as Attorney Stefan Denk House
KTG Agrar SE - Information for bondholders
By order of the district court Hamburg from July 4, 2016 Lawyer Stefan Denk house has been appointed as the temporary administrator in the insolvency proceedings of KTG Agrar SE.
The bankruptcy court ordered the provisional self-administration and appointed a provisional creditors' committee, which, inter alia, belong SdK Protection of Investors e.V. ( "SdK") and representatives of the banking and supplier side.
The business operations of KTG Agrar SE will continue in insolvency proceedings under the supervision of the preliminary trustee in full. The aim is to restructure the company in the context of insolvency proceedings.
The filing of claims against the KTG Agrar SE will be possible only if the insolvency proceedings have been opened. Claims submitted during the current insolvency proceedings are ineffective.
All creditors are therefore urged to refrain from corresponding claims submitted at this stage. In case of late opening of proceedings are all creditors sent forms for filing claims.
The bonds no. DE000A11QGQ1 and DE000A1H3VN9 be covered by the insolvency proceedings. The bondholders take as insolvency creditors rank of § 38 InsO part in the procedure and provided for in an insolvency plan benefits or the insolvency rate obtained on your demands.
With regard to an order of a common representative of the bondholders, the factual and legal situation is first probed. Already, the interests of the bondholders are represented in the provisional creditors' committee by the SdK.
Considering the high number of participants will be asked for your understanding that further information relevant inquiries therefore currently can not be answered nor granted by the district court Hamburg from the provisional administrator and.
The administrator will provide more information during the procedure.
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