Obbligazioni societarie La saga della famiglia Espírito Santo: cosa succederà alle obbligazioni BES ed ESFG?

Allora... risposta Banca del Portogallo alla mia domanda su cosa ne sarà del sub Tranquilidade Vida PTTRVBOE0000...

"Dear Sir,

Regarding your message, we inform you that the entities belonging to Grupo Espírito Santo continue to exist and the relationship between those entities and their customers do not undergo any changes due to the resolution measure adopted. Direct or indirect shareholding held by Banco Espírito Santo, S.A. with the other entities of Grupo Espírito Santo, except those held with Banco Espírito Santo Angola, S.A., Aman Bank and Espírito Santo Bank, integrate the assets being transferred to Novo Banco, and are now therefore property of Novo Banco.

For additional explanations on the resolution measure applied to Banco Espírito Santo, S.A., please refer to the following:

- List of Frequently Asked Questions of Banco de Portugal: http://www.bportugal.pt/en-US/OBancoeoEurosistema/Esclarecimentospublicos/Pages/infobes.aspx

- List of Frequently Asked Questions of Novo Banco:

Kind regards,
Banco de Portugal"

Quindi? :mumble: :mumble: :mumble:
Io non ho ancora capito a che servono ste case di Rating,emettono giudizi a giochi fatti,quando invece dovrebbero mettere in guardia prima dei giochi...

O meglio capisco che le corporazione Usa devono comandare,ma almeno si sforzassero di farlo almeno con un senso..:D

l' espressione, chiudere il cancello dopo che i buoi sono scappati , mi sembra calzante
O Novo Banco já tem o estatuto de contraparte junto do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), acedendo ao financiamento do Eurosistema "em condições de normalidade", segundo o Banco de Portugal.
O Novo Banco "encontra-se devidamente capitalizado, beneficiando do estatuto de contraparte para as operações de política monetária e, portanto, do acesso à liquidez do Eurosistema em condições de normalidade", disse à Lusa fonte oficial do Banco de Portugal.

No entanto, já questionada sobre se passou para o Novo Banco a responsabilidade dos 10 mil milhões de euros que o BES tinha pedido ao BCE e cujo reembolso Frankfurt exigiu integralmente dois dias antes do resgate ao BES, a mesma fonte do regulador e supervisor bancário português recusou-se a responder, afirmando que "o Banco de Portugal não comenta operações de financiamento de bancos".

Já hoje, o Expresso noticiou que o Novo Banco já devolveu ao Banco de Portugal os 3,5 mil milhões de euros que este lhe havia emprestado ao abrigo da cedência de liquidez de emergência.

O Novo Banco, que concentra os activos e passivos que eram do BES e que foram considerados não tóxicos, foi criado na reunião extraordinária do Conselho de Administração do Banco de Portugal de 3 de Agosto.

Nesse mesmo encontro, a entidade liderada por Carlos Costa decidiu também que o Novo Banco seria capitalizado com 4.900 milhões de euros, através do Fundo de Resolução bancário.

Entretanto, segundo a ata da reunião que foi divulgada por uma sociedade de advogados, a 1 de Agosto, o BCE retirou o estatuto de contraparte ao BES, suspendendo assim o acesso do banco às operações de política monetária, e obrigou o BES a "reembolsar integralmente o seu crédito junto do Eurosistema, de cerca de 10 mil milhões de euros".

Essa imposição teria de ser cumprida no máximo "no fecho das operações no dia 4 de Agosto", ou seja, o BCE deu três dias ao BES para devolver o financiamento que tinha contraído junto do banco central, de acordo com a acta.
- Reuters article overnight quoting BoP that the BESA inter-bank loans of EUR 3.3bn will move to Novo Banco

- This is in line with what should have been the common sense take that while the EUR3.3bn in inter-co loans had beed written down at BES prior to transfer (Per BoP statement on 5th August with a proposed Novo Banco b/sheet, attached) - the upside for any interco loan recoveries should fall within Novo's book's given the governments EUR 4.9bn bail-out. Thus the positive (if any) will be for senior bonds (moving to Novo).

-While the final balance-sheets for both BES and Novo will remain a fluid situation as highlighted by loans given to Espirito Santo Bank Miami and Aman Bank in Libya now going to Novo (BoP linke below) - the direction should be clear that BES is the entity designed to retain only toxic assets and any (and all?) contingent liabilities and that the rescue is designed to keep Novo as clean as possible to ensure higher chances of getting fully recovery for the government of the EUR4.9bn on a sale. The biggest evidence of this is the decision to move into Novo the GES loans/collateral that were backed by full share-capital of Tranquilidade (the only "good" asset in ESG)..

-What are the drivers for this?
Simply the key priority of the govt to get its EUR4.9bn back - that implies getting a 1x tangible book value sale tag for Novo. This will take a combination of two concrete steps for the govt to get this 1. ensure tangible book value grows to >4.9bn via recoveries of what has been written off, and accept a lower multiple if so to ensure break even, and/or 2. ensure certainty on quality of assets for investors to be comfortable with a 1x book value.
There maybe questions on the timeline in which this is achieved (the forensic audit outcome maybe required first - key question in my mind is there any other BES senior debt issued to retail that needs to be provided for e.g. the details on the 4th SPE that were still lacking at H1) - but this trajectory, and the benefit of Novo at the cost of BES should be clear.

-This implies that recovery in BES LT2 will remain highly speculative at this point and/or the subject of complex recovery estimations for distressed and legal specialists who will need to crack the maze of recovery potentials on claims of ESG entities, as well as potential contingent liabilities on misselling/fraud, for which BES remains on the hook for.

Additional observations:
- Questions remain on final form of Novo B/sheet
We know of the 8.5% CET1 ratio but await other specifics - e.g. what is RWA figure? NPL's and coverage should be better with Angola out of the picture but given that the BES H1 reported b/sheet was very different to the pre-adjustment b/sheet provided in the attached statement, it is difficult to have a clear view (this also shows the extent of mis-reporting in the old BES). I would expect investor interest broadens once these details are confirmed

BES B/sheet
- The 4.4bn in asset side adjustments made on the 5th Aug statement have been taken by some to believe there are likely to be assets of the same amount in BES, that while toxic can imply some upside to recoveries in BES T2 (trading in its teens). My view has been different, in that the 4.4bn in write-downs reflects why EUR 4.9bn in new capital implied only a 8.5% CET1 ratio (Would be higher if there was more capital buffer, and that BES balancesheet will retain only assets that are toxic and contingent liabilities (hence implying a lower notional asset value on BES b/sheet).
cosa ne pensi di questo Rott ?

Le linee di credito sono svalutate a 0,ma sia ANgola,sia Libia,Sia Miami possono far arrivare diversi soldini..
Appena usciranno altri dati più specifici,sul nuovo bilancio,credo che il Senior rimbalzerà in area 95,daltronde era li prima(con Bes)

quotazioni sempre 86 88?
concordo Top... si 88 lettera. Il LT2 sta salendo (se cosi si puo' dire..) ora a 17 denaro 18.25 lettera. I distressed fund ci provano a vedere il recovery value tra qualche anno..

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