Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (5 lettori)

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Forumer storico
OTC è veramente illiquida , comunque : ho tentato di venderla sul primo storno che l' aveva portata a 104 circa e non ho trovato bid .

Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto
Su alpine news su coinvolgimento bond, stavolta pare che ci siamo.. vediamo a quali condizioni, volontarietà e rapidità (per la magra consolazione della cedola di luglio)


FCCSM EUR 6.25% October 2014 CB 84 – 86 YTM 19.5%
ALPHOL EUR 5.25% July 2015 40 – 45 YTM 58%
ALPHOL EUR 5.25% June 2016 35 – 40 YTM 46%
ALPHOL EUR 6% May 2017 33 – 38 YTM 40%

“Bondholders’ contribution”

Yesterday the company released a short statement saying that “in order to meet the upcoming liquidity needs, an overall concept of measures regarding the restructuring of the ALPINE group has been exposed during today’s meeting with the financing partners.” The statement also said that “in the opinion of the creditors a sustainable restructuring of ALPINE group cannot be conceived without a contribution of the bondholders.” In the first restructuring the haircut to the bondholders was avoided but as common in many cases the 2nd round of restructuring goes deeper and affects more stakeholders. The bonds had a relief rally when 1st restructuring agreement was announced but since then fell back almost to the same levels as was observed when the company first announced it was in trouble in October 2012. The statement end with the usual positive language that “the management remains confident, that based on the contributions of the financing partners and the shareholder, the turnaround of the company can be assured.”


Membro dello Staff
sui 185 milioni

sto cercando info di bilancio, ecc per capire anche il motivo di questo storno
5 punti in 30 gg

By Stephen Morris
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Scholz AG, a privately-owned German iron, copper and aluminum trader, signed 500 million euros ($646
million) of loans with a group of 13 lenders.
The senior secured debt comprises a 140 million-euro amortizing term loan and a 360 million-euro revolving credit facility maturing in January 2016, according to an e-mailed statement from Commerzbank AG. The new debt partly refinances a loan from November 2009, it said.
Bayerische Landesbank, Commerzbank, Landesbank Baden- Wurttemberg and Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale arranged the debt, with nine further banks joining the lending syndicate, Commerzbank said.
The Essingen, Germany-based company also signed a real estate loan, a borrowing base facility and other credit lines totaling more than 650 million euros, according to the statement.


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Forumer storico
By Stephen Morris
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Scholz AG, a privately-owned German iron, copper and aluminum trader, signed 500 million euros ($646
million) of loans with a group of 13 lenders.
The senior secured debt comprises a 140 million-euro amortizing term loan and a 360 million-euro revolving credit facility maturing in January 2016, according to an e-mailed statement from Commerzbank AG. The new debt partly refinances a loan from November 2009, it said.
Bayerische Landesbank, Commerzbank, Landesbank Baden- Wurttemberg and Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale arranged the debt, with nine further banks joining the lending syndicate, Commerzbank said.
The Essingen, Germany-based company also signed a real estate loan, a borrowing base facility and other credit lines totaling more than 650 million euros, according to the statement.

quasi....quasi...se i bilanci fossero ok....un tuffetto ce lo farei..


Forumer storico
Se i bilanci fossero ok (nel senso che la società è florida) perchè dovrebbero dare l'8,5% di cedola?

perche' forse quando hanno emesso il bond volevano far raccolta...
cedola alta non significa sempre bilanci in perdita ...
magari possono esserci altre sofferenze ma se i bilanci generano ricchezza
puo' essere buona societa' da cassettare

Perche' Piaggio ha una cedola del 7% ?
Perche' Heckler & Koch hanno cedola del 9,5% ?
Perche' Schmoltz + B hanno cedola del 9.875 ?
i bilanci sono accettabili di tutte le sopra menzionate .....
quindi ....
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