmente messo on line, ho trovato che possono farla quando a loro più conviene e restituiscono il maggior importo tra il 100% del valore e quello che si ottiene attualizzando le cedole future. Ma tengono conto dei tassi del t-bond usa ?

questo il passaggio originale da pag 84 in poi del prospetto

Optional Redemption
Marfrig Overseas may redeem the Notes in whole, but not in part, in U.S. dollars, at any time before their Maturity Date, at its option, at a redemption price equal to the greater of (1) 100% of the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed, and (2) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest and Additional Amounts (if any) on the Notes to be redeemed discounted to the date of redemption on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) at the applicable Treasury Rate plus 50 basis points plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest on the principal amount being redeemed to the redemption date. Notice of such redemption to each holder of Notes must be mailed and published in accordance with the provisions set out under the Indenture not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the redemption date.

E' la classica clausola di 'make-whole'. Non ti preoccupare che non la eserciteranno mai: gli costerebbe troppo :D
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