Il bond PIK Ardagh Glass XS0213777591 scadenza 2015 sarà presto richiamato. Al suo posto è stato emesso un altro PIK in Eur e USD Ardagh Packaging Finance 11,125% 2020 da 185 mln. Il taglio minimo dovrebbe essere di 100K (come al solito), ma non riesco a trovare l'ISIN
Amount: EUR185 million
Maturity: June 1, 2018
Coupon: 11.125%
Reoffer Price: 100
Payment Date: May 18, 2011
Yield: 11.125%
Amount: $345 million
Maturity: June 1, 2018
Coupon: 11.125%
Reoffer Price: 100
Payment Date: May 18, 2011
Yield: 11.125%
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Packaging company Ardagh Group late Friday priced its 2018 euro and dollar-denominated payment-in-kind notes, Citigroup Inc., the bank managing the deal, said Monday. Both the EUR185 million and $345 million notes priced at par, to yield 11.125%, Citigroup said. The dollar tranche was upsized to $345 million from $300 million.