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grazie, a me tutto sommato il 2011 sembra OK come scadenza
grazie, a me tutto sommato il 2011 sembra OK come scadenza
Oggi come oggi non so se ci entrerei ... a voler fare una metafora calcistica, loro sono da paragonare ad una squadra che aveva la salvezza in tasca, sbaglia tutto e si trova a lottare all'ultima giornata per non retrocedere...![]()
Da due settimane mi ripromettevo di vendere il cippino di Tui 2011.....ieri crollo del 7% sull'onda di questa stupenda notizia , porto a casa il terzo default dopo Lehman e Glitnir??
TUI Running Out of Cash as Shipping Revenue Sinks, SocGen Says
By John Glover
July 10 (Bloomberg) -- TUI AG, the owner of Europe’s largest travel company, is running out of cash as revenue at its Hapag-Lloyd shipping line slides and a loan to one of its units is unlikely to be paid, Societe Generale SA analysts said.
The company has 583 million euros ($810 million) of debt to repay this year and 967 million euros next, analysts Sonia Van Dorp, Marc Blanc and Caroline Duron in Paris wrote in a report today. To fund the payments, the Hannover-based company was “relying” on the return of a 1 billion-euro loan to its TUI Travel Plc unit, they wrote.
“We see problems at Hapag-Lloyd and TUI Travel as endangering TUI’s own liquidity,” wrote the analysts, who recommend selling the bonds. Hapag Lloyd is in a “dire situation,” and liquidity at the holding company is “deteriorating fast.”
Hapag-Lloyd cut working hours to counter a slump in container shipping and freight rates caused by an increase in the supply of new vessels and slowing world trade. The company is seeking as much as 1.75 billion euros in capital from lenders and shareholders including TUI AG, two people familiar with the matter said yesterday.
TUI Travel Plc had negative free cash flow of 731 million pounds ($1.19 billion) in the 12 months to March and had gross debt of 1.68 billion pounds, SG said. Liquidity was about 870 million pounds, the analysts wrote.
Robin Zimmermann, a spokesman for TUI in Hannover, didn’t return calls seeking comment.
Default Risk
“TUI Travel will need all its liquidity and may not be able to repay the 1 billion-euro shareholder loan at or before maturity,” the analysts wrote. “We expect TUI AG to run into liquidity problems in the first half of 2010. Default risk is not far away, in our opinion, unless the remaining 4.2 billion euros of debt at the TUI AG level is significantly restructured.”
The company’s 300 million euros of undated 8.625 percent notes were quoted at 45 cents on the euro to yield 40 percent, according to UniCredit SpA prices on Bloomberg. The notes are rated Caa1, seven steps below investment grade, at Moody’s Investors Service and an equivalent CCC+ at Standard & Poor’s.
The company is rated B2 at Moody’s, two steps higher than the bond, and a level above that at B+ by S&P.
To contact the reporter on this story: John Glover in London at [email protected]
Last Updated: July 10, 2009 08:38 EDT
Da due settimane mi ripromettevo di vendere il cippino di Tui 2011.....ieri crollo del 7% sull'onda di questa stupenda notizia , porto a casa il terzo default dopo Lehman e Glitnir??
TUI Running Out of Cash as Shipping Revenue Sinks, SocGen Says