Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (5 lettori)

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report abengoa

ho visto adesso il report dei primi 9 mesi uscito ieri. ci ho dato un occhio e non mi sembra così brutto da giustificare il crollo. i risultati sono simili all'anno precedente. se qualcuno trova qualche notizia.... sembrava una roccia. lo avevo venduto qualche settimana fa attorno a 107 e dopo mi ero anche pentito e pensavo quasi quasi di ricomprarlo. accccccidentacccccccio. io capisco HY, ma si rasenta il gioco d'azzardo. tanto vale andare al casinò.


Super Moderator

E' uscita una rettifica sui conti :(

Additional Information to the Third Quarter Results Presentation, 2014

Abengoa s.a. (the “Company”) would like to clarify a misunderstanding around its calculation of corporate net debt, as presented in its earnings call on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 and around the guarantees provided under one of its high yield bonds. Abengoa S.A. (the Parent) issued a green bond on September 30, 2014 through its subsidiary Abengoa Greenfield (the "green bond"). This green bond is guaranteed on a senior basis by Abengoa SA and certain of its subsidiaries, just like all the existing high yield bonds issued out of Abengoa Finance SA. The green bonds are effectively pari-passu with existing Abengoa S.A. bonds. The guarantees are outstanding during the whole life of the green bond. However, the green bond has been accounted for as "non-recourse debt in process" in its September 30, 2014 balance sheet because it is intended to bridge the long term non-recourse financing in eligible green projects, consistent with the treatment of bridge loans for non-recourse projects. The cash cannot be used for any other corporate purposes. The Company has 1.592 million euros of bridge financing accounted for under this category as of September 30, 2014. The intended use of the green bond is conceptually similar to a bridge loan of a project finance agreement or a project finance itself under construction, which have corporate guarantees as per customary practice. The bridge financing gets repaid when the long-term financing is secured. The proceeds from the bond have been assigned from the Parent to non-recourse eligible green projects in order to substitute prior committed bridge financing which had been signed at a higher financing cost. When the long-term financing for those non-recourse projects is secured, the proceeds from the green bond will be used to finance other eligible green projects. For the reasons described above, the green bond liability and related cash have not been included in the calculation of corporate net debt. The Company did include in its proforma corporate net debt calculation the collection of the first asset sale to its subsidiary Abengoa Yield under its ROFO agreement.


Nuovo forumer
il problema sta in una emissione di bond di 330 $ million di settembre destinata ad investitori istituzionali per la quale è stata concessa la garanzia collaterale su asset aziendali....la reazione degli altri bondholders è stata di "stizza", ovvio che quello che riconosco ai nuovi creditori privilegiati in termini di "collateral assets", a garanzia della nuova emissione , lo sottraggo a tutti i bondholder unsecured (che dispongono di meno "patrimonio " aziendale su cui rivalersi in caso di default)
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