Mps: "Converto a patto che..."

Mah! Direi che ormai c'è poco da capire.

Chi ha capito(prima...) lo ha fatto leggendo anche Seminerio&Co (e anche il sottoscritto va..).

Ora, per chi ha sub o azioni MpS, è il tempo di pregare.

Saluti :)
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The head of the euro zone banking watchdog said on Wednesday she had no concerns about how EU bank failure rules had been applied in the public rescue of Italy's Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS.MI).

The Italian government and the EU supervisory authorities "are doing a good job" in the Monte Paschi case, Single Resolution Board chair Elke Koenig told a news conference.

Rome used a clause in EU rules on banking liquidation to reduce losses on Monte dei Paschi's creditors when it decided to rescue the ailing bank in December.

"I would not be concerned by that rule," Koenig said.

The European Commission and the European Central Bank will assess the Italian government's rescue plan and the bank's business plan when they are finalised in coming weeks to check their compliance with EU banking and competition rules.

Koenig added that the SRB, which is in charge of overseeing the orderly liquidation of failing banks, "is closely following all relevant developments in Italy and also in other member states".

The EU's new rules on bank liquidation have been operational since 2016 and are aimed at reducing taxpayers' costs in bank bailouts.

They were introduced after euro zone states provided a trillion euros in cash and guarantees to salvage lenders hit by the 2007-08 global financial crisis and the 2009-2012 euro zone debt crisis.

Under the rules, a bank's creditors are required to bear heavy losses, in a so-called 'bail-in', before a lender can be bailed out with public money.

But the exception to the rules, used by Italy, allows states to provide lenders in extraordinary circumstances funding for a 'precautionary recapitalisation" with lower creditor losses and without triggering a liquidation.

Koenig said that some of the conditions for the precautionary recapitalisation were fulfilled, but declined to comment on whether a liquidation of Monte dei Paschi, Italy's third largest lender, would pose a threat to the country's financial stability - another condition for the precautionary recapitalisation.

"Not all bank failures are a threat to financial stability," she said in a general remark about the state of the euro zone banking sector.

The Italian government has also devised a mechanism to compensate Monte dei Paschi's creditors that were missold risky bonds. Koenig said compensation for misselling would be in line with EU rules but did not clarify who should bear the cost of such an operation, whether the Italian state or the bank itself.

(Reporting by Francesco Guarascio; Editing by Toby Chopra)


Non è preoccupata...ovviamente aggiungo io. Non si preoccupa che deve giudcare ma puttosto chi si appresta ad essere giudicato.

Bisogna attendere...e pregare. Pregare molto.
Estratto da 24 ORE del 12/01/2017 di Gianni Trovati Decreto banche, oggi primo voto:
"Della situazione italiana nel quadro europeo ieri Padoan ha parlato a Berlino, nel convegno a porte chiuse organizzato dal quotidiano Die Welt, sottolineando che gli interventi italiani «avvengono nel rispetto delle regole». Un’assicurazione rilanciata ieri anche dal ministro delle Finanze tedesco Wolfgang Schaeuble."
Prego commentare, grazie.
Ma è vero! lo dicevo da mesi..l'escamotage per beffare il bail in c'era. Se magari si faceva prima di divenire illiquidi..ora si era tutti più tranquilli.

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Wednesday he had no doubt that Italy would stick to European bailout rules as Italian Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan had promised.

"I do not have the slightest doubt that he will stick to that," Schaeuble told an event in Berlin.

The German finance ministry last month expressed concern about Italian plans to rescue the country's third biggest lender Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS.MI) and said Rome must stick to European rules for such bailouts.

At the time, a spokesman for the German ministry said precautionary state recapitalisation of banks could only be done under strict conditions, including that the bank must be solvent and creditors must be among the first to suffer losses.

(Reporting by Gernot Heller, Writing by Andrea Shalal)


Comincio a pensare che il presunto ristoro dei retailer della UT2 non sia altro che una mistificazione. L'escalation di dichiarazioni e smentite su questa storia va avanti da troppo tempo e Padoan, per primo, risulta il più inaffidabile di tutti, essendo stato quello che ha sempre categoricamente escluso che ciò che poi è successo con il MPS non sarebbe mai e poi mai potuto succedere. Si è sempre verificato il contrario di ciò che lui ha detto. Ha detto di non essere un politico, ma è il più politico di tutti nel promettere una cosa e nel fare tutto il contrario. Penso che siamo nelle mani delle persone più inaffidabili in assoluto. Stanno prendendo in giro tutti per rabbonire il parco buoi.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Euro zone finance ministers will discuss on Jan. 26 the "compatibility" of Italy's bailout for bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS.MI) with European Union rules, an official in the bloc told Reuters on Thursday.

The comments cast doubt on the rescue plan for the ailing bank, Italy's third largest lender. Rome decided in December to salvage Monte dei Paschi after a plan to raise capital in the markets failed.

The bank was the weakest among top euro zone banks in a stress test ran last year by the European Central Bank.

"The Eurogroup will discuss the compatibility with EU rules of the Italian plan to rescue banks," an EU official said after a meeting of euro zone envoys in Brussels on Thursday.

The issue is on the preliminary agenda for the euro zone finance ministers' meeting later this month, the official said.

Last month, the Italian government authorised a 20 billion euro fund to help lenders in distress - first and foremost Monte dei Paschi.

The plan uses an exception on new EU rules on banking liquidation to avoid heavy losses for bank creditors before public money is disbursed.

While it still awaits a green light from EU authorities, the plan envisages only limited losses for the bank's creditors and compensation to protect retailer investors.

After the rescue was announced, Germany, the euro zone's largest economy, raised concerns about the plan's compliance with EU rules.

(Reporting by Francesco Guarascio; editing by Ralph Boulton)


Quando il gioco si fa duro i duri inziano a giocare


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