NicOx.... in attesa di..... (20 lettori)


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Mi sembra ormai chiaro che siamo in un esempio di ingegneria finanziaria + fantafinanza ben architettato ...

Quando dai dei soldi ad una società che si è dimostrata ormai da diversi anni quasi per nulla produttiva in termini borsistici ... alla fine quasi nessuno sarà più disposto ad investirci ...

Poi ci sono i fedelissimi che tra spifferi e vocine farlocche continuano ad abboccare ...

Ma ormai è da tempo che si attendono veri fatturati che non arrivano mai ... spendo 10 e guadagno 0,5 ... :titanic:

e difatti vedi come stanno preparando il solito rialzo da scarico sul parco buoi?perfetto come sempre.molti stanno abboccando sulla partenza pilotata dalle mani sapienti e vedrai come scaricheranno al momento opportuno.


Forumer storico
ci avrei giurato che il rialzo durava un paio di sedute e regolarmnete cio' e' avvenuto.oggi i volumi sarano pure bassi ma sono veri (sono le vendite dei furbastrui).invece i rialzi sono tutti architettati con falsi volumi e fatti nelle vicinanze di possibili news.come solito e come semre nel sedere lo prendono gli allocchi che abboccano.c'e' gente che ancora ci casca,ma gli sta bene.


Oriel Securities Limited
Address: 150 Cheapside, London EC2V 6ET

Nicox is a fast-growing specialty pharmaceutical company focused on ophthalmology. The expected US launch of its glaucoma treatment Vesneo in 1H16 by partner Valeant, combined with its recently expanded European commercial business, looks set to generate significant sales and subsequent profits in the coming years. We initiate coverage with a ‘BUY’ rating.

Vesneo offers ‘blockbuster’ potential. The expected US launch of glaucoma treatment Vesneo in 1H16 should transform Nicox from a loss-making business into a profitable, international specialty pharmaceutical company, focused on ophthalmology. Partnered with Valeant’s wholly owned ophthalmic division, Bausch+Lomb (B+L), Vesneo is a nitric oxide-donating analogue of the market-leading prostaglandin eye drop, latanoprost. Following positive Phase III results in September 2014, Valeant expects to file for approval of Vesneo with the FDA in 2Q15 and is anticipating peak sales in the US of ~US$500m+, and peak global sales of ~US$1bn+. We believe Vesneo’s superiority to its currently marketed competitor products will allow it to gain a sizeable share of the US$4.5bn global glaucoma market. Nicox stands to earn 6-11% in net, tiered royalties on sales, and up to US$130m in milestones. Boosted by expected launches in the EU and Japan in 2017 and 2018 respectively, we forecast global sales of Vesneo of US$886m by 2021E, and exceeding US$1bn by 2023E.
Three further ophthalmology drugs approaching the market. Sitting behind Vesneo are a host of pipeline products with the capability to deliver substantial upside to Nicox’s business. Following a positive pre-NDA meeting with the FDA, we expect Nicox to apply for US approval of AC-170 (a treatment for the ocular itching associated with conjunctivitis) by 1Q16. Based on a 2017E launch, we forecast sales of AC-170 of US$62m by 2021E. In Europe, Nicox has in-licensed AzaSite (a treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis currently marketed by Akorn), and BromSite (for post-surgical inflammation and pain). With EU filing expected in 1Q16 and launch in late 2017 for both these products, we forecast combined sales of €18m in 2021E.
Achieving critical mass in Europe. Through its recent expansion in Germany, its acquisition of Italian-based Eupharmed in November 2013, and its acquisition of French company Doliage in September 2014, Nicox has established specialist sales teams in all five of the major European markets: Italy, UK, Germany, Spain & France. This infrastructure delivers the operational and commercial leverage needed to maximise Nicox’s portfolio of products, provides a robust platform for in-licensing products, and makes Nicox an attractive candidate for ophthalmology partnerships.
Initiating coverage with a ‘BUY’ rating and €3.19 target price. Based on our risk-adjusted NPV we value Nicox at €3.19/share. We believe Nicox’s expanded European business and catalytic product Vesneo offer significant upside to its current valuation.
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Forumer storico
Guly, spara le tue ultime cartucce, perché stai per essere sommerso da un mare di target BUY.

puttanate,solo puttanate.i target valgono zero.o losai o significa che di borsa non ne hai mai capito niente e continui a non capirne.sono solo specchietti per le allodole.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Oriel Securities Limited
Address: 150 Cheapside, London EC2V 6ET

Nicox is a fast-growing specialty pharmaceutical company focused on ophthalmology. The expected US launch of its glaucoma treatment Vesneo in 1H16 by partner Valeant, combined with its recently expanded European commercial business, looks set to generate significant sales and subsequent profits in the coming years. We initiate coverage with a ‘BUY’ rating.

Vesneo offers ‘blockbuster’ potential. The expected US launch of glaucoma treatment Vesneo in 1H16 should transform Nicox from a loss-making business into a profitable, international specialty pharmaceutical company, focused on ophthalmology. Partnered with Valeant’s wholly owned ophthalmic division, Bausch+Lomb (B+L), Vesneo is a nitric oxide-donating analogue of the market-leading prostaglandin eye drop, latanoprost. Following positive Phase III results in September 2014, Valeant expects to file for approval of Vesneo with the FDA in 2Q15 and is anticipating peak sales in the US of ~US$500m+, and peak global sales of ~US$1bn+. We believe Vesneo’s superiority to its currently marketed competitor products will allow it to gain a sizeable share of the US$4.5bn global glaucoma market. Nicox stands to earn 6-11% in net, tiered royalties on sales, and up to US$130m in milestones. Boosted by expected launches in the EU and Japan in 2017 and 2018 respectively, we forecast global sales of Vesneo of US$886m by 2021E, and exceeding US$1bn by 2023E.
Three further ophthalmology drugs approaching the market. Sitting behind Vesneo are a host of pipeline products with the capability to deliver substantial upside to Nicox’s business. Following a positive pre-NDA meeting with the FDA, we expect Nicox to apply for US approval of AC-170 (a treatment for the ocular itching associated with conjunctivitis) by 1Q16. Based on a 2017E launch, we forecast sales of AC-170 of US$62m by 2021E. In Europe, Nicox has in-licensed AzaSite (a treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis currently marketed by Akorn), and BromSite (for post-surgical inflammation and pain). With EU filing expected in 1Q16 and launch in late 2017 for both these products, we forecast combined sales of €18m in 2021E.
Achieving critical mass in Europe. Through its recent expansion in Germany, its acquisition of Italian-based Eupharmed in November 2013, and its acquisition of French company Doliage in September 2014, Nicox has established specialist sales teams in all five of the major European markets: Italy, UK, Germany, Spain & France. This infrastructure delivers the operational and commercial leverage needed to maximise Nicox’s portfolio of products, provides a robust platform for in-licensing products, and makes Nicox an attractive candidate for ophthalmology partnerships.
Initiating coverage with a ‘BUY’ rating and €3.19 target price. Based on our risk-adjusted NPV we value Nicox at €3.19/share. We believe Nicox’s expanded European business and catalytic product Vesneo offer significant upside to its current valuation.

la cosa ridicola di questo post e' miliardi di vendite etc tec e poi target?un misero 3,19.quindi le cose sono due o tu non capisci una mazza in quanto hai sparato target molto superiori o questi non sanno neanche su cosa stanno facendo il rating.


Tu Guly non sei mai contento; se qualcuno scrive male della Nicox, allora lo prendi per oro colato, se invece qualcuno ne scrive bene dici che non capisce nulla.
Sei troppo prevenuto. Ti consiglio di fare una pausa e di ripartire da zero; forse così i tuoi giudizi saranno più pacati e obiettivi.


Forumer storico

penso che sara' sommerso da altre cose,ma ormai non sa piu' che dire ed e' rimasto l'unico pollo ancora con il becco aperto ad aspettare che il pallonaro gli dia una manciata di granoturco,perche' piu'di quello comunque non becchera'.gli altri saggiamente se ne sono andati.l'ultimo pollo vedrai stara' anche l'anno prossimo a dire le solite cose.


penso che sara' sommerso da altre cose,ma ormai non sa piu' che dire ed e' rimasto l'unico pollo ancora con il becco aperto ad aspettare che il pallonaro gli dia una manciata di granoturco,perche' piu'di quello comunque non becchera'.gli altri saggiamente se ne sono andati.l'ultimo pollo vedrai stara' anche l'anno prossimo a dire le solite cose.

Caro Guly, vedremo alla fine chi è il pollo. Tu continua pure a denigrare la Nicox, io nel frattempo mi preparo per l'OPA che Vesneo (o Bausch+Lomb)lancerà su di noi; poi per il prezzo si vedrà, ma sarà sicuramente superiore a quello di oggi.
E tu resterai a becco asciutto.

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