Obbligazioni societarie KTG Agrar DE000A1H3VN9 - DE000A1ELQU9 KTG Biogas DE000A1ML257

da Herr Rechtsanwalt Stefan Denkhaus

KTG Agrar SE - Information für Anleihegläubiger
Mit Beschluss des Amtsgerichts Hamburg vom 4. Juli 2016 ist Herr Rechtsanwalt Stefan Denkhaus zum vorläufigen Sachwalter im dem Insolvenzeröffnungsverfahren der KTG Agrar SE bestellt worden.
Das Insolvenzgericht hat die vorläufige Eigenverwaltung angeordnet und einen vorläufigen Gläubigerausschuss bestellt, dem u.a. die SdK Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger e.V. („SdK“) sowie Vertreter der Banken- und Lieferantenseite angehören.
Der Geschäftsbetrieb der KTG Agrar SE wird im Insolvenzeröffnungsverfahren unter Aufsicht des vorläufigen Sachwalters in vollem Umfang fortgeführt. Ziel ist die Sanierung des Unternehmens im Rahmen des Insolvenzverfahrens.
Die Anmeldung von Forderungen gegen die KTG Agrar SE wird erst möglich sein, wenn das Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet ist. Forderungsanmeldungen während des jetzigen Insolvenzeröffnungsverfahrens sind unwirksam.
Alle Gläubiger werden daher dringend gebeten, von entsprechenden Forderungsanmeldungen zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt abzusehen. Im Falle einer späteren Verfahrenseröffnung werden allen Gläubigern Formulare zur Forderungsanmeldung übersandt.
Auch die Anleihen Nr. DE000A11QGQ1 und DE000A1H3VN9 werden vom Insolvenzverfahren erfasst. Die Anleihegläubiger nehmen als Insolvenzgläubiger im Rang des § 38 InsO am Verfahren teil und werden auf Ihre Forderungen die in einem Insolvenzplan vorgesehenen Leistungen bzw. die Insolvenzquote erhalten.
Hinsichtlich einer Bestellung eines gemeinsamen Vertreters der Anleihegläubiger wird zunächst die Sach- und Rechtslage sondiert. Bereits jetzt werden die Interessen der Anleihegläubiger im vorläufigen Gläubigerausschuss durch die SdK vertreten.
Unter Berücksichtigung der hohen Zahl an Beteiligten wird um Verständnis gebeten, dass weitere Auskünfte weder vom Amtsgericht Hamburg noch vom vorläufigen Sachwalter erteilt und entsprechende Anfragen daher derzeit nicht beantwortet werden können.
Der Sachwalter wird im Laufe des Verfahrens weitere Informationen bereitstellen.
cercasi anima pia che traduca in cristiano o in inglese grazie
as Attorney Stefan Denk House

KTG Agrar SE - Information for bondholders
By order of the district court Hamburg from July 4, 2016 Lawyer Stefan Denk house has been appointed as the temporary administrator in the insolvency proceedings of KTG Agrar SE.
The bankruptcy court ordered the provisional self-administration and appointed a provisional creditors' committee, which, inter alia, belong SdK Protection of Investors e.V. ( "SdK") and representatives of the banking and supplier side.
The business operations of KTG Agrar SE will continue in insolvency proceedings under the supervision of the preliminary trustee in full. The aim is to restructure the company in the context of insolvency proceedings.
The filing of claims against the KTG Agrar SE will be possible only if the insolvency proceedings have been opened. Claims submitted during the current insolvency proceedings are ineffective.
All creditors are therefore urged to refrain from corresponding claims submitted at this stage. In case of late opening of proceedings are all creditors sent forms for filing claims.
The bonds no. DE000A11QGQ1 and DE000A1H3VN9 be covered by the insolvency proceedings. The bondholders take as insolvency creditors rank of § 38 InsO part in the procedure and provided for in an insolvency plan benefits or the insolvency rate obtained on your demands.
With regard to an order of a common representative of the bondholders, the factual and legal situation is first probed. Already, the interests of the bondholders are represented in the provisional creditors' committee by the SdK.
Considering the high number of participants will be asked for your understanding that further information relevant inquiries therefore currently can not be answered nor granted by the district court Hamburg from the provisional administrator and.
The administrator will provide more information during the procedure.

con google traduttore
evidentemente sono convinti che KTG continuerà a esistere ed operare con profitto. Quello che mi stò chiedendo è se gli imminenti raccolti sono tutt`ora di pieno dominio di KTG o se sono stati messi sotto sequestro da eventuali creditori

Invece il mio dubbio principale è come sono posizionati i bond nella scala di privilegio dei creditori.
Zoro tu che ti intendi di società agrarie/agricole, se riesci a capire quanto valore hanno i terreni che effettivamente posseggono non esitare a scriverlo.
Comunque ho già derubricato questo titolo come utile per le minus, e penso anche se c'è modo di liquidarlo a breve se si continua con parole prive di significato, attendere per prendere 15 o 20 non ha molto senso dal mio punto di vista
as Attorney Stefan Denk House

KTG Agrar SE - Information for bondholders
By order of the district court Hamburg from July 4, 2016 Lawyer Stefan Denk house has been appointed as the temporary administrator in the insolvency proceedings of KTG Agrar SE.
The bankruptcy court ordered the provisional self-administration and appointed a provisional creditors' committee, which, inter alia, belong SdK Protection of Investors e.V. ( "SdK") and representatives of the banking and supplier side.
The business operations of KTG Agrar SE will continue in insolvency proceedings under the supervision of the preliminary trustee in full. The aim is to restructure the company in the context of insolvency proceedings.
The filing of claims against the KTG Agrar SE will be possible only if the insolvency proceedings have been opened. Claims submitted during the current insolvency proceedings are ineffective.
All creditors are therefore urged to refrain from corresponding claims submitted at this stage. In case of late opening of proceedings are all creditors sent forms for filing claims.
The bonds no. DE000A11QGQ1 and DE000A1H3VN9 be covered by the insolvency proceedings. The bondholders take as insolvency creditors rank of § 38 InsO part in the procedure and provided for in an insolvency plan benefits or the insolvency rate obtained on your demands.
With regard to an order of a common representative of the bondholders, the factual and legal situation is first probed. Already, the interests of the bondholders are represented in the provisional creditors' committee by the SdK.
Considering the high number of participants will be asked for your understanding that further information relevant inquiries therefore currently can not be answered nor granted by the district court Hamburg from the provisional administrator and.
The administrator will provide more information during the procedure.

con google traduttore
vale a dire: per ora state buoni e zitti, poi si vedrà
vale a dire: per ora state buoni e zitti, poi si vedrà

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Executive board change at KTG Agrar SE

Hamburg, 13 July 2016. The supervisory board of KTG Agrar SE (ISIN:
DE000A0DN1J4) has appointed attorney Jan Ockelmann from Sozietät JOHLKE
Rechtsanwälte to the executive board of KTG Agrar SE. As a Chief
Restructuring Officer (CRO) he will, in the coming months, develop a
restructuring plan in order to implement the insolvency process under
self-administration whilst working closely with the interim trustee
attorney Stefan Denkhaus who was appointed by the court. Jan Ockelmann has
longstanding contacts with agricultural companies and advisers. He has also
many years experience as an insolvency administrator and is familiar with
the peculiarities of the process of self-administration.

The aim of the self-administration proceedings is to ensure the future of
the company and KTG Group in the long term and to secure as many jobs as
possible. This is the primary objective to which all other objectives must
give way. Therefore the chairman of the board - in close consultation with
the executive board, the supervisory board and the trustee - has resigned
from the executive board and asked for the termination of his employment
contract, in order to not interfere with a successful process of
self-administration. From the perspective of all parties involved, this way
is the best way to restructure and financially reorganise KTG Agrar SE.
Ho parlato con l'Avv. Alice Wotsch di Monaco Specialista in fallimentare
Müllerstr. 54
80469 München

Tel: 089-999533996
Fax: 089-999533997
La quale sta seguendo il caso per conto di molti creditori:
Hanno tre mesi di tempo dal 6 luglio per presentare un piano di ristrutturazione per la continuità aziendale con proposte esecutive ai creditori tutti che dovranno approvare tale piano a maggioranza, in caso contrario l'azienda viene liquidata dal tribunale.
Se contattate la legale loro vi mettono in una mailing list e vi informano a ogni significativo passaggio sullo stato dell'arte e su sul da farsi atteso che loro stanno allestendo una associazione/class action di bond holders per sedersi al tavolo del piano di ristrutturazione: infatti l'amministratore inviato dal tribunale di Amburgo e il default manager nominato dall'azienda dovranno obbligatoriamente sentire i creditori nella redazione del piano stesso. Nel caso in cui fosse vantaggioso fare partecipare a una class action i prezzi sono molto accessibili: si va dai 178€ fino a 5000 € nominali di obbligazioni possedute ai 358 fino ai 50.000 € sempre di obbligazioni possedute e così via a salire e si sta' capendo se è come la class action possa avvantaggiare i piccoli investitori rispetto ai fondi e alle banche nonché ai creditori in possesso di garanzie reali. Consiglio di contattarla e mettersi intanto nella mailing list quanto meno per stare aggiornati da una fonte tecnica della controparte di questi lestofanti.

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