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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
segnalo che oggi si compra bene la EKOSEM 2022 8,5% a 98, mentre la EKOSEM 24 7,5% girava più alta
io ho incrementato 22 e venduto tutto EKOSEM 24 a 99,60
Prospectus of the bond Bahamas USP06518AE74 in USD 6.95%, maturity 19/11/2029 The website is the international bonds bible, whether they are perpetual, with fixed rates, with floating rates , this website give you access to several informations about these bonds , including the...
Prospectus of the bond Bahamas USP06518AE74 in USD 6.95%, maturity 19/11/2029 The website is the international bonds bible, whether they are perpetual, with fixed rates, with floating rates , this website give you access to several informations about these bonds , including the...
4finance EUR bond amendment process complete 25 August 2020. 4finance Holding S.A. (the “Group”), one of Europe’s largest digital consumer lending groups, today announces the completion of its EUR bond amendment process to extend the maturity to February 2022.
acquistandole ora avranno un estensione al 2022 ci sara' un cambiamento di isin