Tassi di cambio (valute) Monitor euro - sterlina inglese (EUR-GBP)

Un' interessante articolo che parla della debolezza della sterlina

...ed allarga poi lo scenario alle ipotesi future, dove sembrerebbe che stante la forte dipendenza dal settore finanziario, l' economia Uk sia particolarmente debole con riflessi sul valore della sterlina che è previsto al ribasso...

After wobbling for the past few weeks, the British pound nose-dived in the wake of weaker-than-expected economic news, raising the prospect that the U.K. currency could be in for a renewed bout of weakness against major currencies.

U.K. industrial production declined in August, undercutting optimism about a swifter-than-expected economic recovery. That news helped drive share prices higher, partly on the expectation that policy makers would have to keep monetary conditions excessively easy for some time in order to ensure economic recovery. That domestic stance, of course, undercuts the attractiveness of the pound to foreign-exchange investors.

The tough U.K. economic news coincided with a short-term rate increase by the Australian central bank, the first Group of 20 nation to raise rates since the financial crisis intensified more than a year ago. That move boosted the Australian dollar to its strongest level against the pound since 1985.

Similar to how investors sorted good banks from bad banks earlier this year, foreign-exchange buyers are starting to sort strong currencies from weaker currencies. The pound appears to be joining the dollar in the weak camp. Both countries have near-zero interest-rate targets, an aggressive policy aimed at boosting the economy, and yawning deficits. The euro and Japanese yen have edged higher, and so-called commodity currencies, such as the Canadian and Australian dollars, seem the most strongly positioned. Oil-rich Norway is also in the favored camp, and its central bank is expected to follow Australia with a rate increase soon.

Not all countries are pleased with how the sorting is unfolding, and intervention in the currency markets has increased substantially in the past few weeks. While central banks didn't confirm such moves, traders believe South Korea, Thailand and Singapore intervened Tuesday to slow their currencies' rise against the dollar. Switzerland is believed to have made a similar move last week, and Japan has spoken loudly about taking its own steps to arrest the yen's gains.

While the dollar's weakness is getting most of the attention, the pound may face an even bleaker future than the greenback.

Investors speculate that U.K. officials may favor a weaker currency and could take additional measures to boost Britain's ailing economy.

In the third quarter, sterling lost 2.9% of its value against the dollar and gave up 6.9% against the euro, reversing a positive second quarter in which it rebounded from multiyear lows against the dollar and euro. After trading as high as $1.70, the pound was at $1.5909 late Tuesday in New York, down from $1.5944 late Monday, around the low end of its recent range.

A weaker pound is adding to consternation among euro-zone exporters. Already dealing with a weak dollar, now these countries face the prospect that the pound will also fall hard against the euro. That would make euro-zone exports to the U.K., the zone's biggest trading partner, relatively more expensive. That scenario could hamstring Europe's own ability to recover from the recession.

Investors again are focusing on the U.K.'s heavy dependence on the financial sector and how that part of the economy faces a long, torpid recovery, at best. Unlike the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Bank of England isn't expected to raise short-term rates anytime soon. Indeed, it is mulling even more aggressive moves to ease monetary conditions in a bid to boost the economy.

The U.K.'s elections, which must be held before next June, could add to market uncertainty as political squabbling intensifies ahead of the vote. "Foreign investors are taking fright," says Stuart Thomson, an economist at Ignis Asset Management in Glasgow, who says sterling could hit $1.51 by year-end and the euro could rise to 95 pence from 92.61 pence midday Tuesday in New York.

But other observers remain upbeat about the pound's future. "It is not surprising that there are stress fractures in the U.K. But the pound is an international reserve currency, and London is still the financial center of the world," says Stephen Jen, managing director at BlueGold Capital Management LLC in London, who says sterling is undervalued. If the euro keeps rising against the pound and dollar, it could become a major problem for Europe's economies in coming months. The region's biggest economy, Germany, depends heavily on exports to fuel growth, while smaller economies like Spain and Ireland are also hoping that exports could help revive growth.

And there are reasons to be especially concerned about the U.K., some observers say.

The U.K. currency's downdraft picked up steam in early August, when the Bank of England surprised investors by expanding the size of a program to pump cash into the economy despite tentative signs of economic improvement. Many believe the Bank of England may move to expand the program again, possibly in November. Meanwhile, Bank of England Gov. Mervyn King has said that weaker sterling and lowering interest rates on reserves held at the central bank might be helpful for the U.K. economy, something markets interpreted last month as a sign the central bank is still worried about the economic recovery. The Bank of England's next policy meeting begins Wednesday.

Thanos Papasavvas, head of currency management at Investec Asset Management, says much of the zigzagging in the U.K. currency is because investors have been whipsawed so many times during the financial crisis. Some may have missed out on sterling's rally earlier this year, then bought the currency as it neared its highest levels. They may now be looking for opportunities to get out of those positions, suggesting the pressure on the pound may be short-lived
Pound intellegibile

La BoE ha detto ieri che la sterlina carta straccia gli fa bene all'economia....cosa esportano dio solo lo sa....

0,94 o poco sopra target?


le tue parole parlano più di mille grafici... sono ormai 2 anni che sostengo che il cambio 1:1 £:€ sia il punto di partenza di una nuova stagione tra le due valute.
A dicembre dello scorso anno s'era arrivati molto vicini....
In effetti tenere i tassi a 0 e battere sempre più moneta ti butta già la divisa...e se non sei un' economia orientata alle esportazioni ... imbarchi solo acqua....
Se invece col recupero del dollaro, la sterlina torna a 0,85 come la mettiamo ?
Vorrei ricordare che nel 2008 la sterlina era a 0,78 quindi il cambio era completamente drogato ?
Graficamente (manca la giornata odierna e la sterlina recupera fortemente fino al 0.915 che sta battendo in qs momento) pare che il movimento abbia proprio raggiunto il target ipotizzato nei precedenti interventi (0,94 o poco sopra).

Non ha la forza di passare un ostico ritracciamento di fibonacci del movimento di recupero che si era consumato nei primi 6 mesi di qs anno.


Parlare adesso di inversioni di trend sarebbe del tutto fuori luogo.
Ma se questi 0,94 rappresentassero un max di periodo allora nell'ultimo anno si noterebbero una serie di massimi e minimi decrescenti che.....a volerli seguire dovrebbero portare allora ad un prossimo minimo inferiore a 0,84.....chi vivrà vedrà
Inizia a prendere corpo l'ipotesi fatta sopra.
Ma sempre attenzione.

Ora c'è una forte area supportiva tra 0,903 e 0,9

Rimbalza corposamente sulla fann di gann e sulla media exp a 50 periodi sul dayly.
Dovrebbe spingersi fino a 0,92 o poco sopra e poi magari riprovare l'affondo fino a a 0,88-0,89


U.K. Numbers On Growth Don't Add Up

A note from Goldman Sachs said it all. The U.K.'s latest gross-domestic-product data showing the economy shrunk by 0.4% in the third quarter and by 5.2% over the past year was "Unbelievable. Literally."

This result wasn't just at odds with the Bank of England's 0.2% growth forecast but was out of line with recent survey data showing economic pickup.

If the official statistics are right, then the U.K. is in more trouble than the market thought. A sixth consecutive quarter of economic contraction would confirm this as the worst U.K. recession since World War II.

.But the Office for National Statistics has a poor track record of explaining what is going on in the economy. Goldman Sachs notes the correlation between the ONS's first estimates of quarterly growth and the actual outcome is just 0.10. That suggests this data is very likely to be revised upward.

Even so, the data could provide just the excuse the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee needs to expand its quantitative-easing program. That should boost the government-bond, or gilt, market which had recently started to sell off, assuming recent positive economic signals would complicate the BOE's ability to continue buying gilts.

Good news for gilts, however, looks like bad news for sterling. The combination of the poor GDP data and any expansion of quantitative easing will reduce pressure on the U.K. government to address its dire fiscal position. With the Treasury already on course to overshoot its £175 billion ($291 billion) borrowing forecast this year, the biggest risk to the U.K. remains that the markets conclude its triple-A rating also is literally unbelievable
Osservazioni dall' interno...

Credo che la sterlina cosi' debole rappresenti al momento una opportunità unica per acquistare aziende in UK (cosa che avviene anche nel mio settore..) e far ripartire produzioni in loco sfruttando questa debolezza srutturale della sterlina, producendo quindi in pounds e vendendo in euro (stà già avvenendo ..ed in modo copsicuo).
Credo che la sterlina cosi' debole rappresenti al momento una opportunità unica per acquistare aziende in UK (cosa che avviene anche nel mio settore..) e far ripartire produzioni in loco sfruttando questa debolezza srutturale della sterlina, producendo quindi in pounds e vendendo in euro (stà già avvenendo ..ed in modo copsicuo).
e l'unico modo che hanno per una ripresa economica, per adesso gli facciamo mangiare la nostra pastasciutta.....................

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