NicOx.... in attesa di..... (4 lettori)


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quel dajeee alla mourigno mi piace,anche se non sono romanista o romano.
comunque debbo ammettere che sei il piu' competente e il piu' preparato in materia ma questo non vuol dire che indovini tutto.
in borsa a volte conta piu' l'istinto che la competenza e lo studio assiduo dei titoli,anche se e' chiaro alla lunga paga,o almeno dovrebbe e certo che con quello che si vede le truffe sono quasi ovunque e quindi puoi' studiare e seguire tutto ma le fregature e' difficile schivarle nella borsa che e' sempre stata una bisca ma vedo che piu' passano gli anni e piu' peggiora.
io eliminerie short e macchinette software che fanno gli scambi,via derivati e via ingegneria finanziaria.
perfettamente d'accordo.


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,mi sembri eccessivamente ottimista.......un premio del 150 % di questi tempi te lo puoi sognare.
specie su una bio francese e che non opera in un settore oncologico ma ancora su medicinali di pura chimica.

150% è dura....100% è la norma anche per settori non oncologici...e comunque il prezzo di vendita dipende tutto dal prezzo di un titolo vale molto per la sua pipeline ma ha già una quotazione elevata il premio sarà ridotto....viceversa ho visto titoli con un solo farmachetto approvato ma una quotazione da fame e un premio anche del stessa molmed con nulla di approvato se non lo strimvelis oltretutto licenziato e quindi con briciole di guadagno ha avuto un premio del 100%


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A Tragedy of Sight Averted – Hopefully
by JUDI CURRY on JUNE 23, 2021 · 0 COMMENTS
By Judi Curry

Seldom do I actually speak about myself. I have never liked to be the center of attention and even though I may write about my opinions, my personal experiences are kept at bay when possible. Having Covid in January changed some of that and the continuing saga is still in the forefront of a lot of my thoughts and experiences.
When I am asked how my recovery has gone I tell people I am about 95% recovered. The extreme fatigue is still there; the muscle tone in my legs is noticeably worse; but I still am able to get around with a minimum amount of difficulty.
Except that the diagnosis I received from my Ophthalmologist last week scared the hell out of me. Covid related? Can’t tell, but maybe. And maybe not.
I have never had glaucoma. In December, one month before my Covid diagnosis, my pressure reading in both eyes was 16 – well within the normal range. In April I went for my 6 month check-up and the pressure had gone up to 28 in the left eye and 31 in the right eye. A red flag began to fly. The doctor immediately put me on eye drops to lessen the pressure. But the first drop she gave me – Timolol – did not work and caused severe headaches. Too bad, because one of the side effects of the drug was longer eye lashes. The second drop that she gave me was even worse, and besides the headaches, my voice became very hoarse, and it was difficult to talk. The doctor then prescribed the third drop and wanted to see me in a month.
She was quite concerned and told me, after viewing all the results of the tests that I had, that there was a very good chance I would lose sight in my right eye; that the damage that had been caused by the pressure was irreversible. She told me that the left eye had high pressure also, but there was no damage to that eye yet. And then she threw in one other aspect – that I had no tears – liquid – in either eye and the “dry eye” was contributing to the faulty vision I was experiencing.
Needless to say I was frightened to death and used the drops religiously every day. Again I asked her if Covid had had anything to do with this situation and she said that she doubted it but just wasn’t sure. It came on so rapidly.
One month later I went back for another check and just about collapsed when she found that the pressure had gone up again in the eye that I was using the drops in. She gave me all the possibilities that faced me, including the loss of total vision and said she would like to try two additional drops and see me in 4 days. (This was Thursday.) When she discovered that my insurance would not pay for one of the drops, I said it didn’t matter – that if it was a question of losing my vision and keeping it I would not squabble about the price.
I went directly to the pharmacy, only to find out that they did not have the drop – it was relatively new – VYZULTA – there was no generic, and my cost would be $285. I asked how soon they could get it and was told the following day. I told them to order it. I had fully intended to use it in the car after picking it up and was thwarted in my efforts because it was to be taken at night!
I went to bed early that Friday night, and after applying the other two drops, used the miracle drop. I used it without question Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and on Monday I had an appointment for a Field of Vision Check and the final appointment with the doctor to schedule the surgery for “Open Angle Glaucoma Trabeculectomy”. You can imagine how worried I was, and as I kept hitting the button indicating I was seeing the lights of the Field Test, I wondered how many lights I was missing.
At 9:30 am I was meeting with my doctor for the life-altering meeting, and she came in with a smile. She said that I did quite well on the Field Test – almost the same as I did 5 years ago. She also said that when the PA tested my distance vision I was 20/20 in the “bad” eye and 20/15 in the other one. At this point everything was contingent on the pressure check of the right eye. Once again she went over the possibilities of surgery; loss of vision; infection, etc. – in case I need the surgery so that I was prepared for the worst. She also had me watch a video of the surgery procedures so I could ask questions when we scheduled the surgery. And then it was time to put the drops in and check the pressure!
It was absolutely unbelievable. The pressure, with the new expensive drop, registered an eleven (11)! Lowest it had ever been. Her smile stretched from one side of the mask to the other. She told me that she ranks her patients as the most needy to the least, and I was at the top of her list, until moments before. She was so glad to be able to take me off the list entirely. I am not out of the woods yet – she wants to see me in one week just to make sure that this was not a fluke – but I will keep on using the drop probably for the rest of my life. I am now using it in both eyes!
So was this caused by Covid? We probably will never know. But when the article comes out about the Covid vs Glacoma, I will have the eye sight to read about it. And please, if you haven’t had the vaccination – please have it post haste!


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Nicox ce n'est sans doute pas que des Moins value, pas que des années à voir son capital diminuer inlassablement...

c'est peut être aussi finalement cette américaine de je ne sais quel âge, et de je ne sais quel état... qui à rencontré en vyzulta ce qu'elle considère comme la goutte miracle...


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au travers ce texte, on se rend compte... que vyzulta semble être prescrit quand tout rate, ou quand tout avant n'a pas fonctionné...

on constate aussi : que les assurances ne remboursent pas ... 235$ pour un flacon...

enfin, on constate que ca fonctionne dans des cas dramatiques ou les autres traitements ne fonctionnent pas !!!


Allora siamo tutti d'accordo ad aspettare i 2,80 € per entrare alla grande; dai manca solo il calo di un piccolo euro, per un'azione come Nicox una vera inezia.


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Nicox è senza dubbio non solo Meno valore, non solo anni di vedere il suo capitale diminuire instancabilmente ...

potrebbe anche essere in definitiva questo americano di non so che età, e non so quale stato ... che ha incontrato in vyzulta quella che lei considera la goccia miracolosa ...

ma Vyzulta doveva essere speculativamente l farmaco approvato per far salire nicox a 16/ 18 euro....era arrivata a 13,5 poi la doccia fredda ( doppia) della FDA e della bufala dell impianto di Tampa che prima non andava bene , poi alla fine invece andava bene....e intanto ci siamo persi la speculazione e ci siamo giocati almeno i 16 euro che avrebbe quasi sicuramente toccato dai 13 euro del giorno prima con la news dell'approvazione invece del finto rifiuto della FDA. Ora il Vyzulta che venda 10 ,100 o 1000 noi prendiamo il 6% , ossia nulla. In compenso speriamo a breve avremo il NOSTRO farmaco contro il glaucoma che sarà direttamente un antagonista del Vyzulta e di cui speriamo se approvato possa rubare molta parte del mercato. Scommetto anche che nicox potrebbe un giorno visti i risultati della fase 3 montblanc a giugno prossimo, vendere TUTTI I DIRITTI del Vyzulta, ossia le future royalties in una volta sola a Bausch e fare cassa che serve per la società. Quindi sinceramente....che il Vyzulta OGGI diventi un grande farmaco proprio non me lo auguro.....e non capisco i francesi che stanno a guardare tutti i giorni le vendite del farmaco.......lo sai cosa mi hanno risposto da Nicox quando ho chiesto notizie delle vendite del Vyzulta ? IN ROMANO SI POTREBBE TRADURRE COSI' : MACHESSENEFREGA !....noi andiamo avanti col nostro 470, ill Vyzulta non è nostro, prendiamo solo le briciole.


Forumer storico
Allora siamo tutti d'accordo ad aspettare i 2,80 € per entrare alla grande; dai manca solo il calo di un piccolo euro, per un'azione come Nicox una vera inezia.
Mi auguro che non ci torni perché sarebbe un brutto segnale a doppia faccia,mi ci torna perché nessuno crede nella approvazione del 470 o del problema della sua commercializzazione o non crede più nella società e invece,in ottica positiva,lo vogliono portare a livelli infimi per poi poterla pagare,in caso di opa,a prezzi stracciati cosa che ormai mi sembra una consuetudine nel mondo borsistico odierno dove regna ormai lo sciacallaggio più bieco.


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je poste cela, car ca indique qu'il y a beaucoup d'avenir pour la suite...

si meilleur que vyzulta, mieux couvert, vendu aux usa , en chine, en Europe, au japon... bénéficiant du comparatif au latanoprost
ca pourrait rapporter gros !

et si j'ai relaye cet article, c'est surtout pour fermer la bouche de ceux qui dise que nicox a sorti une goutte d'eau minérale

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