Linux OS Linux-Info

non mi pare... trovo solo un ml-burg

ml-burg generates a Standard ML program to perform bottom-up
rewriting of an input tree. Cost information associated with each
rewrite rule is used to derive the minimum rewrite cost for the
entire tree. A successful reduction corresponds to rewriting the
input tree to a special non-terminal symbol called the "start"
non-terminal. Upon successful reduction, facilities are provided to
walk the tree emitting semantic actions corresponding to the rules
that matched.
mi appare questo aggiornamento di adobe ma non posso cliccarci
sopra per effettuare l'aggiornamento
qualcuno è in grado di spiegarmi l'arcano?


  • Schermata-Gestore aggiornamenti.png
    Schermata-Gestore aggiornamenti.png
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