Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

salterà anche YPF??? :titanic:
io non la seguo ma ho visto oggi questo:
da Bondevalue

Bondholders Snub YPF Proposed Restructuring Offer
Bondholders of Argentine state-backed energy company YPF have retained law firms Dechert and DLA Piper to block its proposal to restructure $6.2bn in bonds, requesting to negotiate better terms. YPF offered to exchange 7 bonds for new bonds with longer maturities, similar interest rates and no capital reduction on January 7, aimed at reducing near-term payments. YPF wants to swap bonds maturing in March 2021 and 2047 for 3 new bonds maturing in 2026,2029 and 2033 by February 4. The bookrunners for the offer are Citi, Santander, HSBC and Itaú. In the proposal, the bonds due in March 2021 worth $413mn must be restructured on central bank orders – companies with principal payments of more than $1mn per month due before March 31, 2021 must extend repayments by two years on at least 60% of their debt. The bondholders said that the proposal will "unjustifiably impair the value of notes that are not due for several years, and in some cases, decades”, calling it a "coercive, hostile exchange".
The proposal led Fitch to downgrade YPF to C from CCC, stating that the proposed bond swap constituted a distressed debt exchange. S&P lowered YPF to CC from CCC, warning it could lower it to selective default with completion of the transaction, calling the exchange offer "opportunistic". YPF's 6.95% 2027s fell 11.6 points since last Friday's close.​
sembra che per adesso solo la 2021 sia coinvolta che sara' sostituita con una nuova con scadenza 2025...non si capisce se alla pari o con un taglio....si aspettano dettagli

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