M e d i t a z i o n i (5 lettori)




Forumer storico
“The ideal school would teach health, wealth and happiness.
It‘d be free, self-paced and available to all.
It‘d show opposing ideas and students would self-verify truth.
No grades, no tests, no diplomas—just learning.”


Forumer storico
Il paraculo lo riconosci dal fatto che sa mettersi sempre dalla parte che più conviene, facendola sembrare una scelta coraggiosa.


se c'è un problema, non dobbiamo affrontarlo e sforzarci di superarlo, ma chiudere gli occhi e rifugiarci nel nulla.
allora come scrive Watts,
ogni azione, ogni evento viene spontaneamente dal vuoto come dalla superficie di un limpido lago guizza d'improvviso un pesce.


Forumer storico

“Lloyd, il giardino del vicino è più verde”
“Sir, lei è sempre un fine osservatore”
“Allora ho ragione! Non è solo per il fatto che lo vedo sotto la luce dell’invidia. È davvero più verde del mio!”
“Un dato inconfutabile visto che il suo è rosso, sir”
“Rosso, Lloyd?”
“Certo, sir. Nel guardar crescere l’erba altrui non si è accorto che qui sono sbocciate le rose”
“Le rose…”
“Peraltro, se mi permette, le consiglierei di prendersene cura. Non vorrà che appassiscano prima del tempo…”
“Decisamente no, Lloyd. Tieni il binocolo e portami gli attrezzi”
“Con piacere, sir”


Forumer storico
A year ago I was at the end of a divorce. I was losing my savings blindly chasing crypto without knowing how to trade, use a stop loss, read a chart, or even what a bear market was. I had suicidal thoughts in my head on a regular basis.

I came to CT looking for answers, followed the scammiest hopium sellers, and over and over bought the bags they were dumping on noobs. Trapped in a boring job that paid enough to keep me stumbling high from day to day. Complete and utter despair.

I looked at various self-help gurus, but a common theme was if you're fucked after 40, you're likely fucked for life I wasn't going to kill myself but my spirit felt dead. Just one of those nameless cunts for whom existence is just a meaningless pause before oblivion

1 day in April, I woke up filled with something in-between determination & anger, & decided I would never put my life in someone else's hand again Fuck waiting for a bull market Fuck searching for the right woman Fuck trusting fate, or God, or destiny to solve my problems

Sold all my crypto Opened a chart. It was indecipherable. Paid 1k for a forex for noobs course. I learned the basic of what a candle was. More importantly, I learned the basics of risk management. Then I went through all of Cred's courses. Then babypips academy.

I was such a scattered mess, I literally started regimenting my life to the smallest detail. I would write down on a piece of paper not a to-do list, just a to-do-next list. Drink water. Do 50 pushups. Clean office. One thing at a time

I don't write much deep introspective stuff these days, because my life is good. Work an exciting, difficult and important day job. I've cultivated sincere & fulfilling connections with people based on honesty & directness. Dedicate most of my free time to my passion.

The path to success is to want it more. The proof you want it more is you work harder. Dig deeper. Balance is for people who are satisfied with less. I've seen where the lazy life takes you. Resting on your natural talents. It's complete shit.

Self-respect & a meaningful life come from one thing only Turning whatever you were born with into something more Then doing it again the next day

Failure is always waiting Giving up is always waiting Normie life is always waiting They'll still be waiting on the day I die because I'm never going back.

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