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perchè cala oggi SanofI?

Sanofi Cuts Profit Forecast as Earnings Miss on Generic Woes
2013-08-01 05:30:00.48 GMT

By Simeon Bennett
Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Sanofi cut its full-year forecast as second-quarter profit missed analysts’ estimates, hurt by falling sales in emerging markets and generic competition.
Earnings per share excluding some costs and currency fluctuations will fall by 7 percent to 10 percent from last year, France’s largest drugmaker said in a statement. Sanofi previously expected profit to show no change or drop 5 percent at worst this year.
Chief Executive Officer Chris Viehbacher continues to expect a return to growth in the second half, saying last quarter’s 23 percent drop in earnings reflected underperformance in some areas and the residual impact of the patent cliff -- the sales plunge that comes when a best-selling medicines is challenged by cheaper generics.
“We have hit a few speed bumps,” Viehbacher said on a call with reporters today. “There’s no point sugar-coating this.”
Revenue from Sanofi’s generics slumped in Latin America and the company took a charge of 79 million euros ($105 million) because inventory at customers in Brazil was “significantly and inappropriately” higher than necessary. At the same time, sales of new drugs failed to make up for generic competition for brand-name medicines including the blood thinner Lovenox and the cancer drug Eloxatin.

Drug Setbacks

Profit excluding some costs fell to 1.48 billion euros, or
1.11 euros a share, from 1.93 billion euros, or 1.46 euros, a year earlier. That missed the average analyst forecast for profit of 1.74 billion euros among 12 estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
Revenue slipped to 8 billion euros last quarter, falling short of the average analyst estimate of 8.43 billion euros.
Sanofi shares have returned 16 percent in the past year, including reinvested dividends, trailing a 19 percent return in the Bloomberg Europe Pharmaceutical Index.
The company has also experienced setbacks in its efforts to bring new drugs to market. Sanofi terminated development of the lung-cancer drug iniparib and an anti-coagulant known as otamixaban last month after both drugs failed in studies.

For Related News and Information:
Sanofi Ends Iniparib Research, to Take $285 Million Charge NSN MNTVI66KLVR8 <GO> Sanofi, French Government at Odds Over Fate of Research Site NSN MMYBL16KLVRS <GO> Most-read stories on the company: SAN FP <Equity> MCN <GO> Sanofi’s product profile: SAN FP <Equity> PROD <GO> Company’s earnings graph: SAN FP <Equity> FA ISBAR <GO> Pharmaceutical industry snapshot: BI PHRM <GO> Today’s top health stories: HTOP <GO> Top Stories:TOP<GO>

--Editors: Marthe Fourcade, Phil Serafino

To contact the reporter on this story:
Simeon Bennett in Geneva at +41-22-317-9238 or [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Phil Serafino at +33-1-5530-6277 or
Sanofi Cuts Profit Forecast as Earnings Miss on Generic Woes
2013-08-01 05:30:00.48 GMT

By Simeon Bennett
Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Sanofi cut its full-year forecast as second-quarter profit missed analysts’ estimates, hurt by falling sales in emerging markets and generic competition.
Earnings per share excluding some costs and currency fluctuations will fall by 7 percent to 10 percent from last year, France’s largest drugmaker said in a statement. Sanofi previously expected profit to show no change or drop 5 percent at worst this year.
Chief Executive Officer Chris Viehbacher continues to expect a return to growth in the second half, saying last quarter’s 23 percent drop in earnings reflected underperformance in some areas and the residual impact of the patent cliff -- the sales plunge that comes when a best-selling medicines is challenged by cheaper generics.
“We have hit a few speed bumps,” Viehbacher said on a call with reporters today. “There’s no point sugar-coating this.”
Revenue from Sanofi’s generics slumped in Latin America and the company took a charge of 79 million euros ($105 million) because inventory at customers in Brazil was “significantly and inappropriately” higher than necessary. At the same time, sales of new drugs failed to make up for generic competition for brand-name medicines including the blood thinner Lovenox and the cancer drug Eloxatin.

Drug Setbacks

Profit excluding some costs fell to 1.48 billion euros, or
1.11 euros a share, from 1.93 billion euros, or 1.46 euros, a year earlier. That missed the average analyst forecast for profit of 1.74 billion euros among 12 estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
Revenue slipped to 8 billion euros last quarter, falling short of the average analyst estimate of 8.43 billion euros.
Sanofi shares have returned 16 percent in the past year, including reinvested dividends, trailing a 19 percent return in the Bloomberg Europe Pharmaceutical Index.
The company has also experienced setbacks in its efforts to bring new drugs to market. Sanofi terminated development of the lung-cancer drug iniparib and an anti-coagulant known as otamixaban last month after both drugs failed in studies.

For Related News and Information:
Sanofi Ends Iniparib Research, to Take $285 Million Charge NSN MNTVI66KLVR8 <GO> Sanofi, French Government at Odds Over Fate of Research Site NSN MMYBL16KLVRS <GO> Most-read stories on the company: SAN FP <Equity> MCN <GO> Sanofi’s product profile: SAN FP <Equity> PROD <GO> Company’s earnings graph: SAN FP <Equity> FA ISBAR <GO> Pharmaceutical industry snapshot: BI PHRM <GO> Today’s top health stories: HTOP <GO> Top Stories:TOP<GO>

--Editors: Marthe Fourcade, Phil Serafino

To contact the reporter on this story:
Simeon Bennett in Geneva at +41-22-317-9238 or [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Phil Serafino at +33-1-5530-6277 or

Grazie al momento passo su Sanofi.

cmq ultimamente sto facendo molto molto azionario.
Ecco, vedi? Con la scaletta tu fai proprio il contrario di quello del grafico di cui parlavi... :D
Occhio però, il sistema della scaletta usato come regola generale di trading è potenzialmente una bomba a orologeria perchè rischi di farcirti di un titolo che scende per sempre.
Lo consiglio SOLO in casi come Safilo dove entri in un titolo con un ragionamento semplice:

valeva 66, poi ha rischiato di fallire ed è andata a 4.
Quando sei certo che invece non fallirà (perchè e' stata salvata da un gruppo "vero" e inspiegabilmente la borsa continua a valutarla come fallita) la compri a 6.
Non sai quanto vale ma probabilmente nei dintorni della metà fra 4 e 66, diciamo 31 giusto per avere qualcosa su cui fare i calcoli.
Non ci provi nemmeno ad arrivare alla valutazione corretta e ti accontenti della parte "facile", vale a dire la prima parte della salita.
Il mio target di inizio alleggerimento è quindi il primo terzo della differenza tra 31 e 4 (31 meno 4 diviso 3 fa 9) quindi aggiungo nove al minimo di 4 ed ottengo 13.
Da 13 in su comincio a scalettare e dormo tranquillo se ritraccia perche' in ogni caso sono sempre nella fascia di probabile ampia sottovalutazione del titolo...
Spargo sei o sette gradinetti. Se, come in questo caso, mi va bene e il titolo salta su e giu' come un grillo, benissimo... quando arriverà dalle parti del 14,5 avro' finito la posizione e lascerò il resto della salita agli altri.

La roba più spannometrica del mondo ma meglio avere un metodo che tirare a caso e stare li' a morsicarsi le unghie davanti al monitor
con safilo peccato essere usciti :(
comprato oggi:

D'Amico, titolo già suggerito da Claudio Borghi peraltro

Mtu Aero Engines : è da tempo che me ne parlano bene il settore motoristico civile è previsto in forte espansione nei prossimi anni, le azioni però scontano già in parte la cosa. Comprato ammontare omeopatico

e le metto dentro il cassetto

continua il pesante calo di K+S su temuta rilevante riduzione prezzo potassio
Preisverfall bei Kali: K+S kassiert Prognose - Aktie fällt weiter - Industrie - Unternehmen - Handelsblatt
Standard & Poor's mette sotto osservazione la società

k+s la stanno maltrattando per benino ....
Ultima modifica:
Engineering e' uscita con un ottima semestrale. Il titolo e' salito dopo i risultati. Sinceramente mi aspettavo fuochi d'artificio...cmq io continuo ad accumulare questa azienda gioiello....resto convinto che il valore di borsa puo' raddoppiare.

il mio cassetto azionario

Oggi mi sono risistemato un po la contabilità:

il cassetto azionario è circa il 27% del mio patrimonio al momento ed è cosi composto.

le % si riferiscono al peso delle azioni sul cassetto stesso. sono un po sovraesposto su Fondiaria A mi sa :D

per il resto sto studiando un po in giro. vorrei portare esposizione azionaria intorno al 35%

Settore Emittente %

Industriale CARRARO 0,84%
Industriale BIESSE 4,05%
Shipping D'AMICO 1,34%
Turbine Aereo MTU AERO ENGINES N ORD 2,14%



Assicurativo VITTORIA ASS 1,89%
Assicurativo FONDIARIA-SAI Risp A 54,72%

Scommessa FANNIE MAE $ 0,59%

Chimico - potassio ISRAEL CHEMICALS ORD 2,38%
Potassio URALKALI 9,24%
Potassio INTREPID POTASH 1,23%
Potassio + Sale K+S Adr 7,98%
Potassio + Sale K+S 4,19%
Carbone MECHEL 1,44%
Agricoltura CHINA GREEN 0,56%
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