Se a qualcuno interessa ,,,,,,qualcuno che mastica molto bene l inglese ,,,,qua ti danno 30 gg di prova su una piatta che monitorizza il gas ,,,,al metrocubo,,,,,
Faster, better, cheaper: It costs up to 75% less than the competition
NatGas Analyst is built on a state-of-the-art technology platform, combining the largest public nomination and flow data with sophisticated in-the-field electro-magnetic monitoring and thermal imaging (infrared) analysis.
This lets you, for example, access data 12 hours earlier than others market participants: a distinct competitive advantage. It’s also lightning fast: even the most complex queries run in less than 30 seconds. One early customer states: “It’s surprising to see so much power come out of this product.” It’s like having a full IT and DBA staff at your fingertips.
But don’t take our word for it. Take a test drive with our
No-Risk 30-Day Free Trial.
Just fill out the web form or give us a call: 502 583 3117. If you prefer, you can also email us at:
[email protected].
We invite you to try before you buy. Download the Data Sheet for more information