Obbligazioni societarie Monitor bond Utilities Europa II (agosto - dicembre 2009) (1 Viewer)


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Outlook di National Grid rivisto al rialzo da Moody's: passa da negativo a stabile in quanto nell'esercizio fiscale corrente, nonostante il negativo andamento dell'economia, NG beneficia dell'incremento automatico del fatturato in UK legato alla crescita delle tariffe dipendente dall'elevata inflazione del secondo semestre 2008, oltre ad avvantaggiarsi del calo del costo del denaro che riduce notevolmente il costo del servizio al debito a TV.

Situazione analoga negli USA, per effetto di numerose richieste di adeguamento tariffario che Moody's valuta avranno esito positivo, traducendosi in crescita del cash flow per le filiali US di NG.

E' la stessa agenzia tuttavia a fare rilevare che se queste situazioni aiuteranno NG a soddisfare i parametri di metrica finanziaria richiesti per la conservazione dei rating attuali nell'esercizio fiscale 2009/10, giocheranno al contrario ad indebolirli nell'esercizio fiscale successivo, con la conseguenza che potrebbero determinarsi nuove pressioni sui rating.

Moody's changes National Grid's outlook to stable

Approximately USD33 billion of rated debt affected

London, 20 July 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service has today changed the outlook for National Grid Plc ("National Grid") and its rated subsidiaries to stable from negative following Moody's review of the company's results for FY2008/09 and medium-term forecasts. At the same time, Moody's affirmed National Grid's Baa1/Prime-2 ratings and those of its rated subsidiaries (see list below).

Following the completion of National Grid's acquisition of KeySpan Corporation ("KeySpan") in August 2007, Moody's indicated that the anticipated financial profile would result in limited financial flexibility for National Grid.

Moody's believes that National Grid's decision in January 2008 to step-up dividend growth has increased the risk that the group will fail to achieve the minimum credit metrics needed to maintain its current ratings (consolidated RCF-to-Net Debt ratio of 9% and FFO Interest Cover of 3.0x). Indeed, for FY2008/09 (ended 31 March 2009), the consolidated RCF-to-Net Debt ratio was 8.1% and FFO Interest Cover was 3.1x; these levels are considered marginal for the current ratings.

The change in outlook reflects, however, the anticipated growth in National Grid's revenues and earnings for FY2009/10, which largely relate to the regulated UK electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses.

Revenue for these operations is adjusted according to inflation during the previous year. Thus, Moody's recognises that National Grid's results for FY2009/10 will benefit from relatively high RPI inflation during H2 2008, with, for example, allowed price increases of up to 6.66% for electricity transmission. The company will further benefit from subsequent low inflation/deflation, which will reduce the cost of servicing the company's index-linked debt.

Moody's has also taken into account the anticipated financial strategies and pending rate case filings for National Grid's US subsidiaries and the further rate cases that are expected to be filed in the next 15 months (covering more than 50% of the US rate base).

Moody's places significant weight upon its expectation that these filings will increase authorised returns as well as improve earnings and cash flow through FY2010/11 for National Grid's US operations and the group as a whole.

For example, the future financial performance of the gas distribution operations of US-based subsidiary Niagara Mohawk is expected to benefit from the recent outcome of a gas distribution rate case, which resulted in approval of a two-year settlement, granting a USD39.4 million rate increase in the first year (new rates effective 20 May 2009) and rate adjustments in the second year to address a variety of changes in costs related to pension and post-retirement plans and environmental remediation, and to true-up the actual cost of any new long-term debt.

This outcome, resulting in the first gas delivery rate increase since 1996, also included approval of a revenue decoupling mechanism and expanded capital infrastructure investments.

Moody's anticipates that National Grid will exceed the minimum credit metrics set forth in FY2009/10, but believes that FY2010/11 may be challenging.

Low inflation/deflation will reduce allowed revenue for the regulated UK businesses, whilst any subsequent spike in inflation could push up interest and other costs. If the expected increase in achieved returns for the US businesses fails to materialise, then downward pressure on the consolidated key credit metrics could result and they may again fail to meet the minimum levels needed to maintain the current ratings.

In affirming the current ratings, Moody's has taken into account management's statements that acquisitions or investments beyond what is currently anticipated will be supported by balance sheet strengthening.
The following issuers now have a stable outlook (ratings quoted are the long-term senior unsecured issuer and/or debt ratings, unless otherwise stated):

- National Grid Plc (Baa1)
- National Grid Gas Plc (A3)
- British Transco Finance Inc. (A3)
- British Transco International Finance B.V. (A3)
- British Transco Capital Inc. (Prime-2 short-term)
- National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (A3)
- NGG Finance Plc (Baa1)
- National Grid USA (A3)
- Massachusetts Electric Company (A3)
- Narragansett Electric Company (A3)
- New England Power Company (A3)
- Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (A3)
- KeySpan Corporation (Baa1)
- Boston Gas Company (Baa1)
- Colonial Gas Company (A2 senior secured)
- KeySpan Gas East Corporation (A3)
- National Grid Generation LLC (formerly KeySpan Generation LLC) (Baa1)
- KeySpan Trust I ((P)Baa2 preferred shelf)
- KeySpan Trust II ((P)Baa2 preferred shelf)
- KeySpan Trust III ((P)Baa2 preferred shelf)

Moody's previous rating actions affecting entities in the National Grid group were implemented on 31 January 2008, when Moody's changed the outlooks to negative from stable.


Headquartered in London, England, National Grid Plc is the holding company for a range of international businesses focusing on the ownership and operation of electricity and gas networks. Its two principal geographic areas of activity are the UK and the US. In FY2008/09, National Grid reported revenues of approximately GBP15.6 billion
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Monitor bond Utilities (gruppo di lavoro: Alobar, I98mark).


Ancora malfunzionanti i mercati tedeschi retail per ciò che riguarda la liquidità del comparto. Resta buona invece la liquidità sui mercati professionali, ed in particolare gli spread sull'ICMA risultano in costante riduzione.

Vanno confermati i ringraziamenti a Massimo S. che rende disponibili, per i bond illiquidi, i prezzi realizzati sui mercati professionali: fra i prezzi in tabella, sono di fonte ICMA quelli dei seguenti titoli (i prezzi sono quelli di venerdì scorso).

EDF tutti; EnBW 2016 e 2025; Vattenfall tutti tranne il 2018 e il 2024; ; EWE 2014; National Grid tutti tranne il 2020; Veolia 2012, 2017, 2020, 2022; Gruppo Suez Tutti tranne 2012; 2015; 2018 e 2023; International Endesa 2013; Iberdrola tutti tranne il 2018; Nederlandese Gasunie 2016; Hera 2016; Dong 2011; Fortum 2010;

Per i bond RWE 2033; Vattenfall 2018 e 2024; Veolia 2033; Gruppo Suez 2012, 2015, 2018 e 2023; National Grid 2020; Iberdola 2018; Nederlandese Gasunie 2021 si è reso necessario riprendere il prezzo Bloomberg (BBML) (i prezzi sono sempre quelli della chiusura di venerdì).


Il periodo monitorato

Dopo due settimane dalla precedente rilevazione, qualche storno sui prezzi, in ordine sparso. Cedono qualcosa quasi tutte le scadenze corte: la fine del mondo comunque non arriverà e questi bond - in quanto "sicuri" - erano arrivati a rendimenti davvero molto modesti. Naturale un qualche passo indietro dei prezzi.

Qualche guadagno ulteriore in termini di prezzo si registra sugli ultimi bond di emittenti più deboli (in termini di rating e/o di rischio percepito fra quelli monitorati), ma anche qui siamo alle spigolature, che premiano ancora qualche perpetual, i bond più lunghi di Veolia, i titoli di National Gas e poco altro.

Se la situazione di ritorno della propensione al rischio dovesse continuare, vedremo ancora storni sui titoli corti, e forse anche su quelli lunghi, che già mostrano cedevolezza sugli emittenti più solidi, a favore di comparti meno "sicuri" ma che offrono maggiori rendimenti.

Anche qualche risorgenza inflazionistica, peraltro per il momento più a livello di aspettative legate alle attese di ripresa della crescita economica che non realmente manifestatasi, potrebbe generale analoghi effetti su tutte le lunghezze, ma in particolare su quelle corte, almeno inizialmente.

Tovate il file allegato qui oltre che, come sempre, sul sito ventimaggio gestito da Maino ...


La tabella dei prezzi, divisa in tre parti. Parte prima:


  • Utilitibond1.GIF
    30,2 KB · Visite: 503
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Tabella e grafici monitoraggio rendimenti...

La tabella, parte prima....


  • Utilitibond2.GIF
    39,4 KB · Visite: 1.074


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Il secondo grafico.... i rendimenti sui bond più corti restano così modesti che occorrerà adeguare la tabella... :D


  • Utilitibond4.GIF
    26,6 KB · Visite: 450


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Il file per intero, per chi volesse disporne. Se Maino è tornato, lo invierò anche per renderne disponibile lo scarico contestualmente ad altri sul Ventimaggio...


  • Bond_Utilities_Europa_29072009aggiornato.xls
    448,5 KB · Visite: 538

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