Dunque, la società emittente fa riferimento a tal Befesa, trattasi di azienda spagnola Iron and steel waste-recycling company, Befesa Zinc issued HY bonds, through Zinc Capital SA.
LONDON (Standard & Poor's)
May 2, 2011--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
said today that it has assigned its 'B+' long-term corporate credit rating to
European steel dust recycler Befesa Zinc S.A.U. The outlook is stable.
At the same time, we assigned a 'B+' issue rating to the €300 million senior
secured notes issued by Zinc Capital S.A., a Luxembourg-registered orphan
special purpose vehicle (SPV), and the proceeds loan made to Befesa Zinc. The
recovery rating on the loan is '3', indicating our expectation of meaningful
(50%-70%) recovery in the event of a payment default.
The rating on Befesa Zinc reflects our assessment of the company's weak
business risk profile and its aggressive financial risk profile.
The rating is constrained by our view of Befesa Zinc's aggressive capital
structure (pro forma for the €300 million notes); planned increases in capital
expenditures (capex); and ambitious strategy to expand into Turkey, which, in
our view, carries inherent execution risks.
The rating is further constrained by what we believe to be Befesa Zinc's
small-scale operations in a niche, fragmented, and competitive market of crude
steel and stainless steel dust recycling, as well as by its limited diversity
of operations, including the concentration on a single commodity and only four
operating plants in the key profit-generating division of crude steel dust
recycling. In addition, we also note the risk of future dividends to Befesa
Zinc's direct parent, MRH Residuos Metalicos S.L.U. (MRH), an indirect
subsidiary of Abengoa S.A. (B+/Stable/--), although we recognize that such
payouts have not been made on a continuous basis in the past.
In our view, liquidity risks could notably arise in the future in the event
that cash collateral or margin calls on Befesa Zinc's zinc-hedging
arrangements were to be requested by banks--for example, due to tighter
regulation of the over-the-counter commodity derivatives market.
These risks are partly mitigated, in our opinion, by Befesa Zinc's leading
market position in steel dust recycling; positive free operating cash flow
(FOCF) generation; healthy EBITDA margins of above 35% on average in the past
four years; and multiyear contracts with customers, which provide good revenue
visibility. Hedging 60%-75% of its zinc output up to three years ahead
significantly reduces Befesa Zinc's exposure to the commodity price cycle, in
our opinion. In addition, we take a positive view of Befesa Zinc's activities
being supported by environmental legislation in Europe, which has resulted in
steel manufacturers having an economic incentive to recycle steel dust instead
of putting it into hazardous waste-approved landfill sites.
In the next two to three years, we anticipate that Befesa Zinc's strategy will
be growth oriented. We understand from management that capex associated with
this growth will likely amount to about €120 million, and that the company
intends to finance the capex from operating cash flow and existing cash
balances in 2011. However, as spending increases in 2012, we anticipate
negative FOCF and slightly higher leverage at Befesa Zinc--both of which, in
moderation, we believe can be accommodated in the current rating. Positively,
Befesa Zinc's Standard & Poor's-adjusted EBITDA increased by about 13% to €73
million in 2010 on a healthy margin of 35%, which we note is stable compared
with 33% in 2009 and 39% in 2008.
Based on adjusted debt, pro forma for the €300 million bond, we estimate funds
from operations (FFO) to adjusted debt and adjusted debt to EBITDA of 22% and
3.6x at year-end 2010, respectively, which we consider commensurate with the
'B+' rating.
The stable outlook reflects our view that Befesa Zinc will continue to
generate healthy operating cash flows in the near term, that it will maintain
a minimum ratio of FFO to adjusted debt of about 12% and adjusted debt to
EBITDA below 4.5x over the cycle, and that its liquidity will remain adequate
for the rating.
We could lower the rating if the company were to adopt a more aggressive
financial policy, including higher capex or dividends, or engage in sizable
acquisitions. We could also lower the rating if capex planned for the next two
to three years were not adequately supported by operating cash flows, leading
to weaker liquidity and leverage that is higher than we currently anticipate.
We do not foresee upside rating potential for Befesa Zinc at this stage, and
consider the rating on the company to be constrained by that of its ultimate
parent, Abengoa. Importantly, the rating on Befesa Zinc would be directly
affected if we were to downgrade Abengoa.
Non mi sembra affatto male, anche a livello di flottante, quando va a mercato?
Befesa :: For a sustainable world recycle industrial waste, generate and manage water
L'unica cosa che mi lascia un pò perplesso è che sul sito l'ultimo bilancio è quello del 2009
Befesa :: Shareholders & Investors :: Annual Accounts :: 2009