Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (8 lettori)

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voglio proprio vedere cosa succederà.al momento abbiamo fatto bene a uscire ma la trasparenza è minima ,anche s&p non ne sa più di noi,in particolare quanto stanno guadagnando con i diamanti,lì è la chiave di tutto.da seguire attentamente per un possibile rientro:eek:

Sono d'accordo con te. Da tenere presente però che Grandwell, che si occupa di estrazione di diamanti, non rientra fra gli assets di New Reclam se dovesse andare in default. Però, hanno usato parte dei soldi del bond per investire in Grandwell e non è scontato che Grandwell stacchi generosi dividendi quest'anno per ripagare il debito di New Reclam. Tuttavia, se saltasse New Reclam, anche Grandwell ne risentirebbe poichè la capogruppo non potrebbe più investire nell'estrazione di diamanti. Insomma, un bel casino. Sono tendenzialmente ottimista sul fatto che in default non ci vada, però, se non cambia qualcosa, è probabile che allunghino la scadenza del bond se non dovessero riuscire a rifinanziarsi (tecnicamente sarebbe comunque default).


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
Europcar - good news

Ecco perchè le obbligazioni hanno ripreso a salire (generazione cassa raddoppiata nel 2011, da ca. 50 a ca. 110 M€).

Improved Debt Profile over the Year
The growth in utilization rate and good cash generation allowed Europcar to significantly reduce drawings on its RCF line, which decreased from 220 million euros at the end of 2010 to 39 million euros at the end of 2011. Total net debt (including off-balance sheet vehicle rentals) was reduced from 3,019 million euros to 2,905 million euros between December 2010 and December 2011 at constant exchange rates.

“Our 2011 results reflect a challenging 2011 year, in a very competitive environment, nonetheless resulting in a stable performance,” said Roland Keppler, CEO of Europcar Groupe, commented. “I have been appointed six weeks ago to accelerate the transformation of the company and to make Europcar an accessible and relevant brand for our customers.

“Our ‘Fast Lane 2014’ Transformation Agenda covers three periods of time: immediate actions related to costs and cash management; mid-term priorities with notably a product portfolio review and optimization, and an IT review assessment; and from today to the end of 2014, developing new products and redefining our Unique Selling Proposition. This Transformation agenda will enable profitable growth generation, and will make Europcar not only a car rental company, but one of the main actors shaping the future of mobility."

Growth Initiatives Underway
In 2011, Europcar has put in place several initiatives to strengthen its position as the European leader, including:

• A program to improve client relations, including through systematic analysis of customer satisfaction and implementation of optimization action plans.

• A cycling sponsorship initiative (Team Europcar) which raised brand awareness levels in all Europcar European countries, and notably in France (+8 points spontaneous awareness between May and September 2011)

• New innovative services to provide comprehensive mobility solutions to its customers such as car2go, the world’s first one-way mobility service, launched in several European cities and in the United States.

Present in 140 countries, Europcar has 6,600 employees and an average fleet of close to 190,000 vehicles. Europcar is owned by Eurazeo.


Super Moderator
Europcar - good news

Ecco perchè le obbligazioni hanno ripreso a salire (generazione cassa raddoppiata nel 2011, da ca. 50 a ca. 110 M€).

Improved Debt Profile over the Year
The growth in utilization rate and good cash generation allowed Europcar to significantly reduce drawings on its RCF line, which decreased from 220 million euros at the end of 2010 to 39 million euros at the end of 2011. Total net debt (including off-balance sheet vehicle rentals) was reduced from 3,019 million euros to 2,905 million euros between December 2010 and December 2011 at constant exchange rates.

“Our 2011 results reflect a challenging 2011 year, in a very competitive environment, nonetheless resulting in a stable performance,” said Roland Keppler, CEO of Europcar Groupe, commented. “I have been appointed six weeks ago to accelerate the transformation of the company and to make Europcar an accessible and relevant brand for our customers.

“Our ‘Fast Lane 2014’ Transformation Agenda covers three periods of time: immediate actions related to costs and cash management; mid-term priorities with notably a product portfolio review and optimization, and an IT review assessment; and from today to the end of 2014, developing new products and redefining our Unique Selling Proposition. This Transformation agenda will enable profitable growth generation, and will make Europcar not only a car rental company, but one of the main actors shaping the future of mobility."

Growth Initiatives Underway
In 2011, Europcar has put in place several initiatives to strengthen its position as the European leader, including:

• A program to improve client relations, including through systematic analysis of customer satisfaction and implementation of optimization action plans.

• A cycling sponsorship initiative (Team Europcar) which raised brand awareness levels in all Europcar European countries, and notably in France (+8 points spontaneous awareness between May and September 2011)

• New innovative services to provide comprehensive mobility solutions to its customers such as car2go, the world’s first one-way mobility service, launched in several European cities and in the United States.

Present in 140 countries, Europcar has 6,600 employees and an average fleet of close to 190,000 vehicles. Europcar is owned by Eurazeo.

Il 2012 sarà un anno difficile anche per Europcar. Sono in attesa di vedere come rifinanziano i 450 mln di bond TV e i 600 mln di debito bancario in scadenza l'anno prossimo. Se emettono altri bond a tassi stellari (come penso), la società potrebbe avere serie difficoltà a tirare avanti. I costi finanziari sono già molto alti e i ricavi sono stazionari. Inoltre, l'aumento del costo del carburante non può che incidere negativamente sull'utilizzo delle auto in Europa.


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Fage Dairy Industries

Usciti i dati del bilancio 2011. Ricavi +14%, Mol +7,7% :up: nonostante il terremoto Grecia :(


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low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Se ci pensi pero, il mero costo del carburante è un elemento relativo in quanto, quando si noleggia una macchina, il carburante lo mette il cliente.
Ne so qualcosa perché a Malta la hertz mi ha addebitato 19,35 euri sulla carta di credito perché ho riconsegnato la macchina con meno benzina di quanta ne ho trovata!!!


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HECKLER & KOCH: S&P Downgrades Corporate Credit Rating to 'CCC-'
* S&P Cuts Ratings on Lower Tier 2 Debts Issued by German Banks


Super Moderator
Se ci pensi pero, il mero costo del carburante è un elemento relativo in quanto, quando si noleggia una macchina, il carburante lo mette il cliente.
Ne so qualcosa perché a Malta la hertz mi ha addebitato 19,35 euri sulla carta di credito perché ho riconsegnato la macchina con meno benzina di quanta ne ho trovata!!!

Sì, però se non noleggi l'auto perchè costa troppo la benzina, Europcar non guadagna
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