Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (3 lettori)

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low cost high value
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fabri, Aeropuertos Argentina è schizzato a 96/100, qualche news?

anche air berlin sale bene
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low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Gion i bond j.c. penney stanno prendendo mazzate alla grande. E' uscita qualche trimestrale per caso?
J.C. Penney Falls as Analyst Cuts Estimates

J.C. Penney Falls to Lowest Since 2001 as Analyst Cuts Estimates

J.C. Penney Co. (JCP) fell to the lowest in more than 12 years after an analyst at Morgan Stanley said the department-store chain is consuming cash faster than expected and may post a wider loss than she previously estimated.
The shares slid 7 percent to $12.90 at 12:50 p.m. in New York and earlier declined to $12.65, the lowest intraday price since January 2001. The Plano, Texas-based retailer’s shares fell 30 percent this year through yesterday, compared with a 20 percent gain in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.
J.C. Penney’s estimate, released last week, that it would have about $1.5 billion in cash at the end of the quarter that ran through July was less than the $1.9 billion projected by Kimberly Greenberger, a New York-based analyst at Morgan Stanley.
Greenberger wrote in a note to clients today that the figure, which implies cash use of about $1 billion from the previous quarter, may be caused by lower operating cash flow, increased capital spending and higher-than-expected inventories.
J.C. Penney may have posted an adjusted loss as deep as $1.34 per share in the quarter, wider than a previous estimate of as much as $1, she said. The average projection of 22 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg was for an adjusted loss of $1.05 a share.
Same-store sales may have slid 10 percent, more than the previously expected 8 percent drop, Greenberger said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Lindsey Rupp in New York at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Robin Ajello at [email protected]


Membro dello Staff
cambio valute

ma son quelli dell'altra volta

non riesco ad allegarli all'mp


  • CurrencyFactSheets_INTHKSG_en_2013_02_26[1].pdf
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low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Nova Odessa, August 6, 2013 - Lupatech S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: LUPA3) (OTCQX: LUPAY) (Lupatech Finance LTD 9 7/8 Perpetual Bonds: ISIN USG57058AA01) ("Lupatech" or "Company"), one of the largest Brazilian supplier of products and services for the oil and gas sector, announces that has entered in this date, with Vallourec Transportes e Serviços Ltda. ("VTS"), company from Vallourec Tubos do Brasil S.A. group, current corporate name of V&M do Brasil S.A., sales contract ("Agreement") of Tubular Services assets, located in the city of Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro state ("Tubular - Rio das Ostras").

With the end of the due diligence procedures prescribed on the binding offer announced on June 17, 2013, the final price of the acquisition is R$58,940,000.00 (fifty-eight million, nine hundred and forty thousand reais), paid as follows: (i) R$48,940,000.00 (forty-eight million, nine hundred forty thousand reais) until the closing of the transaction, and (ii) R$10,000,000.00 (ten million reais) on January 31, 2014.

The conclusion of the deal is subject to approval by antitrust authorities as well as other terms, approvals and conditions provided in the Agreement, which shall take place until January 31, 2014. Until then, the competitive conditions between the parties will be remained unchanged.

Lupatech, through its Investor Relations Department, is available for any clarification.

Thiago Piovesan
Lupatech S.A.


Membro dello Staff
UèUè bella lì

signor brizione, la società exane, ha dei credit analyst – special modo nel contesto high yield –
che sono di tutto rispetto, le allego la loro lista dei most pref high yield bonds – non voglio annoiare,
ma come sempre timing è essenziale, e sicuramente al momento non è il period di cacciare i prezzi


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Forumer storico
signor brizione, la società exane, ha dei credit analyst – special modo nel contesto high yield –
che sono di tutto rispetto, le allego la loro lista dei most pref high yield bonds – non voglio annoiare,
ma come sempre timing è essenziale, e sicuramente al momento non è il period di cacciare i prezzi

Gentilissimo :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

PS. cosa intendeva per "cacciare i prezzi"??
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