Exclusive: Real estate company K-1 GmbH Bond issued unsecured corporate bond
The K-Bond 1 GmbH, a subsidiary of Keystone International GmbH, Langen, plans to issue a corporate bond with a volume of 50 million €. Currently being created by Euler Hermes Rating report. The coupon will reportedly be between 5.125% and 5.375%. K-Bond 1 has properties in the Light Industrial (technology and business parks, and office space). The bond is secured by a direct mortgage in favor of the bondholders. With an issue volume of € 50 million to a market value of the objects have € 73.4 million. The objects of the K-Bond 1 GmbH have 68 tenants, the company generates an annual net rent of 6.7 million €. A successful placement will follow other emissions (K-Bond 2 ...).
The K-Bond 1 GmbH, a subsidiary of Keystone International GmbH, Langen, plans to issue a corporate bond with a volume of 50 million €. Currently being created by Euler Hermes Rating report. The coupon will reportedly be between 5.125% and 5.375%. K-Bond 1 has properties in the Light Industrial (technology and business parks, and office space). The bond is secured by a direct mortgage in favor of the bondholders. With an issue volume of € 50 million to a market value of the objects have € 73.4 million. The objects of the K-Bond 1 GmbH have 68 tenants, the company generates an annual net rent of 6.7 million €. A successful placement will follow other emissions (K-Bond 2 ...).