Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (22 lettori)

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Membro dello Staff
Opinion Papers & Partner AG concerning the notification to the BKN-bond biostrom
Dr. Konrad Boesl and Peter Thilo Hasler, board members of the leaflets & Partners Ltd. announce: The Papers & Partner AG in February 2011 by the Board of BKN bioelectricity AG for the development of a collateral loan terms and concepts mandated for their SME loan. This concept was included in the collateral securities prospectus of the Company and documented. Prior to the bond issue, the security concept of experts, investors and the financial press has proved extremely positive.

developed by the leaflets & Partners Ltd and in the past proven collateral concept is receiving funds from the bond by the order of liens on shares in project companies to pledge. These companies serve only to maintain existing or yet to be built biogas plants. In addition, payments from the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) is transmitted from the project companies into an escrow account until the amount of the next scheduled interest payment on the bonds have achieved. In this way, the annual interest payments are secured by a trustee.

ordered the release of collateral by the trustee shall only be given when a refund may be made ​​of the bond from the escrow account. This ensures that the collateral be sufficient at all times to serve the interest due and the bullet repayment at any time. Because of this security concept, the bond was evaluated by the Creditreform Rating AG, the bond rating of "BBB". The Credit Reform defines a rating a rating of "BBB" as follows:. "Strong satisfactory credit quality, low to medium risk of insolvency,"

according to a DGAP-News from 13/06/2012, the project companies, which serve as collateral for the loan, not affected by the bankruptcy . For the concept of realization only is the Board of BKN biostrom AG and mandated by him trustee
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