Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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Come già segnalato da Gionmorg, la Costa d'Avorio è andata a rotoli saltando a fine dicembre 2010 il pagamento di 29 mln USD di interessi su un eurobond 2,5% 2032 (XS0496488395) da 2,3 mld di USD:tie:. Per chi volesse rischiare l'osso del collo (taglio minimo 100K), varrebbe la pena farci un pensierino, poiché il default non è avvenuto solo per problemi finanziari, ma soprattutto per motivi politici :boxe: che hanno portato le banche internazionali a congelare i finanziamenti alla Costa d'Avorio finché non verrà colmato il vuoto di potere che si è creato dopo le elezioni presidenziali. Non è escluso che, una volta risolta la questione, l'obbligazione possa essere rimessa in moto. A favore di questa ipotesi c'è il fatto che già dieci anni fa la Costa d'Avorio era franata su alcuni prestiti in USD, ma poi il debito fu ristrutturato, in parte anche con l'emissione di questa ciofeca. Poi, fatto non secondario, il debito del paese africano, maggiore esportatore al mondo di cacao, è soprattutto in mano a un gruppo di amabili investitori istituzionali, detto London Club :piazzista::king::love:, in cui figurano nomi quali Barclay, Citibank e SocGen. Infine, il bond in parola è complesso nella sua struttura: step up con piano di rimborso ammortizzato in 34 rate a partire dal 2016, e i maggiori obbligazionisti avevano già espresso in passato la volontà di adottare un vanilla plan ristrutturandolo in maniera più semplice.
Prezzo attuale intorno a 30:wow:
Cote d'Ivoire misses next coupon payment on 2032 Eurobond

In a communique sent to the holders of its $ 2 332 149 000 step-up Eurobonds due 2032, the Minister of Economy and Finance announced that the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire will not be in a position to honor the June 30th 2011 coupon payment. The possible IMF's Rapid Credit Facility in the amount of about $130m will not cover the external debt service.

Earlier it missed the December 31st 2010 coupon.

Issuer, issue number: Cote d'Ivoire, 2032
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Redemption type: Amortized
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 2 332 149 000
ISIN: XS0496488395
End of placement: Apr 16 2010
Coupon: 2.50%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Dec 31 2009
Maturity date: Dec 31 2032
Issue Managers: JP Mogran
Trading floor: Luxembourg S.E.
Issuer profile:
Côte d'Ivoire, formerly Ivory Coast, officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, is a country in West Africa. The government officially discourages the use of the name Ivory Coast in English, preferring the French name Côte d'Ivoire to be used in all languages. With an area of 322,462 km2 Côte d'Ivoire borders Liberia and Guinea to the west, Mali and Burkina Faso to the north, Ghana to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. The country's population, which was 15,366,672 in 1998, is estimated to be 18,373,060 in 2008.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 2 332 149 000

Io mi chiedo come è possibile che una nazione del genere riesca ad andare a mercato per un ventennale al 2.5 %!!!!! Almeno pagasse.....
Cote d'Ivoire misses next coupon payment on 2032 Eurobond

In a communique sent to the holders of its $ 2 332 149 000 step-up Eurobonds due 2032, the Minister of Economy and Finance announced that the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire will not be in a position to honor the June 30th 2011 coupon payment. The possible IMF's Rapid Credit Facility in the amount of about $130m will not cover the external debt service.

Earlier it missed the December 31st 2010 coupon.

Issuer, issue number: Cote d'Ivoire, 2032
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Redemption type: Amortized
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 2 332 149 000
ISIN: XS0496488395
End of placement: Apr 16 2010
Coupon: 2.50%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Dec 31 2009
Maturity date: Dec 31 2032
Issue Managers: JP Mogran
Trading floor: Luxembourg S.E.
Issuer profile:
Côte d'Ivoire, formerly Ivory Coast, officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, is a country in West Africa. The government officially discourages the use of the name Ivory Coast in English, preferring the French name Côte d'Ivoire to be used in all languages. With an area of 322,462 km2 Côte d'Ivoire borders Liberia and Guinea to the west, Mali and Burkina Faso to the north, Ghana to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. The country's population, which was 15,366,672 in 1998, is estimated to be 18,373,060 in 2008.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 2 332 149 000

Io mi chiedo come è possibile che una nazione del genere riesca ad andare a mercato per un ventennale al 2.5 %!!!!! Almeno pagasse.....

Gli hanno tolto l'ossigeno perchè non sono scesi a patti sul prezzo del cacao, essendo cambiato il vento della politica con le ultime elezioni presidenziali. Qui chi comanda è la Francia e se non stai con loro, ti tolgono il fiato, anzi... ti bombardano coi Mirage.
Questa è la parte più importante e la novità di rilievo del Q1 2011:

In 2011 the Group redeemed bonds, issued by its subsidiary Petrol AD (see also note 24), with nominal value of EUR 26,643 thousand at the amount of BGN 36,476 thousand. As a result of the transactions for redemption of own bonds, in 2011 the Group realised a gain of BGN 17,365 thousand.

In pratica hanno ridotto l'otstanding di 26 mln. A questo punto, se verrà approvato domani il rifinanziamento di 75 mln di euro per ripagare il bond in scadenza, rischi su Petrol AD 8,375% 2011 non ce ne dovrebbero essere più. Io non riesco a entrare perchè sono impegnato con la liquidità sull'azionario, ma qui adesso ci sarebbe da fare un bell'affare.

Attenzione, Brokerjet dà 90/95 dopo la chiusura di Wall Street :eek: Mi sa che qui ha fatto bingo solo Nik :clap:

Rientro ora, me lo auguro, ma aspetto ad esultare :corna:
Io da brokerjet ed onvista vedo prezzi 81,75/82,25, stiamo alla finestra.
Ero quasi convinto di mollarle, a questo punto tengo duro ancora un pò per vedee come finisce...in fin dei conti, questo bond scade il 26/10/2011 :eek:
Cote d'Ivoire misses next coupon payment on 2032 Eurobond

In a communique sent to the holders of its $ 2 332 149 000 step-up Eurobonds due 2032, the Minister of Economy and Finance announced that the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire will not be in a position to honor the June 30th 2011 coupon payment. The possible IMF's Rapid Credit Facility in the amount of about $130m will not cover the external debt service.

Earlier it missed the December 31st 2010 coupon.

Issuer, issue number: Cote d'Ivoire, 2032
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Redemption type: Amortized
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 2 332 149 000
ISIN: XS0496488395
End of placement: Apr 16 2010
Coupon: 2.50%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Dec 31 2009
Maturity date: Dec 31 2032
Issue Managers: JP Mogran
Trading floor: Luxembourg S.E.
Issuer profile:
Côte d'Ivoire, formerly Ivory Coast, officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, is a country in West Africa. The government officially discourages the use of the name Ivory Coast in English, preferring the French name Côte d'Ivoire to be used in all languages. With an area of 322,462 km2 Côte d'Ivoire borders Liberia and Guinea to the west, Mali and Burkina Faso to the north, Ghana to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. The country's population, which was 15,366,672 in 1998, is estimated to be 18,373,060 in 2008.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 2 332 149 000

Io mi chiedo come è possibile che una nazione del genere riesca ad andare a mercato per un ventennale al 2.5 %!!!!! Almeno pagasse.....

Credo che comunque fosse gia l'esito di una ristrutturazione.
Quindi era un interesse concordato, simbolico, per così dire....
Pare che la Costa d'Avorio abbia ristrutturato per ben nove volte :eek:

Rapporti con le Istituzioni Finanziarie Internazionali

A seguito dell’approvazione da parte del FMI, nel marzo 2002, di un programma “Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility” (PRGF) triennale (2002-2004), il Club di Parigi ha concesso alla Costa d’Avorio il 10/4/2002 una ristrutturazione del debito (la nona) per il periodo 4/2002-12/2004, arco temporale coperto dal suddetto Programma, per un importo di 1,2 miliardi di dollari US a cui si aggiunge la ristrutturazione del debito di 1,06 miliardi di dollari (debito principale, interessi e ritardi di pagamento) dovuti al 31 marzo 2002. In vista del raggiungimento del “decision point”, e quindi dell’eleggibilità all’”Iniziativa HIPC rafforzata”, è stato concesso al Paese un trattamento pre-HIPC in base ai c.d. “termini di Lione” (cancellazione dell’80% dei crediti commerciali “pre cut-off-date” e riscadenzamento del restante 20% su 23 anni, di cui 6 di grazia, a tassi di interesse di mercato; e riscadenzamento dei crediti di aiuto in 40 anni, di cui 16 di grazia a tassi di interesse non meno favorevoli di quelli originari). L’Italia ha partecipato alla ristrutturazione di circa 75,58 milioni di dollari US circa (3% sul totale ristrutturato al Club), tutti derivanti da crediti commerciali (vai alla voce "Trattati ultimi 3 anni").

Per poter regolarizzare tale situazione e soprattutto beneficiare delle riduzioni previste nell’ambito degli accordi con il Club di Parigi e dell’iniziativa “HIPC rinforzata” il Paese deve rispettare e concludere il Programma triennale firmato con FMI.

Le prospettive economiche del Paese a corto e medio termine restano strettamente dipendenti dalla normalizzazione della situazione politica e dal processo di ricostruzione post-crisi, fattori che permetterebbero di orientare le spese di bilancio verso settori produttivi e di favorire una ripresa degli investimenti.

Ambasciata d'Italia a Abidjan

Gli hanno tolto l'ossigeno perchè non sono scesi a patti sul prezzo del cacao, essendo cambiato il vento della politica con le ultime elezioni presidenziali. Qui chi comanda è la Francia e se non stai con loro, ti tolgono il fiato, anzi... ti bombardano coi Mirage.

Sei rimasto indietro... Ora c'è il Rafale :D

Pare che un oggettino del genere stia sui 130 milioni di euro e pare pure che ne abbiano venduto qualche esemplare in tempi recenti..... alla Grecia :eek: :-? :wall:

Ultima modifica:

grande stock, fatti vedere + spesso :)
intanto, sto notando, ditemi se sbaglio, un bel passo indietro della Norske che sembra stia scambiano sott gli 82.
Ultima modifica:
Barry Callebaut explores possibility of a bond issue

“Hold” the BARY 6% 07/17 at 106.3 or at a Z- spread of 187 bps
Barry Callebaut is looking at an issuance of senior fixed rate notes, the proceeds of which would be used for general corporate purposes and to partly repay the amount drawn under its senior credit facility. Barry has mandated Credit Suisse, ING, RBS and Société Générale as bookrunners and joint lead managers for the proposed offering. The notes will be guaranteed by certain material subsidiaries and would be fully pari-passu with the existing revolving credit facility and notes. The transaction is expected to be launched, subject to market conditions, following an investor road-show in Europe commencing on June 6th, 2011. Additionally, Barry is also looking at reducing and amending its existing EUR 850 mn facility with a covenant-lighter facility and a maturity of up to 5 years. As of August 2010, Barry had EUR 256 mn of drawings on its revolving credit facility. This announcement comes on the back of the upgrade to investment grade by Moody’s last week. Considering the proposed maturity of the facility, we expect the new bond to have a maturity at least in line or greater than the existing notes due 2017. We recommend to “hold” the bonds pending further details and the low probability of a shorter-dated note. We continue to view Barry as “Low Risk” on the LARA scale.
si norske è cedente da un po'.
posto un articolo su petrol ,per ora passo
Petrol saga

Announces a corporate restructuring of its Norwegian operations

Retain “Hold” on 5Y CDS at 753 bps pending news around refinancing; “Hold” the 7% NSINO 06/17 EUR notes at Z-spread of 810 bps. Sell protection of 3Y CDS at 600 bps.
Yesterday, Norske Skog announced the transfer of its Norwegian operations from Norske Skog Industrier ASA (issuer of its bonds) into certain newly formed subsidiaries. The paper-making activities at Skagn, Saugbrugs and Follum, will be transferred to Norske Skog Skogn AS, Norske Skog Saugbrugs AS and Norske Skog Follum AS, respectively. These will be wholly-owned subsidiaries of NorskeSkog Industrier ASA. Besides, certain other corporate functions such as invoice handling, IT, accounting and other sales offices have been separated into these newly formed subsidiaries. The transfer of operations from Norske Skog Industrier ASA to its subsidiaries is recorded as “assets sales” and will have no impact on operations or reporting. The existing bonds are issued at NorskeSkog Industrier ASA, which accounted for c. 1/3 of group revenues in FY 2010. Based on tonnage, the Skagn mill accounts for c. 25% of overall newsprint capacity (c. 45% of Europe) and the Saugbrugs mill accounts for most of the group’s uncoated magazine capacity. The Follum mill consists of 16% of group’s LWC capacity. While we acknowledge that the share of capacity is material, we see a negative impact of this move, albeit limited, as the bonds would now move a step away from the assets. However, the existing and the proposed new notes are unsecured notes, thus there is no loss of security per se. Further, guarantees, if needed, will be accorded from these new subsidiaries in accordance with the “negative pledge” covenant in the EUR bond documentation. We retain our “High Risk” assessment on the LARA scale and our “neutral” stance on 5Y CDS and a “hold” on the 2017 EUR notes, despite the recent widening, pending pricing news for the new bond. We further believe with the proposed refinancing arrangements will cover maturities until 2012 (which form the major portion of the maturities over the next 3 years). Further, since we expect more definite steps towards consolidation and a recovery in demand and pricing in 2012, we advise to “sell” protection on 3Y CDS at 600 bps, expecting at least another 50-75 bps tightening.
Meeting with Consob ends with “no news to report”
“Sell” PGIM 10.5% due 01/17 at 93.2 or a Z-spread of 947 bps
Yesterday, PGIM announced that it had met Consob as part of a planned initiative to establish required disclosure on its financial position and outlook for 2011, which resulted in no new announcement. Effectively, Consob has signed off PGIM’s disclosure of its current situation so far, in our view. We expect talks in the background are on-going. The recent events in Italy, with the downgrade of S&P’s outlook to “negative” and the political uncertainty coming from the recent local elections, provide a negative backdrop to the restructuring in our view. We continue to believe Lighthouse is the fulcrum security, however, with a 90% vote threshold required to waive a failure to redeem in full or pay interest on Lighthouse (p. 155 of the Indenture) a blocking position of 10% could easily be achieved and create trouble in the process in our view. We maintain our “Very High Risk” assessment on the LARA scale.
si norske è cedente da un po'.
posto un articolo su petrol ,per ora passo
Petrol saga

S&P rates the new notes at B- in line with existing notes

Move to “sell” on 5Y CDS at 830 bps; “Hold” the 7% NSINO 06/17 EUR notes at Z-spread of 850 bps. “Sell” protection on 3Y CDS at 670 bps
Yesterday, S&P stated that it assigned a B- rating to the proposed EUR 300 mn unsecured notes issue. It also affirmed the B- ratings on the existing notes and assigned a recovery rating of 4, in line with the rating of the existing notes. According to S&P, the affirmation reflects their understanding that Norske will use the proceeds of the proposed notes to repay EUR 202 mn of existing notes due 2011 and a former unsecured revolving credit facility (RCF) due February 2012. Upon review of the documentation, S&P, stated that the new notes have the usual suite of HY covenants. Further, while the new EUR 140 mn revolving facility is unsecured, it will still rank ahead of the unsecured notes by virtue of possessing guarantees from subsidiaries representing c. 75% of EBITDA, which is not directly available to the unsecured notes, other than via a future trigger of the negative pledge covenant. Moreover, the RCF also benefits from maintenance covenants. Given that the maturity of the notes and pricing talks are still unclear, we continue to maintain a “hold” on the existing EUR 2017 notes. We move to “sell” on both the 5Y and 3Y CDS at current levels given the expected lengthening of the company’s debt maturity profile, our expectation of operational improvements and following the recent widening, which we think is slightly overdone. We expect at least a further 75-100 bps tightening from current levels. We retain our “High Risk” assessment on the LARA scale
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