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JMP Group Inc. (NYSE:JMP) – Investment analysts at Barrington Research raised their Q3 2016 earnings estimates for shares of JMP Group in a research report issued on Thursday. Barrington Research analyst A. Paris. Jr now anticipates that the brokerage will post earnings per share of $0.05 for the quarter, up from their previous estimate of ($0.01). Barrington Research also issued estimates for JMP Group’s Q4 2016 earnings at $0.13 EPS, FY2016 earnings at $0.40 EPS and FY2017 earnings at $0.52 EPS.Appena censita (richiesta evasa in un solo giorno!):
baby bond, ha scavallato il primo richiamo, andrà a rimborso, speriamo, nel 2023.
JMP Group 8.000% Pref 15.01.2023$ 25,27970,00(0,00%)29/07/2016
Codice JMPB ISIN US46629U2069