Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (8 lettori)

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Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto


ATUGRP EUR 11% Snr May 2014 89 – 90.5 YTM 22.82%
ATUGRP EUR Float Snr May 2014
ATUGRP EUR Float October 2014 27 – 32

Coupon paid

Market participants believe that the company was able to service €25m coupon due yesterday, by drawing down fully on the RCF. There are strong concerns on how the company will pay the 7.462% coupon (~€12m) on the €150m Subordinated bond due on July the 1st. We believe the company needs to announce a refinancing deal or begin restructuring talks as soon as possible. Although pricing of Senior bonds recovered a bit they are still discounting the high uncertainty and the clouds that are gathering over the future of the company. Since our last research report at the end of February the company hasn’t shown any particular signs of improvement, quite the opposite, and now after supposedly paying the coupon and being fully drawn on RCF the risk of non-payment of the next coupon has increased dramatically, hence we still think it is better to stay away from senior bonds at current levels.


In Hoc Signo Vince..


Membro dello Staff
Rickmers 2018 cedola 8,75 isin de000a1tna38.

Che ne dite sono ben accette considerazioni

qualche post fa ne abbiamo parlato

non che si sia detto molto se non per il taglio accessibile, la maturity e il rating credit form = BB

dovrebbe esserci anche il bilancio in uno dei post


Forumer storico

ATUGRP EUR 11% Snr May 2014 89 – 90.5 YTM 22.82%
ATUGRP EUR Float Snr May 2014
ATUGRP EUR Float October 2014 27 – 32

Coupon paid

Market participants believe that the company was able to service €25m coupon due yesterday, by drawing down fully on the RCF. There are strong concerns on how the company will pay the 7.462% coupon (~€12m) on the €150m Subordinated bond due on July the 1st. We believe the company needs to announce a refinancing deal or begin restructuring talks as soon as possible. Although pricing of Senior bonds recovered a bit they are still discounting the high uncertainty and the clouds that are gathering over the future of the company. Since our last research report at the end of February the company hasn’t shown any particular signs of improvement, quite the opposite, and now after supposedly paying the coupon and being fully drawn on RCF the risk of non-payment of the next coupon has increased dramatically, hence we still think it is better to stay away from senior bonds at current levels.

Per nulla positivi anche sui secured ........


Super Moderator
ho dato uno sguardo al bilancio 2012 e al 1° trimestre 2013

va mica bene :down:

se continua così quest'anno le perdite saranno almeno doppie rispetto al 2012

a meno che l'estate porti aumenti consistenti nella vendita di carburanti

Ci sono state perdite sul cambio che non risco a capire da dove arrivano. Forse sono legate al riacquisto dei bond

Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto
Questi di JP Morgan hanno rotto il càzzo. Ma veramente tanto e non solo su ATU :down:

Non sono JP Morgan ma un piccolo broker. In verita' e' che non dovrei neanche postare questa roba. La metto perche' avevo ricevuto una valanga di critiche e anche ammonimenti tramite messaggi privati tempo fa su ATU che io sconsigliavo e volevo tenervi aggiornati. Da ora in poi non mettero' piu' nulla.
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