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Ciao lego, non è la trimestrale ma sono "solo" i risultati preliminari della produzione per il terzo quarto del 2021. Se non erro la trimestrale vera e propria dovrebbe uscire il 7 di novembre.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (NYSE: FSM) (TSX: FVI) reports production results for the third quarter from its four operating mines in the Americas and West Africa, the Lindero Mine in Argentina, the San Jose Mine in Mexico, the Caylloma...
Third Quarter Consolidated Production
Gold production of 65,425 ounces; 411 percent increase over Q3 2020
Silver production of 1,711,881 ounces; 20 percent decrease over Q3 2020
Lead production of 8,245,289 pounds; 23 percent increase over Q3 2020
Zinc production of 12,436,276 pounds; 21 percent increase over Q3 2020