Mi vola sono notizie?
By Beth Mellor and Steve Rhinds
Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- EDF Energies Nouvelles and
STMicroelectronics have signed last-minute confidentiality
agreements to examine Photowatt’s accounts, Les Echos reported
today, without saying where it got the information.
• Administrator appointed by commercial court has requested deadline for Photowatt bids to be postponed by several weeks, likely until Feb. 7
• Administrator must still inform court of the nature of the interest in Photowatt at hearing tomorrow: Les Echos
• Natixis says this is “surprising move” by STMicro, as it had only seemed interested in forming a research partnership with Photowatt; says it is “extremely reticent” about synergy benefits for STMicro; reiterates reduce, PT $5.70