Obbligazioni bancarie KAZAKISTAN e banche kazake (1 Viewer)


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In positivo, Temirbank, controllata di BTA, ha ripagato un proprio bond per 150 mln euro. Il che lascia pensare che ci sia liquidità disponibile anche presso la controllante.

Kazakh bank BTA unit redeems $150 mln Eurobond
Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:00am EDT

ALMATY, March 25 (Reuters) - Temirbank TEBN.KZ, a subsidiary of Kazakhstan's biggest bank BTA BTAS.KZ, said on Wednesday it had fully repaid a $150 million Eurobond, easing investor fears over BTA's debt servicing plans.

The government took over BTA last month, saying it would have collapsed otherwise. Earlier this month it said BTA might restructure some of its foreign debt.

"The redemption of the principal and interest has been made using Temirbank's own funds," Temirbank said in a statement.

BTA Chairman Arman Dunayev said separately on Wednesday the bank and its subsidiaries would continue to service their debt in time to facilitate possible restructuring, but would resist early repayment demands. (Writing by Olzhas Auyezov; Editing by Hans Peters)


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S&P downgrada il rating di BTA a C, sull'assunto di una elevata probabilità, a loro avviso, che lo Stato kazako non dia sostegno alla banca nel pagamento del debito e del servizio sul debito, costringendo BTA a ristrutturare.

La nazionalizzazione infatti non sarebbe stata effettuata, e si comprende che ci vorrà tempo per realizzarla (sembra di capire fra le righe che, in caso di ristrutturazione, la ritarderebbero a bella posta).

Cmq la situazione di dipendenza della politica kazaka dai desideri del presidente è tale che anche S&P - pur ritenendo "molto probabile", da quanto a propria conoscenza, che lo Stato non interverrà in soccorso, rende bene anche l'incertezza della situazione e la difficoltà di procurarsi info precise.

Kazakhstan-Based BTA Bank J.S.C. And Subs And Alliance Bank JSC Ratings Lowered To ‘C’; Still On CreditWatch Negative

FRANKFURT (Standard & Poor's) March 26, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today it lowered its counterparty credit ratings on three banks and one mortgage company in the Republic of Kazakhstan (foreign currency BBB-/Negative/A-3, local currency BBB/Negative/A-3), namely BTA Bank J.S.C. (BTA) and BTA's subsidiaries Temirbank JSC and BTA Ipoteka Mortgage Co. (BTAI) to 'C/C' from 'CCC+/C' and Alliance Bank JSC (Alliance) to 'C/C' from 'B/B'.

The counterparty credit ratings on these entities remain on CreditWatch with negative implications, where they were placed on March 20, 2009.

"The rating actions reflect our view that there is now a very high
probability that BTA and its subsidiaries and Alliance will undertake debt
restructurings, and that they are now less likely to gain support from the
Kazakh government to meet their respective debt obligations according to their terms," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Annette Ess.

We understand that the Kazakh government is not willing to provide support for the two banks to service their debt obligations on a timely basis, which, given the highly distressed financial condition of the banks, in our view increases the likelihood of a debt restructuring.

Our long-term ratings on BTAI and Temirbank are constrained by our
ratings on BTA. We understand that the state-owned Samruk Kazyna welfare fund's majority takeover of Alliance has still not been completed and is likely to take some time. We no longer include an additional notch above Alliance's stand-alone credit profile due to our view of the lower probability of government support.

The rating actions also reflect our view of the continuing downward
pressure on BTA and its subsidiaries and Alliance's stand-alone credit
profiles due, among other things, to significant asset-quality deterioration, which in our view is depleting their capitalization.

Continuing funding and liquidity challenges and the instability of deposits also influenced the rating actions. We believe these entities are affected by the current global liquidity crisis and a severe domestic economic slowdown, both of which continue to erode liquidity levels and asset quality.

"We expect to resolve the CreditWatch placements on BTA, Alliance,
Temirbank, and BTAI once we obtain information about a possible debt
restructuring, or evidence of inability to meet relevant debt obligations
according to their terms, or about the implications of Samryk Kazyna's
ownership for these entities' respective creditworthiness, strategies, and
financial flexibility," said Ms. Ess.

If debt restructuring is imminent or the institutions do not meet debt obligations according to their terms, our criteria generally require us to lower the ratings to 'D'. Barring any further deterioration in their operating environments, we may raise the ratings on these entities if either future government support or improvements in their own stand-alone credit profiles help them to avoid a debt restructuring and allow them to meet their obligations in a timely manner.


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Avevo trovato la notizia sul commentario di Jyske di oggi...

S&P downgrada il rating di BTA a C, sull'assunto di una elevata probabilità, a loro avviso, che lo Stato kazako non dia sostegno alla banca nel pagamento del debito e del servizio sul debito, costringendo BTA a ristrutturare.

La nazionalizzazione infatti non sarebbe stata effettuata, e si comprende che ci vorrà tempo per realizzarla (sembra di capire fra le righe che, in caso di ristrutturazione, la ritarderebbero a bella posta).

Cmq la situazione di dipendenza della politica kazaka dai desideri del presidente è tale che anche S&P - pur ritenendo "molto probabile", da quanto a propria conoscenza, che lo Stato non interverrà in soccorso, rende bene anche l'incertezza della situazione e la difficoltà di procurarsi info precise.

Io sul casino kazako ho capito questo: lo stato tramite fondo pubblico samruk sta cercando di dare liquidità alle principali banche. A febbraio ha praticamente nazionalizzato tramite la samruk la bta adombrando un imminente collasso. Come tutto quanto avviene nelle rep. ex sovietiche non si capisce mai la verità, comunque questo è stato. I vecchi proprietari sono in fuga. La stessa samruk ha versato due o tre mld alla bta e forse il 2009 è coperto. Si sta tentando con molte difficolta di vendere la bta alla sbebrbank, una delle principali banche russe.
Nasce però un problema di sindacated loans, cioè le banche che hanno imprestato i soldi alla bta forse li rivogliono indietro subito a causa del cambio di controllo. E qui lo stato ha detto che se fanno pressioni per riaverli indietro subito la banca chiude e non beccano niente o quasi. E' stata data consulenza alla goldman sul debito ma non si sa ancora su quali termini: rinengoziazione con i loan di sindacato, allungamento debito a scadenza, taglio del debito...

Vicenda simile quella dell'alliance con una differenza il fondo saruk non è ancora entrato perchè aspetta delle assicurazioni sul fatto che nessuno richieda indietro i soldi in anticipo.

Situazione molto incasinata, però a differenza dell'islanda il kazakistan ha grandi riserve monetarie e tantissime materie prime. Se sopravvive al 2009 insieme alle sue banche si risale. Speriamo

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Kazakistan: banche a rischio

Il loro debito ammonta a 25 miliardi di dollari

(ANSA) - ROMA, 10 APR - Il Kazakistan sarebbe pronto a lasciar fallire le proprie banche se i creditori stranieri non concederanno uno sconto sul loro debito. Ammonta a 25 miliardi di dollari. Il presidente del Kazakistan, Nazarbayev, ha chiesto al governo di preparare un piano per aiutare le banche del Paese a trovare una soluzione per eliminare i propri debiti. Potrebbero ricomprarsi i propri debiti, ripagarli facendo ricorso a nuovi debiti oppure puntare a congelarli.


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Kazakistan: banche a rischio

Il loro debito ammonta a 25 miliardi di dollari

(ANSA) - ROMA, 10 APR - Il Kazakistan sarebbe pronto a lasciar fallire le proprie banche se i creditori stranieri non concederanno uno sconto sul loro debito. Ammonta a 25 miliardi di dollari. Il presidente del Kazakistan, Nazarbayev, ha chiesto al governo di preparare un piano per aiutare le banche del Paese a trovare una soluzione per eliminare i propri debiti. Potrebbero ricomprarsi i propri debiti, ripagarli facendo ricorso a nuovi debiti oppure puntare a congelarli.

Si riferisce a due banche una è la bta che ha assoldato la goldman per vedere come gestire e/o ristrutturare il debito


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...e ancora il quarto trimestre della BTA non e' disponibile.
Stando al bilancio al 30.09.2008 la banca era sia in utile che con equity positiva.
Immagino che sia in arrivo una gran brutta sorpresa nella forma di un mega accantonamento al fondo svalutazione crediti :titanic:
E' uno dei miei tre titoli del kazz. speriamo che se la cavi maledetto me quando ho investito li sopra :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


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Secondo Jyske il governo kazako avrebbe ufficializzato la ristrutturazione del debito di TuranAlem e di un'altra banca kazaka. Però devo dire che nella web press finanziaria online ancora non trovo notizie puntuali in tal senso.

Questa recente Reuters riporta intanto l'andamento dei CDS delle banche coinvolte (in rapida ascesa, per quanto illiquidi) e dello stato kazako, dimezzati in due mesi, forse anche sull'assunto di un ridotto sostegno al sistema bancario...

Reuters, Monday April 20 2009

* Debt of Kazakh banks BTA, Alliance falls sharply
* Investors look to possible debt restructuring
* Restructuring could involve new debt, maturity extension
* Kazakh sovereign debt protection largely unharmed as yet

By Carolyn Cohn

LONDON, April 20 (Reuters) - The debt of Kazakh banks BTA and Alliance has fallen sharply in price as investors await news within the next few weeks of possible restructuring of up to $15 billion in debt, analysts said on Monday.

Alliance debt was trading on Monday at between 10 cents and 20 cents on the dollar, while BTA's was at 20 cents to 23 cents, a fall of nearly 50 percent from early 2009 levels, analysts said.

BTA, Kazakhstan's largest bank, was nationalised two months ago to avoid bankruptcy, and has hired investment banks Goldman Sachs and UBS to advise it on managing assets and liabilities, which could include restructuring some of its $11 billion debt.

Alliance, which the government also plans to take over, said last week it had asked creditors not to demand it pay back its debt for three months so the bank could work out a restructuring plan for its foreign debt, estimated at $4 billion.

Ratings agencies Fitch and Standard & Poor's cut Alliance's rating to selective default last week after the bank missed a loan repayment, although analysts said Alliance made coupon payments on Monday on Eurobond issues.

"If there are any claims for early repayment of debt, the banks may have to restructure," said Sonya Dilova, emerging corporate analyst at fund manager F&C.

As part of its efforts to help the troubled banking sector, hit by growing bad loans, the Kazakh government has also agreed to buy stakes of up to 25 percent in Kazkommertsbank and Halyk bank.


Conventional debt restructuring would involve the government buying up short-term bank debt and issuing its own longer-term debt.

However, the Kazakh government has so far said it would not issue new debt, and analysts were also doubtful this would happen.

"If there were to be any debt-raising required, it would be more likely to be through (sovereign wealth fund) Samruk-Kazyna," said Marc Balston, emerging debt strategist at Deutsche.

More likely, analysts said, restructuring advisers would ask for a reduction in the principal returned to debt-holders or an extension to debt maturities.

BTA has more than $3 billion in foreign debt falling due this year, including a $250 million trade financing Islamic loan which matures in July, and part of a $1.11 billion two-tranche loan which matures in September, Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corp data showed.

BTA also has a 200 million sterling ($292.1 million) bond maturing on Dec. 21.

Alliance's $4 billion foreign debt includes a $200 million loan tranche maturing in June, Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corp. data showed.

The cost of insuring BTA and Alliance debt against restructuring or default in the five-year credit default swap market has soared, although market-makers said prices were highly illiquid.

Alliance CDS are being quoted above 7,000 basis points, and BTA above 5,000, according to Markit data. Prior to the global credit crisis, a level above 1,000 bps indicated distressed debt.

Kazakhstan's own CDS have remained more stable, narrowing to around 725 bps from around 1,600 two months ago, in line with an improvement in global sentiment.

A CDS price of 725 bps means it costs $725,000 a year for five years to protect $10 million of debt.

Luis Costa, emerging debt strategist at Commerzbank, said there was a risk Kazakhstan's banking worries could eventually harm the sovereign's market standing despite the country's more than $18 billion in foreign exchange and gold reserves.

"The advisers have to come with some kind of restructuring, or the sovereign risk will start to worsen," he said.

"At the moment the bank and sovereign risks are decoupled but that could easily change." (Additional reporting by Christopher Mangham; Editing by Andrew Macdonald) ($1=.6847 Sterling)


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Questo il bollettino di Jyske... mi sa che questi se li porta in default con hold... come ha fatto con Mechacrome... certo che i default quelli di Jyske, anche a volerli ritenere in buona fede, se li sono fatti quasi tutti... Mechacrome, NXP, Ineos, BTA.

A scegliere i bond HY buttando in aria la monetina, si sarebbero avute maggiori chance di successo...

[FONT=JyskeSauna,Bold]BTA Bank to restructure its debt[/FONT]

Russian Sberbank has announced that it intends to discuss with the management of BTA bank and the fund that owns 75% of the bank, Samruk-Kazyna, about the outcome of the Russian bank's review of BTA Bank.

Moreover, the financial authorities have announced that BTA Bank will have to restructure its debt, since the quality of the Bank's assets in
Kazakhstan keeps falling.

The Kazakstani economy has not bottomed out yet, and several banks
plan to increase their provisions significantly. We have been waiting long for the restructure of BTA's debt, and we do not expect today's announcementsto have any additional effect on the bond price.

We are still waiting for the result of Sberbank's investigations and maintain our HOLD recommendation.


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