K 1 GmbH Bond issued bond in the amount of 50 million €
Euler Hermes Rating BBB
The for Keystone International GmbH belonging K-Bond 1 GmbH issued a corporate bond with a volume of 50 million euros (TSX: A1KQ0K, ISIN: DE000A1KQ0K1). is the protection of the bond by holding companies in the form of first-rate mortgages on all properties of the three industrial and commercial properties from the portfolio of the parent company of Keystone International GmbH in the full value of the mortgage loan. The account with the rental income is pledged to the bondholders. Withdrawals are possible only through the trustee. After deducting all operating, ancillary and maintenance costs of each month prorated interest amount is paid into a blocked account in favor of the bondholders. In addition, the Issuer shall, semi-annually to report on revenues and expenditures and in connection with the real estate portfolio. The securities to be introduced in the Entry Standard of Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading. Euler Hermes classifies the bonds as BBB. Keystone International has claims to specialize in the acquisition, development and rental of light industrial properties with stable cash flow, high returns and low volatility in terms of tenant changes. Due to the independence of expulsion or return current distributions for Keystone International is not an investment or investment constraint. There are only opportunities and acquired a suitable property to its portfolio and properties. Explains, "The real estate portfolio acquired in 2006 provide stable and growing income and could be increased by ten percent since 2010," Hans-Günther Nordhues, Legal Adviser with the rank of CFO of Keystone International. The further potential lies mainly still in the inventory belonging to the land on which expansion area could be realized. "The bond investor, the K-Bond 1 is clear from the beginning, what properties belong to the portfolio and what long-term leases with terms of up to ten years there, "said Frank Rucker Berg, founding partner of Keystone International. "Our property bond offers investors an investment with high return on investment security and attractive segment with growth in a real estate perspective," said Ruecker mountain on. The bond proceeds used for general funding of holding companies and the further project development. After issuance of the bonds owned companies have no other external debt and finance from its own cash flow.