Obbligazioni societarie Monitor bond case automobilistiche e accessorio auto (2 lettori)


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Se i produttori automobilistici sembrano in grande sofferenza, ovviamente i produttori di allestimento ed accessorio auto hanno pochissimo di che gioire.

Oggi trimestrale Q4/2008 di Goodyear, primo produttore USA di pneumatici, con alcuni eurobond in USD (decisamente HY il rating, non mi sovviene quale sia), ed è in perdita abbastanza marcata, la prima dopo due anni.

Il volume delle vendite è caduto del 20%, mentre i costi delle materie prime sono risultati in crescita del 28%. Goodyear ha varato per il 2009 un drastico taglio a spese e capex, una riduzione del personale superiore al 5% del totale ed un abbattimento della produzione di 25 milioni di unità entro il 2010 (dei quali 12 milioni da conseguire già nel Q1/2009)

Aveva già elimitato un 5% circa dei salariati nella seconda metà del 2008, imponendo inoltre un congelamento dei salari che viene prorogato al 2009.

L'80% dei ricavi di Goodyar viene dai pneumatici di rimpiazzamento, un mercato che negli USA si è ridotto del 13% nel Q4/2008. Il mercato USA pesa per Goodyear per il 38% delle vendite.

Goodyear Posts $330 Million Loss, to Trim 5,000 Jobs (Update4)

By Alex Ortolani

Feb. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., the largest U.S. tiremaker, posted a fourth-quarter net loss of $330 million and said it plans to cut almost 5,000 jobs and continue a salary freeze.
The loss, its first in almost two years, was $1.37 a share and compares with net income of $52 million, or 23 cents, a year earlier, the Akron, Ohio-based company said today in a statement. Sales fell 20 percent to $4.14 billion.

Goodyear said the loss resulted from lower sales and higher raw material costs, which increased 28 percent. The company said it will curtail expenses by about $700 million and capital expenditures by as much as $800 million this year, while trimming production capacity by as much as 25 million units through 2010. The job cuts will reduce a workforce that stood at about 75,000 employees at the end of last year.

“These actions address the new economic realities,” Chief Executive Officer Robert Keegan said in the statement.

Goodyear rose 36 cents, or 6 percent, to $6.38 at 4:01 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The shares have declined 76 percent in the past 12 months.

The loss excluding one-time costs such as expenses related to hurricanes in North America was $1.18 a share, spokesman Keith Price said in an e-mail. That was wider than the $1.14 average of 6 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg.

Goodyear said it eliminated 4,000 jobs and imposed a salary freeze in the second half of last year.

Capacity Reductions

The tiremaker will cut 12 million units of tire production in the first quarter, Chief Financial Officer Darren Wells said on a conference call today with analysts. The company expects raw material prices in the first half to increase as much as 18 percent, Wells said.

The drop in fourth-quarter sales reflected a 19 percent decline in tire volume and a $375 million negative impact of foreign currency translation, according to the statement.

North America “was a big disappointment,” Himanshu Patel, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst, wrote in a note to investors today. The loss before interest and taxes of $193 million was wider than the $95 million loss that the New York-based analyst projected. He has a “neutral” rating on Goodyear shares.

Demand for replacement tires in the U.S. fell an average of 13 percent in the last three months of 2008, Rod Lache, a New York-based analyst at Deutsche Bank, said in a Feb. 12 research note.

About 80 percent of Goodyear’s sales come from replacement tires, with the rest from automaker purchases, Price said. About 62 percent of 2007 revenue came from outside the U.S.

Cost-Cutting Target

Goodyear said it raised a four-year cost cutting target to $2.5 billion from $2 billion. The tiremaker achieved $1.8 billion in savings from 2006 through 2008, according to the statement.

The company sold 16.9 million tires in North America last quarter, down 18 percent from a year earlier, and 15.1 million units in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, a drop of 21 percent. Volume declined 27 percent to 4.1 million tires in Latin America and 10 percent to 4.4 million in the Asia-Pacific region.

For the full year, Goodyear had a net loss of $77 million as sales declined less than 1 percent to $19.5 billion. In 2007, the tiremaker had net income of $602 million.


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Stessi problemi per Continental, per la quale pesa anche la situazione dell'indebitamento contratto nell'acquisto di VDO nel 2007 e di quello contratto a propria volta da Schaeffler dopo il lancio di un takeover ostile sulla stessa Continental il quale, a causa del crollo del mercato azionario, finì per lasciare nelle mani dello scalatore l'82% del capitale di Continental, anziché fra il 30% ed il 50%, secondo le aspettative di Schaeffler.

La ricetta di Continental è dunque la stessa del resto del comparto, aggravata dal dovere reperire 3,5 mld euro per fare fronte alle scadenze debitorie di metà 2010: taglio dei costi, preservazione della liquidità, contenimento del debito.

Non ha eurobond bond emessi, per cui non entro nel dettaglio, ma suggerisco la lettura di questa Bloomberg, che dà conto anche delle misure in termini di taglio ai costi ed agli investimenti annunciate da Pirelli (alla divisione tyres) e Michelin...



New Member
FRANCOFORTE (MF-DJ)--Moody's Investors Service ha tagliato il rating sul
debito di lungo periodo di Peugeot da Baa2 a Baa3, assegnando un outlook

Alla base della decisione, l'agenzia ha citato il peggioramento della
performance operativa del gruppo automobilistico francese e il cash flow
negativo nel 2008 che portera' a un deterioramento della flessibilita'
finanziaria della societa'. Moody's, tuttavia, sottolinea come la
posizione di liquidita' di Peugeot sia stata rafforzata dal prestito da 3
miliardi di euro concesso dal Governo francese.

19 feb 2009 18:20


Forumer attivo
20.02.09 13:09 - Michelin: Fitch taglia rating a BBB-, outlook negativo
PARIGI (MF-DJ)--Fitch Ratings ha tagliato il rating sul debito di lungo periodo di Michelin da BBB a BBB- assegnando outlook negativo.

Secondo Fitch il gruppo francese mostra un deterioramento del proprio profilo finanziario al di la' delle proprie previsioni ed in scia alla crisi economica in corso che ha colpito il settore automobilistico.

L'agenzia di rating in particolare prevede un declino del mercato dei penumatici nel corso del primo semestre 2009 a causa del taglio alla produzione di veicoli messo in atto dalle societa' automobilistiche.


Value investor
Ed ecco il primo fallen:

Renault’s Debt Rating Is Lowered to Junk by Moody’s (Update1)

By Brad Skillman
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Renault SA, France’s second-biggest carmaker, had its credit rating cut to junk status by Moody’s Investor’s Service, which cited “significantly worse operating performance and negative free cash flow” in 2008.
The long-term rating was reduced to Ba1, the first grade into junk, from Baa2, the second-lowest investment level, the credit reporting company said today in a statement. Moody’s gave Renault a “stable” outlook, indicating it’s not likely to change the rating soon.
Auto markets “will remain challenging in 2009, with significant drops in volume expected,” and a “limited prospect of a meaningful recovery in 2010,” Falk Frey, a Frankfurt-based analyst for Moody’s, said in the statement. European governments’ moves to encourage consumers to buy new cars by scrapping older models may “cushion the shock.”
Renault, based in Boulogne-Billancourt, said on Feb. 12 that it was reining in wages and halting development of new models after Europe’s worst auto-market slump in 15 years caused a second-half net loss of 982 million euros ($1.26 billion) that was almost double analyst estimates. Industry car sales in the region fell 27 percent in January, accelerating from a drop of 7.8 percent in all of 2008.
Renault may continue to be deprived of any significant dividend income from its 44 percent stake in Japanese affiliate Nissan Motor Co. “over the medium term,” delaying the French company’s return to investment grade, Moody’s also said.
Nissan scrapped its dividend payment and announced 20,000 job cuts as it forecast its first loss in nine years, hurt by the yen’s rise against the dollar and the worst U.S. car market in almost three decades. The Tokyo-based company is “completely focused on cash,” Chief Financial Officer Alain Dassas said in a Feb. 18 interview.


Value investor
stà a vedere che dopo questa crisi ci troviamo la FIAT essere uno dei pochi grandi gruppi rimasti ...

Fiat non è messa molto meglio... un pò meglio ma neanche troppo... da sola quasi sicuramente non ce la farà. Quelle meglio posizionate per sopravvivere alla crisi sono le tedesche e le giapponesi.


Forumer storico
Ed eccolo il commento di Moody's alla rating action che porta Renault a livello HY. Abbastanza impietoso, al fondo il senso del discorso è quello che già emergeva dal commento di Fitch: in Renault hanno continuato a ballare sulla tolda del Titanic, tardando a porre in essere le contromisure a preservazione del margine operativo e della liquidità.

Ed i tempi a venire saranno poco felici, con i mercati automobilistici europei che andranno male nel 2009 e recupereranno solo debolmente nel 2010.

Nel medio termine Renault non potrà fare affidamento sul cash flow garantitole dai dividendi erogati da Nissan e da Volvo.

Ammesso che la situazione non peggiori, ci vorrà tempo per il recupero dell'IG e fra l'altro Moody's reputa che il progetto di Renault finalizzato al recupero di un free cash flow positivo nel 2009 difficilmente raggiungerà l'obiettivo.

In pillole, Moody's tratteggia una situazione che vede per Renault: crollo delle vendite dell'auto del 30% nel Q4/2008, con perdita operativa superiore agli 800 mln euro nel H2/2008; free cash flow negativo nel 2008 per 3 mld euro pur comprendendo i dividendi ricevuti da Nissan e Volvo; un debito netto quadruplicato a fine 2008 y-o-y a ridosso degli 8 mld euro, in conseguenza anche di 1 mld euro erogato in dividendi e di 600 mln euro investiti in AutoVaz; calo delle vendite di auto e veicoli commerciali leggeri atteso del 20% nel Q1/2009, con miglioramento atteso solo nella seconda parte dell'anno.

Se la situazione di mercato dovesse ulteriormente peggiorare e la società dovesse bruciare cassa su livelli elevati, anziché in grado di generarne, come invece assume, non si escludono ulteriori riduzioni di rating, dipendendo dalla entità del fenomeno.

L'outlook stabile incorpora già sia il sostegno statale costituito dal finanziamento per 3 mld euro, sia la probabilità che ulteriori misure vengano adottate in futuro ove tale finanziamento dovesse rivelarsi insufficiente.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's downgrades Renault to Ba1/NP with stable outlook[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately EUR 7.6 Billion of Debt Affected. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Frankfurt, February 20, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service today downgraded Renault S.A's ("Renault") long term ratings to Ba1 from Baa2 and its short term ratings to Not Prime from P-2. The outlook on the ratings is stable. At the same time Moody's assigned a Ba1 Corporate Family Rating. This concludes Moody's review for downgrade initiated on January 13, 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Falk Frey, Senior Vice President and the lead analyst at Moody's for the European automotive sector, said: "The downgrade reflects the significantly worse operating performance and negative free cash flow in FY2008 leading to a material deterioration in Renault's financial flexibility with reported net industrial debt deterioration of €5.9 billion to €7.9 billion."[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In Moody's view the markets will remain challenging in 2009 with significant drops in volume expected with limited prospect of a meaningful recovery in 2010 though the scrapping bonuses may cushion the shock in some European countries. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Against this background Moody's is of the opinion that the operating profitability and cash flow generation will remain very weak in the intermediate term. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In addition, Renault's cash flow might no longer benefit from a sizable dividend income from its two key shareholdings in Nissan and Volvo over the medium term. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]As a result the time for recovery of credit metrics of Renault in line with an investment grade rating is likely to take more time than can be accommodated for such rating level without even considering more negative economic scenarios.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The Ba1 rating nonetheless continues to recognise the sound business profile of the company based on a good product offering, an adequate cost position and good market positions in several geographic areas. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]It also recognises that the liquidity position of the company has been mitigated by the planned loan from the French State as well as the strong focus of the company for a target of breakeven free cash flow in 2009 which nonetheless in Moody's opinion could be challenging to fully achieve.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The agency also acknowledges that management is proactively addressing the operating issues of the company and remains determined to further strengthen the refinancing profile.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Renault published fiscal year group revenues of €37.8 billion, down by 7% and an operating margin of €212 million for FY2008, whereby the automotive business generated €35.6 billion revenues, down by 7.4% from previous year and an operating loss of €275 million. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The loss in the automotive business was the result of a 2.2% and 30.0% fall in revenues in the third and fourth quarter that resulted in an operating loss of €873 million in the second half 2008. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Renault's reported automobile free cash flow (including dividend from Nissan and Volvo) was €3.0 billion negative. Dividend payments and the acquisition of the stake in AvtoVAZ added to the increase in reported automobile net debt of €5.9 billion in 2008 to €7.9 billion. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's anticipates Renault's car and light commercial vehicle demand declining by around 20% in the first quarter of 2009 which should result in a further deterioration in Renault's profitability and key credit metrics in the first half 2009. Moody's ratings anticipate a sequential improvement of volumes and cash flow generation in the subsequent quarters. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The ratings could come under further downward pressure however, in case of evidence that the market environment would turn worse than anticipated with regards to volumes or prices and the company's inability to adjust capacity measures in a timely and adequate manner resulting in further sizable cash absorption by the industrial operations in contrast to the company's aim to achieve a positive free cash flow. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's comments nonetheless that there is some headroom built in the current rating for such negative circumstances. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The stable outlook takes into account that the liquidity position of the company has been buffered by the planned €3.0 billion loan from the French State as well as Moody's belief that the strategic nature of Renault and the automotive industry within the French economy should argue with some level of confidence for further financial support beyond the announced loan if needed. [/FONT]


Forumer storico
Aggiungo anche le considerazioni al downgrade che Moody's ha fatto su Peugeot, fermandosi tuttavia in questo caso alle soglie dell'IG.

Per Renault, per chi ci crede, rendimenti superiori al 7% lordo su scadenza 2013 sull'euromercato... continuo a pensare che sia presto anche assumendo che il mercato anticipi una ripresa dei corsi... ma magari sbaglio io...

Noto per inciso che, nonostante il taglio della produzione del 27% nel Q4/2008, Peugeot ha incrementato di 100.000 unità su base annua il numero di autoveicoli fermi sui piazzali in attesa di un cliente, a quota 367.000 a fine 2008

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's downgrades Peugeot to Baa3/P-3 with negative outlook[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately EUR 4.3 Billion of Debt Affected. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Frankfurt, February 19, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service today downgraded Peugeot S.A's ("PSA") long term ratings to Baa3 from Baa2 and its short term ratings to P-3 from P-2. The outlook on the ratings is negative. This concludes Moody's review for downgrade initiated January 13, 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Falk Frey, Senior Vice President and the lead analyst at Moody's for the European automotive sector, said: "The downgrade reflects the significantly worse operating performance and negative free cash flow in FY2008 leading to a material deterioration in PSA's financial flexibility with reported net industrial debt deterioration from a net cash position of €1.4 billion to a net debt position of €2.9 billion and the company's expectation of an additional sizable cash outflow and an operating loss in the current fiscal year." [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The rating at Baa3 continues to recognise the sound business profile of the company based on a good product offering, an adequate cost position and good market positions in several geographic areas. It also recognises that the liquidity position of the company has been buffered by the planned Euro 3 billion loan from the French State which largely closes the free cash flow need identified by the company for 2009. The agency also acknowledges that management is proactively addressing the operating issues of the company and remains focused on further strengthening the refinancing profile. This is tempered by weak operating profitability contemplated for 2009 and possibly 2010 as well as credit metrics that will be very low for an investment grade company and that might be slow to recover as the pronounced downcycle unfolds. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]PSA published fiscal year 2008 consolidated revenues of €54.4 billion, down 7% from previous year. Recurring operating income was down by 69% at €550 million and the company generated a net loss of €343 million. Revenues in the Auto division declined 18% in H2 2008 and recurring operating income deteriorated by €1.3 billion to a significant loss of €858 million over the sale period. Although production has been reduced by 27% in Q4 2008 inventories at year-end 2008 were still 100,000 units above previous year's levels (367,000 vs. 275,000 at December 2007). Rising inventories of around €0.8 billion and a sizable decrease on trade payables of €2.2 billion were the key drivers for the sizable amount of cash outflow in the industrial business (Free cash flow as reported) of €3.8 billion, with €3.9 billion cash consumption in the second half of 2008. This resulted in an increase in PSA's industrial net financial position by €4.3 billion to €2.9 billion. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In addition to the negative operating performance and heavy restructuring expenses in 2008, Faurecia will continue to need the support of its major shareholder (71%) PSA. PSA has provided its commitment to sign 100% of an equity increase of €450 million for Faurecia if needed. The company's expectations for a negative operating performance and its needs of around €4.0 billion of new funding in the current year are based on an assumption of a market decline by 20% in Europe. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The negative outlook reflects (i) the risk of a more severe downturn in PSA's key markets than anticipated, (ii) the adequacy of the planned downscaling of production; (iii) the challenge to reduce inventories to free up cash as well as (iv) the challenge to turn around Faurecia's performance in an adverse environment. Moody's anticipates PSA's car and light commercial vehicle demand declining by around 20% in the first quarter of 2009. Moody's ratings anticipate a sequential improvement of volumes and cash flow generation in the subsequent quarters. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's anticipates a further deterioration in PSA's profitability and key credit metrics in the first half 2009 based on the company's car demand declining by more than 20%. The ratings could come under further downward pressure however, in case of evidence that the market environment would turn worse than anticipated with regards to volumes or prices and the company's inability to adjust capacity measures in a timely and adequate manner resulting in a sizable cash absorption by the industrial operations beyond the company's expectation. Furthermore, additional need for support beyond the announced commitments for Faurecia, a material increase in the company's debt or substantial operating performance decline and cash burn would also lead to further pressure on the current ratings[/FONT]


Forumer storico
Downgrade anche di Michelin da parte di Fitch: apprendo che c'è un bond ibrido, che perde l'IG per effetto del calo del rating.

Il deterioramento del mercato dell'auto si traduce in un peggioramento della metrica finanziaria anche per gli allestitori (il leverage sale per Michelin da 1,8x a 2,7x a fine 2008 y-o-y, il margine operativo scende al 5,6% per il 2008 contro il 9.8% per il 2007 ed una stima del 7-7,5% resa in occasione della diffusione dei dati del Q3/2008; a fine 2008 Michelin ha bruciato cassa per 660 mln euro contro un cash flow positivo per 170 mln euro nel 2007).

la situazione della liquidità appare gestibile, in considerazione sia del taglio al capex per 700 mln euro varato dalla società che dalla disponibilità, in aggiunta alla cassa, di una linea di credito undrawn in scadenza al 2012.

Difficile si verifichi un miglioramento prima del 2010, secondo l'agenzia.

Fitch Downgrades Michelin to 'BBB-'; Outlook Negative

20 Feb 2009 7:00 AM (EST)

Fitch Ratings-Frankfurt/Paris/London-20 February 2009: Fitch Ratings has today downgraded France-based Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin's (Michelin) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating to 'BBB-' (BBB minus) from 'BBB' respectively. Michelin's Short-term IDR has been affirmed at 'F3'. The Outlook for the Long-term IDR is Negative. Fitch has additionally downgraded Michelin's EUR500m hybrid bond rating to 'BB+' from 'BBB-' (BBB minus).

The agency has also downgraded the Long-term IDR and senior unsecured rating of Compagnie Financiere Michelin (CFM), the group's finance arm and intermediate holding entity for Michelin's non-domestic operations, to 'BBB-' (BBB minus) from 'BBB', and affirmed the Short-term IDR at 'F3'. CFM's Outlook is also Negative.

The downgrades reflect the further deterioration of Michelin's financial profile beyond Fitch's previous expectation amid the accelerating downturn in the global auto markets to a level not commensurate with a 'BBB' rating. Fitch calculates that the group's lease adjusted net leverage significantly increased to 2.7x at FYE08 from 1.8x at FYE07 and the agency does not expect a marked improvement in its financial profile before 2010.

The group posted a sizeable negative free cash flow of EUR660m (according to Fitch's definition) for FY08 after posting a positive EUR170m in FY07.

In the wake of the slump in tyre demand, particularly in Q408, Michelin reported a marked decline of its operating margin before non-recurring items to 5.6% for FY08 (FY07: 9.8%) compared with its former guidance of 7% to 7.5% as of Q308.

The group has also had to absorb nearly EUR1bn of additional expenses in FY08, of which EUR804m was related to raw material cost inflation and EUR164m was tied to higher energy and transportation costs.

Sales decreased by 3.5% in H208 compared to H207, impacted by negative volume effects of 7.9% and negative currency effects of 1.6% which were partly offset by a 6.5% positive price-mix effect.

Fitch expects a further decline of the global tyre markets in H109, primarily due to significant production cuts by vehicle manufacturers.

However, Michelin's profitability should benefit from several price increases announced in 2008 in combination with lower raw material prices, particularly for natural rubber and oil derivatives.

Michelin intends to cut capex to approximately EUR700m in FY09 (FY08: EUR1.3bn) to improve its cash flow generation and will also seek to enhance its plant flexibility.

A key issue for management is adjusting its manufacturing capacity to reflect expected volumes in the future. While Fitch acknowledges management's measures to encounter the downturn, the heightened risk of a severe and protracted global recession could jeopardise the group's plan for materially improving cash flow.

A prolonged weakening of the automotive industry could have further negative effects on volumes, capacity utilisation and increase price pressure. These factors are reflected in the Negative Outlook.

Michelin's financial flexibility is considered adequate.

In addition to cash and equivalents of EUR456m at FYE08 (FYE07: EUR330m), the group has a EUR1.5bn syndicated revolving credit facility in place which matures in 2012.

The company reported current financial liabilities of EUR1,440m at FYE08 (FYE07: EUR1,145m) including a EUR470m bond due in April 2009. Michelin stated that it has a bridge loan of EUR480m in place to refinance this upcoming maturity. Total debt increased further to EUR4.9bn from EUR4.1bn, mainly as a result of the group's negative free cash flow.

The company's ratings continue to be supported by Michelin's strong market position as a leading tyre manufacturer in the passenger car/light truck and truck segments, as well as in specialty operations such as earthmovers.

The group's end-market diversification has helped to mitigate some of the pressures affecting the automotive industry. In line with its tyre sector peers, Michelin generates the bulk of its revenues in the generally less cyclical replacement market. The company will continue to benefit from its good reputation and brand recognition, which support Michelin's pricing power.

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