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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1
Clondalkin 98,80/99,80
Novasep 78,50/79,50
Petrol AD (nonostante i siti tedeschi la prezzino) completamente illiquida, anche contattando controparti esterne...
The Sunday Times reported Eircom is considering proposals to inject €300m in cash into the company as it battles to avoid breaching its banking covenants. Singapore Technologies Telemedia, which owns a majority stake in Eircom, has signalled to the company’s management that it is prepared to inject €200m. The Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT), which owns 35pc of Eircom, is discussing plans to invest up to €100m to avoid a dilution of its stake.
Under the proposals, some of the cash would be used to buy back Eircom’s debt at a discount, particularly its payment-in-kind (PIK) notes of junior debt. Senior STT executives are expected in Dublin within two weeks to discuss the proposals.
Eircom’s management, led by CEO Paul Donovan, is rewriting its three-year business plan after being asked by STT to review it because of deteriorating market conditions in Ireland.
Eircom said the review was routine but it is understood that the new business plan must be finalised before STT will take the plunge to invest.
qualcosa si muove sul fronte eircom .sono disperatamente ottimista (o totalmente folle)incrementati 75000 pik a 11!!!
Occhio ragazzi perche' qui stiamo trattando con una societa' praticamente semi-defaultata (o defoltata)...Non mi aspetto elemosina da Singapore ma almeno un trattamento fair...
Occhio ragazzi perche' qui stiamo trattando con una societa' praticamente semi-defaultata (o defoltata)...Non mi aspetto elemosina da Singapore ma almeno un trattamento fair... barba ai nostri calcoli, mi è giunta notizia che ONO FINANCE richiama al 28/02 i suoi bond 2014
capire che senso ha prima una tender offer poi una call dopo un mese...boh !!!