Moody's sul senior debt di Novo Banco...
Approccio molto prudente di Moody's:
Rating Action: Moody's assigns B3 senior debt and B2 deposit ratings to Novo Banco; ratings on review for downgrade
Global Credit Research - 12 Aug 2014
Madrid, August 12, 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service has today assigned debt, deposit ratings and a standalone bank financial strength rating (BFSR) to the newly established Portuguese entity Novo Banco, S.A., in response to the transfer of the majority of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items from Banco Espirito Santo, S.A. (BES), together with the banking activities of this bank. The following ratings have been assigned: (1) long- and short-term deposit ratings of B2/Not-Prime; (2) a standalone BFSR of E (equivalent to a ca baseline credit assessment [BCA]).
Additionally, Moody's rates the debt issues which have been transferred from BES and assumed by Novo Banco as follows: (1) the long-term and short-term senior unsecured debt at B3/Not-Prime, and (2) the government guaranteed debt at Ba1. The bank's long-term senior debt and deposit ratings are on review for downgrade, while the BFSR is on review for upgrade. The outlook on the government guaranteed debt is stable.
At the same time, Moody's has taken the following rating actions on BES: (i) the B2/Not-Prime deposit ratings were withdrawn, and (ii) the E BFSR (equivalent to a ca BCA) and the C subordinated debt ratings were affirmed.
Please refer to the end of this press release for a list of affected ratings.
The E standalone BFSR(equivalent to a ca BCA) assigned to Novo Banco reflects the fact that this bank is the successor to BES which -- as a result of significant losses and governance issues -- had failed to meet regulatory capital requirements and consequently got intervened by the Portuguese regulator. Such a scenario is consistent with the BFSR/BCA of E/ca, a positioning which also reflects a higher than normal degree of uncertainty associated with our assessment of the financial strength of this new bank. Nevertheless, Moody's acknowledges that upward rating pressure exists on Novo Banco's BFSR, given that it has new shareholders and new management, and that the most problematic assets which caused the resolution of BES have not been transferred to Novo Banco. Further, Novo Banco received a capital injection from the Portuguese Resolution Fund -- which results in a CET 1 ratio of 8.5% - and will have a high level of loan loss reserves following large provisions constituted by BES in H1 2014. Moody's expects to conclude the review for upgrade of Novo Banco's BFSR in the coming weeks, as we anticipate greater visibility around the bank's credit and business profile, including more detail and clarity on key financial metrics.
The B3/Not-Prime senior debt and B2/Not-Prime deposit ratings assigned to Novo Banco, which are four and five notches, respectively, above the BCA, reflect the fact that the holders of these instruments have been protected by the Portuguese authorities from the resolution of BES. The review for downgrade of the senior debt and deposit ratings will focus on (1) the standalone credit profile of Novo Banco, given the review for upgrade of the bank's BFSR, and (2) an assessment of the likelihood of systemic support going forward, and particularly whether the potential for support would be lower in the future if there were a subsequent event requiring government intervention. The one notch differential between Novo Banco's deposit and debt ratings reflects the rating agency's assessment of higher risk for senior debt holders versus the bank's depositors.
Moody's has affirmed BES's standalone E BFSR (equivalent to a ca BCA), which indicates that this bank has needed external support in order to avoid default, and it also reflects that all the performing assets and senior liabilities have been transferred to Novo Banco. Likewise, Moody's has affirmed the senior subordinated debt rating at C and the junior subordinated debt at (P)C(hyb). These junior debt instruments, which have not been transferred to Novo Banco, are backed by the problematic assets of uncertain value which remain at BES. The risk associated with these junior debt instruments is reflected in the C rating, which is consistent with a loss severity above 65%.
The ratings of the debt issued by Banco Espirito Santo N.A. capital LLC, BES Finance Ltd. and Espirito Santo Investment plc, which benefit from the guarantee of BES, are not affected by today's rating action. Moody's will assess the ratings of these subsidiaries once it attains greater visibility on how these entities are affected by the resolution of BES, primarily on whether Novo Banco subrogates in the guarantee extended by BES, or whether these subsidiaries remain under the scope of BES.
The BFSR of Novo Banco could be upgraded if Moody's determines that the bank has been fully and effectively protected from problematic exposures and contingent liabilities related to BES' failure. Moody's nevertheless acknowledges that certain factors limit the potential for upgrade of the BFSR, namely (1) any evidence that Novo Banco's franchise is adversely affected as a consequence of the failure of BES; (2) the changes that Novo Banco needs to implement in BES's business model, which was underpinned by strong links to the Espirito Santo family; (3) further risks that materialise following Bank of Portugal's forthcoming special audit of the assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items transferred to Novo Banco; and (4) litigation risk arising from, for example, the sale of affiliate debt to BES retail and institutional customers.
Novo Banco's long-term senior debt and deposit ratings of Novo Banco could be downgraded if Moody's were to assess a lower probability of systemic support in the case that a new government intervention is needed, and this downside risk is not fully offset by the potential improvement in Novo Banco's BFSR.
Moody's could upgrade the rating of BES's junior debt instruments as a consequence of a recovery from the assets remaining with BES which warrants a loss severity for these instruments below 65%.