Alla mia mail
"Regarding Bes matter, I would like to know what will happen to senior bond Bes Finance XS0210172721, to perpetual bond Bes Finance XS0171467854 and to perpetual bond Tranquilidade Vida PTTRVBOE0000",
Banca del Portogallo risponde
"The unsubordinated bonds issued by Banco Espírito Santo, S.A. shall be repaid by Novo Banco, S.A. at their maturity date, as customers’ credit claims on those bonds have been transferred to Novo Banco, S.A.
Under the terms of the deliberation approved by the Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal on 14 August 2014, the conditions for any early repurchase operation of those bonds (before their maturity date) shall be defined by the Board of Directors of Novo Banco, S.A. and, in particular, must ensure a positive or neutral impact as regards results, capital ratios and liquidity position of Novo Banco, S.A. No repurchase operation of unsubordinated bonds shall be made before Banco de Portugal assesses an exhaustive inventory describing the repurchase operations to be carried out and their impact. These operations cannot be carried out with the persons and entities mentioned in Question B10, (b) (i) to (iii) of FAQ about BES.
Subordinated bonds or other securities representing subordinated debt issued by Banco Espírito Santo, S.A. have not been transferred to Novo Banco, S.A".
Nessun cenno a Tranquilidade...