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Exclusive: royalbeach starts with a coupon of 8.125% in Bondm
Subscription Period: 17.10.-10.26.2011
Royalbeach Play & Sports Goods Distribution LLC issued a corporate bond in Bondm, the coupon of 8.125%, the rating of BB + (by Credit Rating Agency Reform). The subscription period runs from 17.10.-10.26.2011. royalbeach offers affordable leisure products that are sold through discounters including Aldi. In the categories in Royal Beach focuses on three pillars:
- Fitness (eg ergometers, cross trainers, treadmills, gyms)
- Outdoor (eg, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, camping furniture)
- Fun & Waves (leisure goods, outdoor and sporting goods) In addition, products in promising markets distributed outside the core business (eg ComfortMed the brand in the rehab area). royalbeach in fiscal 2009 generated sales of 48.9 million euros and it earned a net profit of 0.6 million €. However, the company in the communications practice a bit. Although there was no press averaging, the website is Der Royalbeach sports & action Bond unlocked already. So unprofessional so far only a few emitters ... were : of the transaction

Issuer: royalbeach Play & Sports Goods Distribution GmbH
Offer Period: 17.10.-26.10.2011
Duration: until 27.10.2016
Coupon: 8.125%
Segment: Bondm
Rating: BB + (by Creditreform Rating Agency )
Internet: Der Royalbeach sports & action Bond The prospectus may be in the " prospectuses can be downloaded
Exclusive: royalbeach starts with a coupon of 8.125% in Bondm
Subscription Period: 17.10.-10.26.2011
Royalbeach Play & Sports Goods Distribution LLC issued a corporate bond in Bondm, the coupon of 8.125%, the rating of BB + (by Credit Rating Agency Reform). The subscription period runs from 17.10.-10.26.2011. royalbeach offers affordable leisure products that are sold through discounters including Aldi. In the categories in Royal Beach focuses on three pillars:
- Fitness (eg ergometers, cross trainers, treadmills, gyms)
- Outdoor (eg, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, camping furniture)
- Fun & Waves (leisure goods, outdoor and sporting goods) In addition, products in promising markets distributed outside the core business (eg ComfortMed the brand in the rehab area). royalbeach in fiscal 2009 generated sales of 48.9 million euros and it earned a net profit of 0.6 million €. However, the company in the communications practice a bit. Although there was no press averaging, the website is Der Royalbeach sports & action Bond unlocked already. So unprofessional so far only a few emitters ... were : of the transaction

Issuer: royalbeach Play & Sports Goods Distribution GmbH
Offer Period: 17.10.-26.10.2011
Duration: until 27.10.2016
Coupon: 8.125%
Segment: Bondm
Rating: BB + (by Creditreform Rating Agency )
Internet: Der Royalbeach sports & action Bond The prospectus may be in the " prospectuses can be downloaded

Questa è interessante, ma bisogna sapere il tedesco :up:
EVN AG issued bond in the amount of 300 million €
Guidance: Mid swaps +180 to 190 basis points
EVN AG (Austria Lower energy supply) emits a bond in the amount of € 300 million and a maturity of 10.5 years. Expect a spread 180-190 basis points over mid swap. of the transaction:

Issuer: EVN AG (power supply Lower Austria)
Rating: A3 (stab), A (neg)
Format: senior unsecured
volume: 300 million €
Duration: 13/04/2022
Settlement: 13/10/2011
Coupon:. fixed, n.bek Guidance: Mid Swap +180 to 190
Daimler floaters issued with a maturity of 18 months
Guidance: 3-month Euribor +90 bp
Daimler International Finance issued a loan with variable interest rates ("floaters") with a duration of 18 months. Expect a spread of 90 basis points over the 3-month Euribor. of the transaction:

Issuer: Daimler International Finance BV
Guarantor: Daimler AG
Ratings: A3, BBB +, A-
Running Time: 04/17/2013
Guidance: 3-month Euribor + 90 bp
Volume: min € 200 million
settlement: 17/10/2011
Listing: Luxembourg
documentation: EMTN
Denomination: EUR 1,000
Passporting: Germany, Netherlands, Austria
New Bond Issues: Eurobonds Beijing Enterprises Water Group, 2014, CNY

• Issuer, issue number: Beijing Enterprises Water Group, 2014, CNY
• Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
• Kind of bond: Dim Sum
• Type of bonds: Coupon bonds
• Issue status: outstanding
• Type of placement: public
• Par, minimum denomination: CNY, 1 000 000
• Par, integral multiple: CNY, 100 000
• Amount: 1 450 000 000
• Initial issue amount: 1 000 000 000
• ISIN RegS: HK0000083714
• Common Code RegS: 064411853
• Day Count Fraction: 30E/360
• Start of placement: Jun 24 2011
• End of placement: Sep 30 2011
• Coupon: 3.750%
• Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
• Settlement Date: Jun 30 2011
• Maturity date: Jun 30 2014
• Issue price: 100
• Yield at Pricing: 3.75%
• Early redemption terms: change-of-control put if Beijing Enterprises’ stake falls below 35%
• Issue Managers: BofA Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, DBS Bank, Macquarie, Standard Chartered Bank
• Geography Breakdown: Hong Kong 72%, Singapore 27% and other investors 1%.
• Type of Investors: Banks 48%, fund managers 28%, private banks 21% and others 3%.
• Additional information: Total orders for both tranches at Rmb2bn (USD300m) from 60 accounts
• Investment banks: Bookrunner(s):
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
DBS Bank
Standard Chartered Bank
HeidelbergCement issued CHF bond, coupon 7.25 to 7.50% expected
Volume: 150 million CHF
HeidelbergCement emits a high-yield bond with a maturity of 6 years and a volume of 150 million CHF. Expect a coupon of 7.25 to 7.50%. The transaction is accompanied by Deutsche Bank as sole bookrunner. of the transaction:

Issuer: HeidelbergCement Finance BV
Guarantor: Hanson Limited, HeidelbergCement AG and expectations.
Ratings: Ba2, BB
format: Senior unsecured
volume: 150 million CHF (will not be increased)
Running Time: 11/14/2017 (6 years)
Settlement: 11/14/2011
Bookrunner: German bank
Denomination: 5,000 CHF
LISTING: SIX Swiss Exchange
Documentation: EMTN
Ecco uno dei motivi per cui l' Tel.It scad. 2033 di Telecom It. continua a scendere:

[TLIT.MI] MILANO, 13 ottobre (Reuters) - Telecom Italia <TLIT.MI> ha dato mandato a un gruppo di banche per l'emissione di un bond benchmark in euro della durata
;)di 5 anni e scadenza 20 gennaio 2017.

E' quanto si legge su Ifr, servizio di Thomson Reuters. I libri sono aperti, con una guidance iniziale di rendimento
in area :eek:7,25%, che corrisponde a un tasso midswap in area +505 punti base. Il pricing è atteso oggi.

Le banche che hanno ricevuto il mandato sono BNP Paribas e Deutsche Bank come global lead e Banca IMI, BBVA, Citigroup e Mediobanca, come bookrunner. L'emittente ha rating 'Baa2' per Moody's e 'BBB' sia per S&P sia per Fitch
Ecco uno dei motivi per cui l' Tel.It scad. 2033 di Telecom It. continua a scendere:

[TLIT.MI] MILANO, 13 ottobre (Reuters) - Telecom Italia <TLIT.MI> ha dato mandato a un gruppo di banche per l'emissione di un bond benchmark in euro della durata
;)di 5 anni e scadenza 20 gennaio 2017.

E' quanto si legge su Ifr, servizio di Thomson Reuters. I libri sono aperti, con una guidance iniziale di rendimento
in area :eek:7,25%, che corrisponde a un tasso midswap in area +505 punti base. Il pricing è atteso oggi.

Le banche che hanno ricevuto il mandato sono BNP Paribas e Deutsche Bank come global lead e Banca IMI, BBVA, Citigroup e Mediobanca, come bookrunner. L'emittente ha rating 'Baa2' per Moody's e 'BBB' sia per S&P sia per Fitch
E allora ce la ritroveremo a 70 :)
New Bond Issues: Eurobonds Venezuela, 2026

• Issuer, issue number: Venezuela, 2026
• Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
• Type of bonds: Coupon bonds
• Issue status: outstanding
• Type of placement: public
• Par, minimum denomination: USD, 100
• Par, integral multiple: USD, 100
• Amount: 3 000 000 000
• Day Count Fraction: 30/360 US
• End of placement: Oct 11 2011
• Coupon: 11.750%
• Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
• Settlement Date: Oct 21 2011
• Maturity date: Oct 21 2026
• Issue price: 95
• Issue Managers: Coordinators: Credit Suisse, Evrofinance Mosnarbank
• Purpose: to finance the Great Mission Agro - Venezuela and the Great Work Mission Venezuela for fiscal year 2011
• Additional information: sold in the local market for bolivars at a predefined exchange rate of 4.3 VEF per USD. The offering period will be Oct 13 - Oct 14
• Files: Announcement (Spanish)
• Investment banks: Bookrunner:
Credit Suisse

Co-lead manager:
Evrofinance Mosnarbank

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