Obbligazioni in dollari Keep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa

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Mah,direi di non dare grosso peso a movimenti oscillatori come questi sul cambio.
Anche se nel lungo termine,a mio avviso l' euro si apprezzerà.
Ciò detto non capisco invece la reazione dei mercati:eek: meglio,a mio avviso si dà poco peso allo scampato pericolo in Austria,che secondo me è importante.Inoltre si ritiene che Renzi verrà sostituito da figure come Padoan,Grasso o De Rio,che continueranno sulla stessa linea.
Però ci sono molte incertezze:Mps,la cui posizione si è a mio avviso aggravata,perchè un governo di larghe coalizioni potrebbe fare il lavoro sporco,ed il m5s,vero spauracchio per gli europeisti,dovrebbero creare un minimo di timore.....
Si vedrà.....

Cordiali saluti
Bank Holding Company KeyCorp Sells a Fixed-to-Floating Preferred
December 7, 2016

$135 billion asset bank holding company KeyCorp has sold a new fixed-to-floating rate preferred with a still stingy initial coupon of 6.125%. Obviously the company is working for the common shareholders and want to hold the rate as low as possible, but in the face of rising interest rates this initial rate is really a likely loser for the individual income investor.

On an issue like this that is investment grade, but has a long fixed rate term (10 years) we focus on the substandard rate that you very possibly will be receiving for that length of time. While fixed-to-floating rate issues will trade firmer than straight fixed rate coupon perpetuals you still have interest rate risk and likely will lose capital assuming we are in a rate hiking cycle. We find almost no reason to be buying investment grade perpetuals at this point in time. We realize that some investors claim to be straight income investors who are not overly concerned with capital drawdowns, but why risk it when it is unnecessary.

This new issue has a floating rate of 3 month libor plus 3.892%. Our preference is obviously for a higher fixed portion, but as long as investors continue to scratch hard for yield this is the coupon we get–pure supply and demand.

Being a bank holding company the new shares are non-cumulative in respect to dividends.

This issue began trading today on the OTC Grey market under the ticker KYYPP and is trading at $25.26–obviously investors like the floating rate part of this issue (even if we don’t). For those not familiar with the OTC Grey market you can check our primer here.

Further details of this issue can be found here.

To get more information on preferred stocks, screen them, set up your own portfolio and receive email alerts, go to www.preferred-stock.com now.
British Airways ed altre:
Assai positive le stime di Iata (l’associazione mondiale del trasporto aereo) sul 2017: 29,8 miliardi di dollari di profitti netti a fronte di un fatturato globale stimato di 736 miliardi. I livello del rendimento netto si attesterà – secondo le stime Iata – a quota 4,1% del giro d’affari. Per il terzo anno – e si tratta della prima volta in assoluto – il ritorno sul capitale investito sarà superiore al costo del capitale stesso. Per il 2016 Iata ha rivisto in leggero ribasso le stime sul livello record di profitti netti pari a 35,6 miliardi di dollari. Insomma anni assai positivi anche se il costo del carburante è stimato in crescita nel 2017. “Tre anni di grandi successi e profitti per la prima volta nella storia del trasporto aereo” ha sottolineato Alexandre de Juniac general manager e Ceo di Iata.
Iata: per le compagnie aeree il 2017 è ancora d’oro con 30 miliardi di profitti netti, tre anni da record

So here we are just 46 hours before the Fed likely announces a fed funds rate hike of 1/4%. We will be plenty happy when they get this out of the way so we can move ahead. It would be a shock if the Fed did not raise rates as everyone is fully expecting a raise and to miss this opportunity would be foolish.

Investors need to remember that generally the marketplace will determine the level of interest rates–the 10 year treasury has moved higher based upon investor action–not Fed action. After the probable hike on Wednesday the 10 year treasury may move up in yield or it may move down. Certainly the knee jerk market reaction Wednesday afternoon and Thursday will be somewhat driven by Fed action and more importantly the verbiage that is used by Yellen at the press conference that will take place after after the FOMC announcement.

So what do we believe investors should do now? It is really simple at this point in time as there is really little you can do. You have lived through an increase in the 10 year treasury from 1.70% to almost 2.50% since early October and while the average preferred continues to move slightly lower (by slight I mean a penny or nickel here or there) the largest amount of pain has been endured. At this point in time we don’t think that the announcement on Wednesday will cause any further significant pain unless they do something totally unexpected like hike 1/2% instead of a 1/4% and there is virtually no chance of that happening. It is more important to see what comes out in the statement and press conference. We would expect kind of the same message–increases will be measured and will be data dependent.

So as we move ahead remember that if you believe rates are going to march higher throughout the year (for instance if you believe that there will be 2 or 3 1/4% rate increases) you should be positioned in some of the shorter duration “baby bonds” or term preferreds if you are sensitive to capital loss. Our list of these types of investments is here. Generally these issues will have less volatility than perpetual preferreds and will react less violently to the downside if rates moves higher. We personally invest only in shorter duration issues at this time as we don’t tolerate capital losses well. Alternatively fixed-to-floating rate issueswill also trade firmer than perpetual preferreds. Our list of fixed-to-floating rate preferreds can be found here.

At the risk of over promoting short/medium durations we have our 2014/2015/2016 Short/Medium Duration Portfolio which has garnered a 6-7% return with essentially no trading and little worry (at least so far). You can look at this portfolio here.
vedo più probabile un mezzo punto in più che nessun aumento ma il dollaro mi pare stia scontando un quartino mentre i bond anche mezzo punto, vediamo
su che mercato ?


Chimera Investment Corp. 8.00% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock
Ticker Symbol: CIM-A CUSIP: 16934Q307 Exchange: NYSE
Security Type: Traditional Preferred Stock

QUANTUMONLINE.COM SECURITY DESCRIPTION: Chimera Investment Corp. 8.00% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, liquidation preference $25 per share, redeemable at the issuer's option on or after 10/30/2021 at $25 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends, and with no stated maturity. Cumulative distributions of 8.00% per annum ($2.00 per annum or $0.50 per quarter) will be paid quarterly on 3/30, 6/30, 9/30 & 12/30 to holders of record on the record date fixed by the board, not more than 35 days or less than 10 days prior to the payment date (NOTE: the ex-dividend date is at least 2 business days prior to the record date). Upon the occurrence of a change of control the company will have the option within 120 days to redeem the preferred shares at $25 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends. If the company has exercised their redemption right, the holders will NOT have the following conversion right. Upon the occurrence of a change of control, and the company has NOT provided notice that they intend to redeem the preferred shares, the holder will have the right to convert the preferred shares into common shares under certain circumstances (see the prospectus for details). Dividends paid by preferreds issued by REITs are NOT eligible for the preferential 15% to 20% tax rate on dividends and are also NOT eligible for the dividend received deduction for corporate holders. This security was not rated by Moody’s or S&P at the time of its IPO. In regard to the payment of dividends and upon liquidation, the preferred shares rank junior to the company's senior debt, equally with other preferreds of the company, and senior to the common shares of the company.

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