Forumer storico
Questo articolo è di qualche giorno fa, mi scuso se è già stato postatoCBL & Associates Properties, 7.375% CBL-D avete qualche nuova che si fa di questa c...........
Should I Sell My CBL, CBL-D, And CBL-E? - CBL & Associates Properties, Inc (NYSE:CBL) | Seeking Alpha
Uno dei tanti commenti da parte dei lettori :
Hello Rida and Team! Firstly, I appreciate the fact that you've "come clean" and confessed your wrong investment/trading strategy regarding CBL and CBL-D/E. That took guts. However, I would like to take issue regarding your communication approach: you mention in this article that your subscribers were alerted in January 2019 to sell. I in fact was a subscriber in February; when I downloaded your HDO Model Portfolio and Model Preferred spreadsheets on February 17th both CBL-D and CBL-E were listed there as "Must Buys." So, reality seems to contradict your article.
Secondly, while I appreciate this "mea culpa" article on CBL, when do you think you will write similar articles regarding your investment-pick strategy for other disasters from your HDO Model Portfolio list? Specifically, I am referring to the following examples:
* AMID -- previously your must buy pick (I lost 61%)
* AMZA -- previously your must buy pick (I'm losing 37%)
* MRCC -- previously your must buy pick (I'm losing 17%)
* BDCL - currently your must buy pick (I'm losing 25%)
* WPG - previously your must buy (I'm losing 34%)
This is not a personal attack on you or your team. I honestly would like to know why your investment strategy (i.e. your methodology of selection) has gone wrong so many times. Thank you for your time.
22 Mar 2019, 03:17 PM
P.S. nemmeno Rida è riuscito a risollevare le pref