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EADS e la sua trimestrale: pasticci in vista con l'A400, i cui ritardi di sviluppo oramai infiniti (oltre 3 anni ad oggi) incideranno sui contratti da 20 mld euro sottoscritti per la fornitura del mezzo da parte di alcuni governi europei.

In tenuta valore delle vendite ed EBITDA, in virtù delle consegne di Airbus, il cui EBIT margin ha tuttavia subito una sostanziosa erosione nel primo semestre...

ho cercato di evidenziare gli elementi più significativi...

  • JULY 28, 2009, 4:34 A.M. ET
EADS Posts 76% Rise in Net, But Warns of Future A400 Hits


PARIS -- Airbus parent European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co. said Tuesday its net profit rose 76% in the second quarter, but warned that the troubled Airbus A400M military airlifter program may be a severe financial drag in the future.

The aerospace company said net profit in the April to June period was €208 million ($296.2 million), up from €118 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 19% to €11.73 billion from €9.89 billion, partly reflecting increased deliveries of large commercial jets by Airbus.

Earnings before interest and tax, pregoodwill depreciation and exceptional items, a key measure of the company's performance, stood at €656 million, up from €389 million

EADS warned that "substantial" hits to profits may still be booked because of the A400M program. EADS is widely expected to make large A400M provisions later this year on top of the €2.3 billion it has set aside already.

The seven North Atlantic Treaty Organization governments that have ordered 180 of the military-transport aircraft agreed last week to continue negotiations with EADS on rebasing financial and technical aspects of the €20 billion contract, which is already running more than three years late.

Because of missed milestones on the A400M program -- the plane was supposed to be already flying but the first flight isn't likely before the turn of the year -- customer governments withheld €400 million in advance payments from EADS. That, together with a build-up of costly inventories at Airbus, contributed to a €948 million cash outflow in the first half.

EBIT before one-off elements came in at €1.3 billion, down from €2 billion a year earlier. EADS said this reflected price deterioration on aircraft deliveries and a degradation of hedge rates, trends that were partially offset by higher volume sales and cost savings.

Revenue for the first six months was up 2% at €20.20 billion, while net profit was down 6% at €378 million.

The company reaffirmed its guidance for a decline in full-year EBIT compared to 2008, and that EBIT will be "positive." Previous guidance from EADS was for "significantly positive" EBIT in 2009.

Second-half EBIT will be affected by increased research and development spending and significant hedge rates deterioration, the company said.
Revenue for the full year should be in line with 2008, assuming an exchange rate of €1.39 to the dollar, it said.

The company also reaffirmed its guidance for Airbus deliveries and orders, saying deliveries this year should be at least at last year's level of 483. Airbus is expected to book up to 300 new orders in 2009.

EADS tweaked its free cash flow guidance, however, saying it now expects to consume about €1 billion of free cash flow this year, not taking into account customer financing or the negative impact of the A400M program. In May, the company said the cash burn shouldn't exceed €1.5 billion.

Profitability at Airbus, which accounted for 69% of EADS's revenue, deteriorated in the first half, with EBIT down 27% at €519 million, giving an EBIT margin of 3.7% compared to 5% a year earlier. Airbus' EBIT margin was 5.3% in the second quarter.

EADS said it still expects to deliver 14 of its flagship A380 superjumbos in 2009, but noted that costs of that program, which has been beset with development snags, "are still higher than expected."

—The Associated Press contributed to this article
S&P Downgrades Boeing


Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut Boeing Co.'s credit ratings a notch, noting its concern about the possibility of further production cuts due to airline order deferrals and cancellations.
Boeing has come under fire in recent weeks after it again postponed the first flight of its 787 Dreamliner because of a structural problem that executives deemed small but that further damaged the aerospace giant's credibility. Last week, it said it has identified a technical solution to the problem, but didn't give any update on when the plane could be expected to fly.
The airline industry has been cutting capacity amid slumping demand for business and leisure travel, and S&P said those cutbacks have reduced demand for Boeing's jets and caused cancellations and deferrals of existing orders.
S&P cut its ratings on Boeing and its finance arm to A. The ratings agency also cited the potential for higher customer financing needs amid the recession.
"The long-term effect of changes in U.S. defense spending and substantial pension liabilities were also factors," S&P credit analyst Christopher DeNicolo said.
The ratings firm noted credit-protection measures should improve somewhat this year as Boeing recovers from a months-long strike late last year, but will likely be "subpar for the rating" for the next two years.
S&P added it could change its stable ratings outlook to negative in the case of additional cancellations or deferrals or amid further delays on the 787 or its 747-8 jets. It said it doesn't expect to revise the outlook to positive in the near term.
Last week, the company posted a 17% profit increase for the second quarter as revenue rose 1.1%.


1 Ago 2009 - Categoria: Industria - Commenti (0)
Nel primo semestre 2009 Rolls-Royce ha visto il fatturato crescere a 5.142 miliardi di sterline, per circa metà nel settore servizi (2.420 mld, +8%). Lo comunica il motorista britannico, che ha visto l’utile ante imposte crescere del 9% per toccare quota 445 mln. Il ritardo dei programmi Airbus A380 e Boeing 787 è stato compensato - spiega Rolls-Royce - dall’incremento della domanda per altri widebody, in particolare per l’A330 che ha generato ordini per quasi cento Trent 700 nel semestre.
(G. Alegi - www.dedalonews.com)

28 Lug 2009 - Categoria: Industria - Commenti (0)
Rolls-Royce ha annunciato oggi piani per investire in quattro nuovi stabilimenti e due programmi di ricerca avanzata. I programmi sono stati presentati oggi a Londra in una conferenza stampa con Peter Mandelson, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills e Sir John Rose, CEO di Rolls-Royce. I programmi di ricerca sono focalizzati su tecnologie critiche per ridurre le emissioni CO2 degli aerei del futuro e per accelerare lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi manifatturieri.Rolls-Royce investirà più di 300 milioni di sterline in quattro fabbriche nel Regno Unito specializzate in fusione di palette a cristallo singolo per turbine; fabbricazione di dischi rotanti, che introduce un cambio radicale nella realizzazione di questi componenti per ventole, compressori e turbine; pale a corda larga per motori militari e in particolare per il sistema di volo verticale del caccia F-35 (JSF) e componenti per centrali nucleari civili. Inoltre, Rolls-Royce aprirà una nuovo stabilimento a Singapore per la realizzazione di pale a corda larga per motori civili, che si affiancherà allo stabilimento di Barnoldswick, in Inghilterra, che è specializzato nella stessa attività.
I nuovi programmi di ricerca e sviluppo annunciati sono lo SILOET (Strategic Investment in Low Carbon Engine Technology) ed il SAMULET (Strategic Affordable Manufacturing in the UK through Leading Environmental Technologies).
(M. Landi - www.dedalonews.com)
Downgrade di Boeing da parte di S&P: pesa l'andamento atteso del settore per i commercial airplanes, i ritardi nello sviluppo dei nuovi aerei, le cancellazioni ed i differimenti su nuovi ordini, le difficoltà legate all'esigenza di incrementare i finanziamenti alla clientela, l'andamento delle spese USA nel settore della difesa e gli oneri pensionistici gravanti su Boeing.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Boeing Co., Sub Ratings Lowered To 'A'; Outlook Is Stable[/FONT]

--The global economic downturn has resulted in weaker air traffic and losses at airlines, reducing demand for Boeing Co.'s jetliners and causing the cancellation and deferral of existing orders. The company's development of the new 787 is two years behind schedule, and is likely to experience further delays.

--Boeing Co.'s defense business remains stable, but changes in defense-spending priorities could constrain the long-term growth and competitiveness of the unit.

--We are lowering our long-term ratings on Boeing Co. and Boeing Capital
Corp. to 'A' from 'A+' and removing the ratings from CreditWatch. We are also affirming the short-term 'A-1' rating.

--The stable outlook reflects our expectations of modestly improving
credit protection measures in 2009, as the company recovers from the strike last year, but ratios will likely be subpar for the rating for the next two years.

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) July 29, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today lowered its long-term ratings on Boeing Co., and its wholly-owned finance subsidiary, Boeing Capital Corp., including the corporate credit rating on both entities, to 'A' from 'A+'.

We also removed the ratings from CreditWatch, where we had placed them with negative implications on April 10, 2009. We also affirmed the 'A-1' short-term ratings on both entities, which were not on CreditWatch. The outlook is stable.

"The downgrade reflects concerns about the possibility of further
production cuts due to airline order deferrals and cancellations, risks
related to the development of the midsize 787 jetliner, which is two years behind schedule, and the potential for higher customer financing needs
," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Christopher DeNicolo. "The long-term effect of changes in U.S. defense spending, and substantial pension liabilities were also factors," he continued.

Due to lower revenues and earnings resulting from the effects of the
global economic downturn on air travel, as well as difficulty arranging
financing, airlines have delayed new aircraft orders, as well as deferred and
canceled existing orders. In the first half of 2009, Boeing Commercial
Airplanes (BCA) had only four net orders, as 89 cancellations offset 93 new orders.

Credit protection measures should improve modestly in 2009, as the
company recovers from the strike last year, but will likely be subpar for the
rating for the next two years. Standard & Poor's could revise the outlook to negative if additional commercial aircraft order cancellations or deferrals result in significant production cuts in 2010, or if further delays on the 787 or 747-8 lead to material earnings charges or much lower cash generation.

We do not expect to revise the outlook to positive in the near term, due to the weak conditions in the commercial aviation market.
Puntuali le preoccupanti conferme :

03.08.09 15:23 - Boeing: nuovi ritardi per 1* volo 787 (stampa)

NEW YORK (MF-DJ)--Ci sara' un ritardo di 6 mesi per il nuovo modello della Boeing 787 DreamLiner.
E' quanto ha dichiarato Mark Rollins, numero uno di Senior, una delle societa' che forniscono componenti al colosso aerospaziale Usa, durante un'intervista a Bloomberg.

Boeing ha gia' ritardato le consegne cinque volte,
ed "e' in gioco la credibilita' del gruppo", sostiene Rollins.

Dopo gli ultimi ritardi, Boeing non ha fornito una data ufficiale per il primo volo del 787.
Intanto soffrono anche le linee aeree per il calo passeggeri..

Nella scorsa settimana é toccato a Lufthansa vedere il proprio rating BBB posto in osservazione dopo che la società ha annunciato che sarà necessario disporre misure aggiuntive (di taglio dei costi e/o riduzione degli investimenti) per poter ottenere un risultato operativo positivo nel 2009.

Un forecast decisamente peggiorativo delle precedenti stime, che avevano visto Lufthansa preconizzare un EBIT in deciso calo rispetto ai 1,35 mld euro conseguiti nel 2008, ma non a rischio di scivolamento in territorio negativo.

S&P deciderà il da farsi sentito il management di Lufthansa circa le misure che intendono adottare e l'impatto sui conti che si attendono di conseguire...

Lufthansa 'BBB' Ratings Placed On CreditWatch Negative After Warning On 2009 Profits; A-3 Short-Term Rating Affirmed

-- Germany-based aviation group Lufthansa has announced that business conditions in the airline industry are weakening and has reduced its earnings expectations for 2009.
-- We are placing the 'BBB' long-term corporate credit and senior
unsecured debt ratings on Lufthansa on CreditWatch with negative implications.
-- The CreditWatch placement reflects uncertainty pending further details on additional actions that the group might take to offset the decline in its profits.
-- Any lowering of the corporate credit rating will likely be limited to
one notch.

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) June 22, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it has placed its 'BBB' long-term corporate credit rating and senior unsecured debt ratings on Germany-based aviation group Deutsche Lufthansa AG on CreditWatch with negative implications. At the same time, the A-3 short-term corporate credit rating on the group was affirmed.

"The CreditWatch placement reflects our concerns that underlying trading conditions and prospects have deteriorated in recent months. This follows Lufthansa's announcement on June 19, 2009, that weak industry conditions will necessitate additional measures to safeguard a positive operating result," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Leigh Bailey.

As a result, we believe that Lufthansa may find it difficult to maintain credit measures that we believe are commensurate with the current rating level.

In its warning on profits, Lufthansa stated that in light of persistently weak demand in its passenger and freight business, structural changes in passengers' travel behavior, and rising fuel prices, the group will need to
make additional cost savings to maintain a positive operating result in 2009.

These actions will be in addition to steps already being undertaken throughout the group to cut costs and capacity in all its business segments.

Lufthansa had previously provided market guidance of a considerable fall in operating profit in 2009 from the €1.35 billion achieved in 2008.

However, it continued to target a "distinctly positive" operating result this year. Given the group's recent warning on profit, we believe that there is a high potential for the operating result in 2009 to be weaker than originally envisaged.

On March 31, 2009, the group's credit ratios were commensurate with the ratings, in our view, reflected by funds from operations (FFO) to adjusted debt of 42%. The ratings had factored in that the difficult trading
environment and a subsequent slowdown in passenger growth would likely squeeze Lufthansa's financial profile.

However, a marked deterioration in the revenue and cost environment in the second quarter of 2009 is weakening performance and, in our view, is likely to depress trading prospects for the remainder of the year. This is reflected by falling revenues, due to lower volumes and prices, and a rise in the fuel price, by about 50% since the end of the first quarter.

To resolve the CreditWatch placement, Standard & Poor's will meet with management to discuss the group's current and future trading expectations and the full details of additional cost-saving measures targeted to achieve a positive operating result. In addition, we will address the group's plans for fleet renewal, capital investment, and progress with integrating announced acquisitions.

At the current rating level we anticipate FFO to adjusted debt in 2009 to fall to about 25%, which is acceptable in the context of a cyclical low point. However, the rating also assumes that Lufthansa will improve its credit measures next year, including FFO to adjusted debt of 30%.

Looking forward, the main issues concern the group's ability to offset the adverse effect of weakening trading conditions on its operating performance and how its credit measures will develop relative to the levels commensurate with the ratings.

Based on current information, any lowering of the corporate credit rating will likely be limited to one notch.

03.08.09 14:35 - Lufthansa: Moody's pone rating in Watch Negative

LONDRA (MF-DJ)--Moody's ha posto il rating di lungo termine di Lufthansa Baa3 e quello di breve termine Prime-3 sotto osservazione per un possibile downgrade.
L'agenzia di rating ha spiegato che il taglio fa seguito alla pubblicazione dei dati di secondo trimestre della compagnia aerea, che hanno evidenziato un netto deterioramento degli utili. fra

Puntuali le preoccupanti conferme :

03.08.09 15:23 - Boeing: nuovi ritardi per 1* volo 787 (stampa)

NEW YORK (MF-DJ)--Ci sara' un ritardo di 6 mesi per il nuovo modello della Boeing 787 DreamLiner.
E' quanto ha dichiarato Mark Rollins, numero uno di Senior, una delle societa' che forniscono componenti al colosso aerospaziale Usa, durante un'intervista a Bloomberg.

Boeing ha gia' ritardato le consegne cinque volte,
ed "e' in gioco la credibilita' del gruppo", sostiene Rollins.

Dopo gli ultimi ritardi, Boeing non ha fornito una data ufficiale per il primo volo del 787.

insomma,ste tecnologie nuove sono state sottovalutate,come difficoltà

speriamo ripaghino....
insomma,ste tecnologie nuove sono state sottovalutate,come difficoltà

speriamo ripaghino....
e il problemino sembra tutt'altro che insignificante. E' quasi incredibile, considerando la valanga di ore di calcolo (e di denaro) investite nelle simulazioni al computer...a pensare che negli anni '60 il 747 l'avevano progettato quasi tutto con carta, penna e calamaio... o all'epoca erano dei veri geni, o hanno avuto una vera botta di c..o....
e il problemino sembra tutt'altro che insignificante. E' quasi incredibile, considerando la valanga di ore di calcolo (e di denaro) investite nelle simulazioni al computer...a pensare che negli anni '60 il 747 l'avevano progettato quasi tutto con carta, penna e calamaio... o all'epoca erano dei veri geni, o hanno avuto una vera botta di c..o....

che sia dovuto a questo?
"The company had the worst management imaginable and employee morale was in the toilet."

oppure questo?

"This plane seems to be built with the lack of redundancy that in the past has made Boeing planes so durable. The move to reduce weight so much has made a paper plane more durable that this contraption."

oppure, scritto schietto schietto

"I would not be surprised that Boeing as a company will be but a memory say 10 years down the road unless serious intervention is taken to get rid of the present team of idiots at the executive level and get a team who can get the focus back down to the basics of designing airplanes and engineer solid and tested solutions with people who really know what they are doing and have the experience.
The present CEO is a two faced liar that doesn't seem to have an ounce of integrity to stand on. Further more he is not an engineer who understands what airplanes are and how to build them. Get the jerk out and get someone who knows how to manufacture airplanes and has the courage to speak the truth to the investors and the customers. "

letto qui :-?

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