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Tanker rates to ship liquefied natural gas have more than doubled since the beginning of October, as the power crisis in Asia and Europe has pushed up demand for vessels, Reuters reports.Citing data from Spark Commodities, the daily charter rate for a tri-fuel diesel-electric vessel that can carry 160K cm of LNG to Pacific ports soared to $202,500 yesterday, the highest since January 15, and the dayrate for the same type of ship moving in the Atlantic basin hit its highest since late January on Friday before slipping a bit to $138,250 yesterday.Rates typically would peak in the second half of December, "but in case of cold winter which seems likely given La Nina alert, freight rates might stay elevated until early parts of February," FLEX LNG Management CEO Oystein Kalleklev tells Reuters, adding that restocking demand for LNG next year to replenish low inventory levels may keep freight rates high past winter.
vedo questa bank of america US0605051798 MER-K in continua discesa... puzza di richiamo o occasione?
cosa ne pensate?
Hanno emesso una nuova preferred per $ 1,3 miliardi ma senza specificare come verranno impiegati i proventi, gli investitori sospettano che saranno utilizzati per il richiamo di MER-K size $ 1.05 miliardi
Immagine 2021-10-21 091731.png preffered.png
Ladenburg Thalmann han recuperato bene ultimamente fin sopra i 17 $, non noto notizie rilevanti ma nemmeno ce n'erano a motivare la precedente scivolata, comunque la mia LTSK ha saltato la call come era prevedibile

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